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本文认为欧盟《第二银行指令》全面推动了欧盟各成员国银行业规制协调,可将成员国近20年以来的银行业政策主要特点归纳为四个方面,即全面放松管制、私有化、鼓励银行并购和对外扩张,金融监管体制一体化。这些政策促进了各成员国银行业竞争和快速发展,提高了欧盟银行业效率和盈利,有助于降低消费者和企业的融资成本,提高欧盟银行业整体抗风险能力。  相似文献   
In horticultural markets, trade barriers often apply to the processed products whereas domestic support applies to farm-produced raw commodities. Here we assess the effects of such trade barriers and domestic support by simulating the effects of policy reform on global processing tomato markets, which are faced with modest processed product tariffs and high domestic support in the European Union (EU). Both protection and EU subsidy drive down world welfare, but we find that reducing import tariffs for tomato products would yield greater effects on markets and larger welfare impacts outside Europe than would reductions in EU domestic support.  相似文献   
欧盟于2006年底通过了堪称史上最为庞大、复杂苛刻的新化学品管理法——Reach法规。其实施必将对世界化工以及相关产业带来重大影响,同时作为一项新的技术性贸易壁垒也将对中欧化工品贸易以及我国化工产业造成重大影响。文章对REACH法规及其将带来的影响进行详尽解析,并从政府和市场层面,为我国相关企业提供应对的措施建议。  相似文献   
欧盟坚持等效的理念并积极推行"等效会计标准"认可,是基于自身利益考虑和会计准则国际趋同的实际情况做出的理性选择.欧盟已经把美国、日本和加拿大三国列作等效会计标准候选国.我国内地与香港会计准则实现等效有利于今后与欧盟、美国等国家和地区开展会计准则等效工作.我国应坚持"趋同是第一步,等效才是目标"的理念,积极推进我国会计准则国际等效,并力争早日成为欧盟的第四个等效标准候选国家.  相似文献   
《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(10):863-877
The paper argues that the Chinese standardisation system should not be perceived as a threat to international ICT standardisation and that the rather more relaxed attitude adopted by the EU is an adequate way forward. It claims that a co-operation based approach to the increasingly powerful relative newcomer is much more appropriate than one based on competition. These arguments are based on a discussion of the European and Chinese standardisation systems and on a subsequent SWOT analysis.  相似文献   
European power producers have a major influence on the EU ETS, given that both their CO2 emissions and their EUA (European Union Allowance) allocations account for more than half of the total volumes of the scheme. Fuel switching is often considered as the main short-term abatement measure under the EU ETS. It consists in substituting combined cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) for hard-coal plants in power generation. Thereby coal plants run for shorter periods, and CO2 emissions are reduced. This paper provides the first theoretical analysis of fuel switching, in a context where power plants involved are not equally efficient. We begin with a preliminary work using illustrative examples and sensitivity analyses, which enables us to observe how differences in the efficiency of power plants impact the cost of fuel switching, and how this is related to the level of switching effort. Based on this, we build a theoretical model taking into account the effect of differences in the efficiency of power plants involved in fuel switching. We also investigate the effect of the timing of fuel switching abatements, within the temporally defined environment of our dynamic model. Results demonstrate that the gas price and uncontrolled CO2 emissions act together on the carbon price. We show that the influence of the gas price on the carbon price depends on the level of uncontrolled CO2 emissions, due to heterogeneity of power plants that are used in the fuel switching process. Furthermore, we show that the time of occurrence of uncontrolled emissions matters so that shocks have a stronger impact when they occur in a period that is closed to the end of the phase.  相似文献   
“创新型联盟”是欧洲2020战略七大旗舰计划之首,由欧委会2010年10月公布,欧盟理事会2011年2月批准,是欧盟未来10年的科研与创新战略文件。该战略以10年内把欧盟建设成为“创新型联盟”为目标,要求欧盟把创新作为首要和压倒一切的政策目标,提出了加强研发投入、提高资金使用效益、实现教育现代化、4年内建成统一的欧洲研究区、简化科研计划管理、促进成果产业化、实现欧盟单一专利、启动“欧洲创新伙伴”行动、推动社会创新、加强国际合作等十项工作重点,并提出部署相关配套措施,开展欧盟层面的科研与创新绩效监测工作,确保“创新型联盟”各项目标的实现。本文是“创新型联盟”旗舰计划的译稿,供国内相关部门参考。  相似文献   
早在10年前,在欧元创立之初,欧元的国际地位就被提上了国际议程。随着全球金融危机的爆发,对美元的全球角色的质疑日渐增多,欧元受到了进一步关注。然而,当美元的国际地位备受审查时,欧盟及其货币还没有承担起任何积极主动的角色。本文探讨的是,欧元是否能逐渐成为国际货币,不仅在欧盟及其他国家的贸易中,还要在第三国之间的贸易中被使用,即欧元是否能挑战美元的当前地位,在国际货币体系中成为主要储备货币。  相似文献   
在现有国际体系中,不对称性是国际关系的主要特征之一,它与单位行为体的制衡行为直接相关联。随着全球化和区域主义的发展,不对称性已从国家层面扩展到地区层面,其原有内涵和制衡逻辑也发生了转移。以地区性作为比较区域间不对称的参考点,作者探讨了地区层面的制衡行为,分析了不对称性、地区性与制衡行为之间的关系,认为在不对称的国际关系中,弱势国家出于维护现状或提高讨价还价能力的需要,它们倾向于选择地区层次的制衡行为。由于地区层次的制衡行为伴随着一定的制度化风险,因此地区层次制衡行为的发生需有一定的条件。通过选取欧盟与东盟关系作为考察对象,作者认为,在不对称的国际关系中,地区性能够反映区域间的不对称关系,也代表了地区层次的制衡能力;地区层次的制衡行为没有特定目标,但主要以平衡大国或发达国家的地区性国家集团为主;当弱势国家的内部制衡无法在短期内得到质的提升时,它们会更倾向选择通过外部制衡,即利用区域间关系来平衡不对称关系。尤其在无政府状态下的单极体系中,当国际结构对霸权国的约束力被严重削弱时,地区层次的制衡作用便显得更加突出。  相似文献   
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