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我们选择市场经济,是因为迄今为止的历史证明市场经济是可以富其国裕其民的。然而,我们所要的富裕,不是少数人的富裕,而是人民群众的共同富裕。不仅要富裕,而且必须是共同富裕的市场经济。因此,我们必须对市场经济进行改造,创造出我们自己的市场经济,这就是有中国特色的社会主义市场经济。该文遵循实事求是和历史唯物主义的原则,从市场经济旨在提高效率、社会主义则是坚持党的领导和社会公正、路径依赖和历史沿革体现了市场经济的中国特色等四个方面论证了中国共产党领导全国人民选择社会主义市场经济是一个具有历史必然性的伟大选择。这样的选择使得中国经济发展和人民富裕。  相似文献   
中国居民储蓄率的特征事实及其政策含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用资金流量表数据探讨了中国国民储蓄的部门特征以及居民储蓄在其中的地位及其变化、研究显示:1978年以来。中国居民储蓄率总体上呈现出明显的上升趋势,其中在上世纪90年代的增速最快.而在2000年以后一直保持在较高水平:并且中国的居民储蓄率明显高于世界主要发达国家和转型经济国家的同期水平;从国民储蓄的部门特征来看:居民储蓄始终是国民储蓄中最重要且稳定的组成部分,进一步的分析显示.近年来居民部门的收入占比呈现出较大幅度的下降,但居民储蓄倾向却增长明显,从而导致居民部门储蓄率的基本稳定。文章最后提出了相关的政策建议.  相似文献   
The impact of changes in food labeling policy on food consumption depends on how market participants—both firms and consumers—react to the changes across all products in the market. We investigate how both responded to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 2006 rule mandating that the quantity of trans fat in food products be separately labeled on the mandatory Nutrition Facts Panel across an entire differentiated product category. Using a longitudinal data set tracking both product offerings and consumer purchases in the market for margarine and spreads for over a decade, we analyze how product mix and consumer purchase behaviors were influenced by the new regulatory requirement. We find that the number of products bearing voluntary “trans fat free” labels increased after the labeling regulation was implemented. However, a large number of the newly introduced products exited the market within five years. As a result, the FDA’s 2006 rule had a stronger short-run than long-run effect on product offerings. Even after the introduction of additional “trans fat free” labeled products, such products remained only a small percentage of margarine and spreads product offerings, increasing from a pre-regulation level of 2.3% of the market to a peak of 6.5% in 2007 before dropping to 3.1% by 2011. In addition to firm response, we examine demand-side reactions to the 2006 rule and find that consumers significantly increased their expenditures on “trans fat free” labeled products soon after the labeling changes were implemented, increasing from about 1.2% of the market in 2001 to a peak of 5.9% in 2007, before returning to 1.8% in 2011. We further explore variations in responses across different demographic characteristics. Although long-run effects are small, the market for “trans fat free” labeled margarine and spreads settled into a new equilibrium with a somewhat higher level of products in the market than prior to the 2006 rule taking effect and a somewhat higher share of expenditures in the category. Overall, our category-wide analysis of both firm and consumer behavior indicates that the effects of the labeling policy change were smaller in the longer run in this market than would be indicated by an analysis of only new product introductions in response to the policy change.  相似文献   
Does nutrition information on food products lead to healthier food choices?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the link between nutrition label use and consumers’ healthier food choices. Label use is considered for the two main types of labels currently found on food products; nutrition facts panels and nutrition/health claims. This link is tested using a three-equation multivariate probit model. Data were obtained from an ad hoc survey conducted in two medium-sized Spanish cities. The results indicate that the use of nutrition information by consumers, whether this involves the fact panel or the claim labels, does influence consumer choice of healthier food products to the same extent, although different types of consumers use the various types of labels considered.  相似文献   
While economists of all persuasions undoubtedly agree that universal economic literacy would be desirable, there appears to be substantial disagreement over what economic literacy is, what problems most need to be addressed, and how they can best be solved. These differences are clearly reflected in their diverse views as to what the goals should be for teaching economics in secondary schools. This paper specifically examines the recommendations offered in a paper on economic content standards by leaders of the economic education movement in the U.S. and finds them seriously wanting.  相似文献   
Consumer use of the Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) is an important topic of interest to researchers and public policymakers. Studies conducted in the United States and elsewhere find high levels of self-reported use of the NFP or its equivalent. However, data from self-reports may inflate estimated NFP use due to social desirability problems. Utilizing data from an online experiment, we examine whether consumers choose to view the NFP when assessing the nutritional properties and disease-fighting abilities of foods. We also examine the antecedents of NFP-viewing behavior and its implications for the accuracy of healthfulness judgments and the potential for overgeneralization. We conclude with a discussion of the public policy implications of our results and point to directions for future research.  相似文献   
技术增长率的部门差异和经济增长率的“驼峰形”变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
迄今的长期经济增长历史表明,经济增长速度具有"驼峰形"特征,即中等收入时增长速度快,人均收入水平高时次之,收入水平低时最慢。经济增长的历史同时表明,增长速度快的时期几乎都伴随着经济结构剧烈变化。本文试图在新古典理论框架内,构建经济增长模型来解释驼峰形特征以及促成它的经济结构变化。数值实验表明,模型结果合理地解释"驼峰形"的经济事实,而且与Kaldor事实和Kuznetz事实同时相容。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, inwieweit die empirische Controllingforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum von 1990 bis 2007 belastbare Aussagen (“Stylized Facts”) zum Zusammenhang zwischen der Gestaltung der Planung als bedeutsamem Teil der Controllerarbeit und dem Controlling- bzw. Unternehmenserfolg erarbeitet hat. Insgesamt werden fünfzehn Studien analysiert, aus denen Stylized Facts zu Planungsintensit?t, Planungsrationalit?t, Planungsoffenheit, Planungsintegration und Planungsdauer sowie zu Opportunismus und Kompetenzgef?lle als soziale Gestaltungsfaktoren der Planung hergeleitet werden. Zum einen zeigen die Ergebnisse den Beitrag der empirischen Controllingforschung zum Verst?ndnis der Planung als Führungsteilfunktion. Zum anderen k?nnen verschiedenste Aussagen zur Gestaltung der Planung in handlungsleitender Form an die Unternehmenspraxis zurückgespielt werden.   相似文献   
"不利可得事实"是美国商务部对华反补贴调查经常使用的一种证据规则,此种规则通过借口中国政府"未能尽全力配合调查、提供资料",从而在缺乏确凿证据、且实体规则不利于美国的情况下推定补贴成立。在2012年的两起新能源反补贴案中,美国就曾借用此规则,先后规避"公共机构认定"、"电力、土地补贴"、"出口信贷补贴"等问题当中多项实体规则。由于WTO缺乏相应规则、WTO裁决并无案外效力,我国在WTO体制下难以获得有效的救济;同时,由于美国司法审查的消极性,在美国法院诉讼同样无济于事。此问题的解决,一方面依赖世界各国对"不利可得事实"滥用的危害有清醒认识并共同改进规则;另一方面,具体到新能源问题,应推动国家间谈判与磋商,以期通过合作而非对抗达到共赢。  相似文献   
本文对金融危机前后(2006~2009年)中美两国经济指标的波动性和协动性进行系统比较,发现两国的宏观经济波动特征有显著差异。这种差异有些属于金融危机期间的非常规现象,有些与中国特殊的调控措施、经济发展模式有关。就上述差异的理解对于分析宏观经济形势、制定宏观调控政策都是非常有帮助的。  相似文献   
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