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Sustainable debt has become the key issue in rating of private as well as sovereign debtors. The problem of how to estimate sustainable debt has also been at the center of the debate over the Asian 1997–1998 financial crisis. If the external value of the currency depends on the external debt of a country, it is necessary to estimate the creditworthiness of the country. This paper studies credit risk and sustainable debt in the context of a dynamic model. For a dynamic growth model with an additional equation for the evolution of debt, we demonstrate of how to compute sustainable debt and creditworthiness. The model is estimated by employing time series data for the core countries of the Euro-area. The computations show that the Euro-area has large external assets. Using time series methods, the sustainability of external debt (assets) is estimated for those core countries of the Euro-area. Those estimations show that the Euro will be a stable currency in the long-run.  相似文献   
文章利用2004年芝加哥商品交易所的美元-欧元期货期权的信息,分析了其隐含偏度和隐含波动率在预测短期汇率中的效力。结果发现,隐含偏度、隐含波动率的偏度与每日汇率变化率有紧密的联系。  相似文献   
预计发达国家今明两年的经济增长将减缓,发展中国家虽然保持稳健增长的态势,但增长率将从2004年的6.8%减缓至2005年的5.8%,2006年则进一步减至5.7%。中国2006年全年继续维持9%左右的经济增长不致有太大问题。唯一担心的是2006年上半年中国可能出现通货紧缩。  相似文献   
选取人民币兑非主权国家货币——欧元的名义汇率,中国CPI指数及欧元区调和HICP指数的数据,以欧元正式成为欧元区唯一合法货币的起点2002年7月到2018年12月为样本,依据影响中欧汇率的重要节点事件对样本进行分段与结合,对人民币兑欧元购买力平价(PPP)成立与否进行协整检验。实证结论有:人民币汇率形成制度改革及欧元平稳运行后的(2005年8月—2018年12月)人民币兑欧元购买力平价协整检验成立;非主权国家货币欧元同样适用经典的购买力平价理论;2008年金融危机是影响汇率市场的重要节点事件,但长期不影响人民币兑欧元购买力平价成立;对PPP冲击影响最大的首先是汇率本身,其次依次是欧元区HICP、中国CPI。因此,购买力平价在一定程度上能够解释人民币兑欧元汇率,对中欧经贸往来有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
早在10年前,在欧元创立之初,欧元的国际地位就被提上了国际议程。随着全球金融危机的爆发,对美元的全球角色的质疑日渐增多,欧元受到了进一步关注。然而,当美元的国际地位备受审查时,欧盟及其货币还没有承担起任何积极主动的角色。本文探讨的是,欧元是否能逐渐成为国际货币,不仅在欧盟及其他国家的贸易中,还要在第三国之间的贸易中被使用,即欧元是否能挑战美元的当前地位,在国际货币体系中成为主要储备货币。  相似文献   
为全面了解欧元区成员国的财政运转状况,以1999年欧元区成立为界将欧元区财政状况划分两个阶段:在欧元启动之初,部分欧盟国家在经济指标尚不满足加入欧元区的现实下,隐瞒其真实负债水平,为日后欧元区主权债务危机的爆发埋下了隐患;加入欧元区后,各成员国为了刺激经济增长实施扩张性的财政政策使得赤字率和债务率相继超标,对加入欧元区的最初承诺已形同虚设.在债务危机急剧恶化的背景下,德、法等欧元区核心国实施的全方位救助程序短期内对遏止主权债务危机蔓延和维护欧元区稳定起到了决定性作用.  相似文献   
在欧元区内部,不同国家之间的通胀率存在不容忽视的差别。欧元区各经济体间究竟为什么会存在差别如此之大的通胀率呢?什么因素及在多大程度上影响了通胀率的差异?文章从巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应、价格的收敛效应、输入性通胀、本国要素市场结构差异、本国财政政策和经济周期等六个方面,使用实证数据和面板数据回归探讨了这些问题。  相似文献   
This paper addresses two main questions. First, it seeks to establish whether the stylized facts of the ‘great moderation’ that have been documented for the UK and US economies can be found for the Euro area. Second, it explores possible explanations for any changes that have occurred in the volatility of Euro area output fluctuations. In examining why business cycles have moderated, much of the existing literature has tended to concentrate on a few key factors. These include shifts in the structure of the economy, improved monetary policy and a ‘good luck’ factor. This paper, however, follows a relatively new branch of the great moderation literature by focusing on whether international business cycle linkages have changed in a way that may have perpetuated the dampening in Euro area output fluctuations. The results show Euro area output fluctuations to have significantly reduced in variability over the last quarter of a century. The results go on to highlight that, although Euro area cycles differ little from rest of the world cycles, the moderation in Euro area output fluctuations is only marginally due to changes in international business cycle linkages and smaller international and domestic shock variances.  相似文献   
基于Web的动态多媒体创作工具及传输新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐刚 《华东经济管理》2001,15(2):106-107
欧洲统一货币──欧元的出现,对欧洲的政治、经济产生了重大影响,是欧洲一体化进程中的一大创举。欧元启动后,其走势与人们的预期相差较大,原因有多方面。欧元将会进一步推动欧洲一体化向前发展。  相似文献   
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