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对当代国际私法学说及其实践情况的研究表明,我国的"国际交往互利说"缺乏国际互动的条件,无法运作。"利益增进说"才是合乎我们需要的国际私法学说。  相似文献   

The working of the “asset currency” provided by the Swedish note banking system in 1878–1901 is described. Natural and institutional conditions caused the demand for currency to peak in March and September, with troughs in July and January. The paper investigates how the Enskilda banks provided liquidity to solve the problem. This is done by describing how the volume of notes varied over the year, and how other balance sheet items co-moved with them. Strong seasonal co-variation is found particularly between lending and foreign payments media, varying like communicating vessels over the sailing season in May–October (when the sea was ice free and shipments were made).  相似文献   
本文从西方新修辞学视角入手,以温家宝总理哈弗大学演讲语料为研究对象,借鉴修辞学家肯尼斯·伯克的戏剧五位一体理论,分析公众演讲的模式,挖掘演讲背后的深层动机。  相似文献   
张昊 《商业研究》2003,(17):147-148
在前人关于间接代理的研究的基础上,探讨不披露委托人身份的代理同隐名代理的区别,倡导以新 《合同法》中关于委托的规定作为切入点,实现中西代理法律制度的融合,提出对不披露委托人身份的代理 与诚信原则的分歧的处理,从而引出关于第三人撤消权增设的有关问题。  相似文献   
发展经济学自诞生以来 ,其经济发展思想基本上有结构主义、新古典主义、新古典政治经济学这三种基本思路。通过其理论特征和实践战略的比较分析 ,结构主义在实践中表现为唯资本论、唯计划论和唯工业化论 ;新古典主义主要强调微观经济基础、市场机制和资源配置效率的重要性 ;而新古典政治经济学却认为制度是内生的 ,制度结构和非经济因素对资源配置和经济发展的影响显著 ,强调技术内生化、边干边学、知识外溢、劳动分工和政府作用的内生性 ,而且提倡可持续发展是一种科学的发展观 ,是发展经济学的新发展。  相似文献   
Environmental problems, especially in the case of water and air pollution, are the harmful result of the overconsumption of fossil fuels as well as various forms of industrial sewage water discharge. Recently, growing environmentally friendly purchasing behaviour of consumers has become regarded as an effective method for alleviating such environmental problems. Due to concerns regarding the natural environment, consumers have increasingly begun to exhibit favourable attitudes towards environmentally friendly products, and as a result, are more likely to purchase “green” products. However, green purchasing behaviour of consumers varies across different nations and cultures. This study aims to reveal how Chinese cultural values (specifically, the Doctrine of the Mean) influence green purchasing intention of Chinese consumers. As the lifestyles of consumers will be deeply affected by their cultural values, this study examines the mediating effects of the four dimensions of Chinese lifestyle have on consumers. At the same time, environmental knowledge is considered as a moderating variable in order to investigate the relationship between the Doctrine of the Mean and green purchasing intention. The study’s data were collected from Chinese consumers. Empirical results reveal that such Chinese cultural values are positively associated with green purchasing intention, and that three dimensions of consumer lifestyle (namely leadership, cost consciousness and development consciousness), are all found to play mediating roles in the relationship between the Doctrine of the Mean and green purchasing intention in Chinese consumers. The moderating effects of environmental knowledge are exhibited in the influence of leadership as well as development consciousness on green purchasing intention. The study’s findings have theoretical implications for understanding green purchasing intention as well as behaviour of Chinese consumers further. The study’s findings also present practical implications for how to promote green purchasing intention in Chinese consumers better.  相似文献   
This Paper addresses the intriguing issue of whether William Thomas Thornton plagiarized Francis Longe's (1866) pamphlet denouncing the classical wage fund doctrine. In doing so, the paper comprehensively reviews all of the corroborative evidence surrounding the plagiarism allegation laid against Thornton, drawing particular attention to a little known letter to The Times written by Thornton, in an effort to clear his good name of any impropriety. It is the conclusion of this paper that Thornton has no case to answer; the evidence not only from Thornton's own early work on wages and trade unions, together with additional corroborative evidence suggests that far from having plagiarized Longe's (1866) work, Thornton apticipated many of his ideas.  相似文献   
Abstract. This paper summarizes and critically surveys research on hyperinflation. Appraisal and review of the literature considers the origins, development, termination, and the lessons to be learned from hyperinflations. The historical evidence as well as the econometric evidence is analyzed. It is concluded that while the lessons to be learned from such episodes perhaps have been overstated a number of useful implications may be derived from studying hyperinflations, such as an understanding of the forces which link monetary and fiscal policies to inflation, and policy makers'role in influencing individuals'expectations.  相似文献   
等同原则在美国专利侵权判定中的产生与发展、法官及法院对等同原则的理解与把握,充分发挥并展示了其作为制度性工具的利益平衡价值。基于平衡专利权人与社会公共利益的需要,面对等同原则在我国专利诉讼中实际运用的现实,我国应当在《专利法》第三次修改时明确规定等同原则,并在专利法司法解释中明确等同原则适用的具体规则、建立统一的专利(或者知识产权)上诉法院,以从制度上及体制上保证等同原则的司法统一适用。  相似文献   
陈洪杰 《当代金融研究》2021,2021(1):200-208
在包括赵春华案在内的诸多引发舆论关注的争议案件中,法官或许并非不是不懂得如何利用社科法学的判断能力与法教义学的裁判技术去弥合司法标准与公众认知之间的巨大断裂,而更可能是基于其“父爱”式的社会“管制”取向而对司法后果的实质合理性问题做出了“爱之深,责之切”的价值决断。在中国特色社会主义法律体系已经形成的历史背景下,为了保证良法的颁行能够导向预期的善治,法律必须以其作为“社会交往机制”的系统潜力而彰显其公理性与司法的合理性。只有首先确立基于交往原则和承认社会自主性的权力逻辑与法律决策结构,那种体现“人性化”“人文化”和“人权化”的方法论逻辑才有可能在法律的运作中获得国家体制官僚无法武断拒斥的实效。  相似文献   
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