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赵莉 《经济研究导刊》2010,(30):26-27,71
追求高绩效对于企业而言是一个永远不变的目标。建设优秀的绩效文化是践行国家电网公司文化的重要支撑。宜昌供电公司变电检修中心从理念宣贯入手,狠抓绩效指标体系的设计与执行。通过绩效文化建设,变电检修中心的管理水平、员工素质均获得大幅提升,企业科学发展的步伐持续加大。  相似文献   
夏由清 《特区经济》2009,(2):186-187
社会不断进步,中小企业得到了迅猛发展,中小企业占湖南经济的比重也日趋扩大,已经成为湖南创造就业机会的主要渠道和制度创新与技术创新的主体,不仅户数众多,而且规模小,是市场竞争的弱者。本文在分析湖南省大多数中小企业在发展中出现的问题基础上,提出了湖南中小企业发展的基本思路和对策。  相似文献   
本文认为,由于国有企业产权结构、激励与约束机制的欠完善影响了国有企业治理机制的进一步规范,导致了国有企业效益损失和效率低下,更引发了多层次的社会矛盾.国有投资公司的独特的市场地位和行业特点决定了其能够作为理想的机构投资者,必将能在完善国有企业治理机制中发挥出重要的作用.  相似文献   
本文以上海宝钢益昌薄板有限公司为研究对象,分析了宝钢益昌电子商务系统的构建模式,指出钢铁企业电子商务系统构建的关键路径和技术路线。认为订货-生产-销售的主流程上集成质量监测和资金监测而形成的电子商务综合系统是钢铁企业电子商务平台的构建核心。  相似文献   
胡燕喃 《特区经济》2008,235(8):218-219
本文针对劳动密集型企业的特点,分析了劳动力短缺给其带来招工难和成本上升的不利影响。最后从人力资源管理、培养自主创新能力和"外迁"策略等方面提出了一些有现实借鉴意义的观点和措施。  相似文献   

Many Mid dle East ern and North Af ri can (MENA) coun -tries are mak ing val iant ef forts to re form their eco nomic sys tems to boost growth and liv ing stan dards. Mul ti na tional Com panies (MNCs) are generally thought to have a ma jor part to play in help ing these coun tries to de velop. The prob lems caused by gov ern men tal sys tems that placed legal and bu reau cratic ob sta cles and pro hi bi tions in the way of For eign Direct In vest ment (FDI) ac tiv i ties are un der at tack in many coun tries. The World Bank (WB) and the In ter na tional Mon e tary Fund (IMF) in sist on the adop tion of busi ness-friendly pol i cies for those coun tries that seek their aid. More over, mem ber ship of the World Trade Or ga ni za tion (WTO) also re quires coun tries to re form their gov ern men tal sys tems. The prize at the end of the pain ful re form pro cess is higher growth of ten driven by FDI ac tiv i ties. In re cent years, FDI to de vel op ing and for mer com mu nist coun tries has con sid er ably in creased. How ever, some de vel -op ing coun tries (no ta bly, Af rica and large parts of the Mid dle East) have not bene fited to the same ex tent as many Asian and Cen tral and East Euro pean coun tries. More over, MNCs have fo cused on In ter na tional Joint Ven tures (IJVs) as the main means of en ter ing these coun tries. This form of en try may not be the best method to trans fer tech nol ogy and to ob tain the best re sults of the in ter ac tion be tween MNCs and host coun tries. This pa per seeks to ex plore this is sue by use of a qual i ta tive study of IJVs in Jor dan. The pa per uses a new in stitutional eco nomic framework that high lights the im por tance of in for mal in sti tu tional sys tems for the de cision on mode of en try. The re sults of the study in di cate that MNCs in Jordan would pre fer to use fully-owned sub sid iar ies, but the char ac ter is tics of the in for mal in sti tu tional sys tem in Jor dan re sults in high trans ac tion costs that can best be re duced by the use of IJVs. Thus al though Jor dan has un der gone sig nif i cant re form to her eco nomic sys tem, the prob lems caused by the na ture of in for mal in sti tu tional sys tems have lim ited the growth of what might have been more ben e fi cial FDI. [Ar ti cle cop ie s available for a fee from The Haworth Doc u ment De liv ery Ser vice  相似文献   
云计算是一种全新的IT服务交付模式,是引领未来信息产业创新的关键战略性技术和手段,它能有效解决中小企业资源的动态需求和最终成本等问题,它为中小企业降低成本、完善管理、推进信息化发展、实现资源集成,它是形成和提升中小企业竞争力的关键因素。文章分析了现代商业社会中的中小企业竞争环境,以及中小企业实践云计算的价值,从IaaS、PaaS、SaaS三个方面阐述了中小企业实践云计算的策略,说明了中小企业IT向云演进的步骤,以及中小企业实践云的模式,并给出中小企业云的基础构架。文章还提出了中小企业云计算安全策略。  相似文献   
杨满春  马世萍 《物流科技》2005,28(6):104-105
污亏是当前企业会计报表信息失真的一种主要表现形式。本文针对我国企业经常出现的潜亏现象,分析其产生的原因和表现手段,提出了解决的对策,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
倪明 《乡镇经济》2004,(1):28-31
由于ERP在我国企业实施的成功率非常低,使得企业面对ERP项目徘徊不定。本文主要针对这一现象运用系统的观点分析了EPR成功的关键因素,通过比较两个案例总结出开发ERP的方法,并提出如何提高开发和实施ERP的成功率的建议。  相似文献   
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