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Sections 404a and 404b of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act require management and external auditors, respectively, to report on the adequacy of a company’s internal control over financial reporting (ICFR). Larger public firms were first required to file a management report and have an external audit of ICFR in 2004. Smaller public firms were first required to file a management report on ICFR in 2007 but are exempt from the attestation requirement. We investigate the distinct effect of management reports on financial reporting quality. We find that management reports on ICFR improve reporting quality and demonstrate that there are financial reporting benefits from the management report requirement on its own without attestation.  相似文献   
The external audit of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) is a very expensive and contentious aspect of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX). Larger public firms were first required to file a management report on and have an external audit of ICFR in 2004. Smaller public firms were first required to file a management report on ICFR in 2007 but are exempt from the audit requirement. Whereas most related prior research investigates the combined effect of management and auditor reports on financial reporting, this study examines the distinct effect of auditor reports on reporting quality. For companies audited by small auditors, we find evidence that financial reporting quality improves with an auditor report on ICFR. We find no evidence that auditor ICFR reports improve reporting quality for clients of Big 4 or Second-tier audit firms. Our study adds to the debate on the applicability of SOX Section 404 to smaller firms.  相似文献   
美国贸易法301条款的修订及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国贸易法301条款是一项可以单方启动调查并认定他国法律、政策、行为违反协定或者不公平继而实施报复制裁的对外贸易措施,分为普通301条款、特别301条款与超级301条款。301条款最初简明规定了总统的权力和国会的否认权,但其后的修订对301条款的内容进行了扩展并使其更具体化。特别是301条款根据《2015年贸易便捷和贸易促进法》做出重大修改,涵盖了WTO体系尚未涵盖但最近已纳入自贸协定的新领域。然而,这些针对外国贸易活动的单方决定和措施附加等至今备受争议,且已对强调多边贸易争端解决的WTO体系构成严重威胁。美国贸易法301条款的修订主要围绕着美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)的措施、决定、对外国政府相关政策的监督、确认贸易自由化的优先顺序以及知识产权不适当保护的应对等内容进行。针对美国不断启动的301条款调查,我国应与美国积极开展沟通与协商,加强与美国产业界的接触和交流,发挥全球化程度高的企业的作用,力争以谈话和谈判化解矛盾;促进产业转型升级,重新审视“走出去”战略;履行加入WTO时的承诺,完善全方位的开放体制;合理拓展中国企业的海外利益,完善风险防范机制。  相似文献   
主体功能区建设是优化空间结构的重要途径,四川地震灾后重建是一次强制性的空间结构变迁。四川主体功能区建设和地震灾后重建具有内在的统一性。论文在分析四川地震灾后对主体功能区建设的影响的基础上,重点对主体功能区建设促进灾后重建的路径进行了探索。  相似文献   
刘珠江 《价值工程》2011,30(3):275-275
本文先用圈闭形成期法、烃源岩主生烃期法、饱和压力法得出研究区油气成藏的大致年代,然后根据包裹体均一温度法确定油气充注的具体期次,最后综合分析得出研究区三期成藏的结论。  相似文献   
对337条款在GATT1994下合法性的正确评判,将会影响对337条款的态度及应对策略的制定.20世纪80年代,加拿大和欧共体曾经分别在关贸总协定体系内挑战过337条款的合法性.第一个案件专家组报告肯定了该案中337条款的合法性,第二个案件专家组报告对337条款的合法性总体上予以肯定,但也指出了337条款四个具体违法之...  相似文献   
中国风电产业在国际市场崛起的挑战分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年,以金凤科技、华锐风电为代表的中国风电企业在赢得了快速增长之后展现出加快国际化步伐的态势。尽管现在走出去的中国风电企业仍是少数,但国际化进程已不可避免。本文着重总结了中国风电企业在国际化过程中会面临的挑战,并以美对华301调查为案例,分析了其给中国风电产业带来的风险和影响,从中获得启示,以加快我国新能源产业国际化的步伐。  相似文献   
对337条款在GATT1994下合法性的正确评判,将会影响对337条款的态度及应对策略的制定。20世纪80年代,加拿大和欧共体曾经分别在关贸总协定体系内挑战过337条款的合法性。第一个案件专家组报告肯定了该案中337条款的合法性,第二个案件专家组报告对337条款的合法性总体上予以肯定,但也指出了337条款四个具体违法之处。1994年,美国制定了《乌拉圭回合协议法》,有针对性地对专家组报告指出的四点进行了修改。修改后,337条款已经符合GATT1994的要求。一般性地起诉337条款违反GATT1994非常困难,可以在个案中结合具体案情向WTO申诉。  相似文献   
美国钢铁保护由来已久,美国总统3月5日宣布启动201条款实施钢铁保障措施的决定,引来世界各国注目。201条款带有贸易保护主义色彩且存在法律漏洞。此外,本文就WTO保障条款浅析美国保障措施的不合法之处,并就我国实际情况,针对美国钢铁保障措施做出应对之策,完善我国保障措施立法。  相似文献   
In this study, we investigate the effects of firms' internal control weakness (ICW) disclosures on their customers. We hypothesize that ICW disclosure adversely affects customers' perceptions of firms' ability and incentive to honor implicit commitments to customers, and as such, customers are less willing to buy from such firms. We thus expect a decline in firms' sales growth after ICW disclosure. We find a significant decline in sales growth subsequent to Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Section 404 ICW disclosure after controlling for firms' past sales growth and other factors affecting sales performance and internal control. This result is robust to the consideration of selection bias in ICW disclosure. We also find that the decline is more pronounced for firms with company-level ICW disclosure, with industrial customers, in the durable goods industries, with high research and development (R&D) intensity, or without subsequent remediation of ICW. Taken together, these results are consistent with the argument that ICW concerns customers more when the implicit contracts between the firms and their customers are more intensive.  相似文献   
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