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从收容遣送制度到社会救助制度的优化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对收容遣送制度、流浪救助制度建立的价值目标及手段进行比较分析,指出流浪救助制度在立法目的、救助手段、权利倾向、政府责任承担上的优化,进一步指出现行流浪救助制度的新问题,并指出流浪救助制度发展的方向。期待流浪救助制度能不断优化。从而使流浪救助制度价值目标实现逐步走向完善。  相似文献   
对社会网络理论的发展和应用进行了回顾,重点评述国内外关于流动人口的社会网络研究。国外利用社会网络视角系统研究流动人口的成果相对较少,而国内的流动人口研究主要集中于农村流动人口的网络结构分析和求职网络研究。多数研究只是对个体网络的基本特性作描述性分析,将社会网络作为研究对象而不是研究方法。对未来利用社会网络分析方法进行农村流动人口的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   
通过实证调查的资料对三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况作了描述,对影响其社会适应性的因素进行了分析。就总的社会适应性而言,一半以上的移民已基本适应了迁入地的生活。与三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况密切相关的因素主要有搬迁前后经济收入的差异、当地居民的态度、语言适应性、政府关心状况、迁入地治安状况、住房条件的差异。  相似文献   
Delayed integration (DI) is a rule for taxing migrants. It requires that immigrants be taxed in the host country only after some period of transition. Conversely, emigrants are released from the obligation to pay taxes only after a certain period. DI is an alternative to the Employment Principle and the Home-Country Principle. The former governs the international taxation of labor. The latter is a close substitute for the Nationality Principle, on which US tax law is based. The paper studies DI in a setting which allows one to trade off the efficiency costs of distortionary taxation and of wasteful government.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the question of whether migrants pay a rent premium for apartments of comparable quality and neighborhood characteristics. We use a two-step selection-correction model augmented by a control function to account for nonrandom neighborhood choice. The estimation sample is a uniquely assembled panel comprising the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), information on household and apartment characteristics, as well as georeferenced data describing neighborhood quality. Our estimates reveal that people with migration backgrounds are not penalized in the German local rental market in terms of higher rental payments.  相似文献   
将课题组2009年在青海省三江源地区5个移民村的调查数据和迁出区与迁入区的非移民数据进行对比,运用迁移差别指数对三江源生态移民的特征作了分析。由于是以家庭为单位的迁移,三江源生态移民在年龄、性别、文化程度、民族结构等方面的选择性不强,但生态移民的家庭规模却呈现普遍小于非移民家庭的特征,另外,生态移民迁移前草场面积和牛羊头数平均低于非移民家庭。这种选择特征不利于三江源生态移民工程保护三江源生态环境目标的实现。从今后的政策应对上提出了建议。  相似文献   
This paper unpacks the dominant conceptualizations of talent management (TM) in contemporary academic publications, and considers these in relation to the increasingly important workforce population of skilled international migrants. It postulates that TM approaches are generally built from a relatively narrow human capital-based perspective wherein organizations focus on readily accessible and immediate skills, ignoring the longer term strategic potential of the international workforce of skilled migrants, particularly for multinational enterprises and other international organizations. Through a series of propositions, the paper highlights how organizations, in strategically using a more comprehensive TM lens rather than a human capital lens in approaching the TM of skilled migrants, could benefit from improved HRM performance over time. It also proposes a research agenda, by which future studies might test, explore, and further develop understanding on a more strategic utilization of skilled migrants in organizations.  相似文献   
North American seasonal migrants, who are usually retired, typically live in recreational vehicle/mobile home park communities in the southern U. S. during the winter months. This study examines the importance of specific park characteristics in the park selection process and uses the case of winter migrants in south Texas to demonstrate how parks may use a modified approach of importance–performance analysis and the promoter–detractor methodology to assess how well the parks perform on selected attributes. The analysis of survey responses from 1429 winter Texans categorized attributes based on the attributes' impact range and asymmetrical impact on park recommendation likelihood. Overall, seasonal migrants based their choice of location for their winter home largely on physical appearance (e.g., cleanliness) and affect (i.e., friendliness and caring management). Wireless Internet access and low rates were also of high importance. But park recommendation likelihood varies depending on the migrants' satisfaction with important attributes' performance.  相似文献   
农民工处于城乡二元分割体制的夹缝中,得不到最基本的医疗保障,不仅被城市医疗保障体系拒之门外,而且在实际操作上又不为新型农村合作医疗所接受。农民工医疗保障制度缺失凸显政府在促进社会公平、提供公共服务方面的“缺位”和“不到位”。促进社会公平、保障基本公共服务均等化是市场经济条件下当今政府的首要职责,也是各级政府职能部门增进服务意识,提高服务能力的工作重点所在。因此,在为农民工建构医疗保险制度过程中,首先应当澄清认识误区,明确政府的责任定位,在此前提下,对构建农民工医疗保险制度中的政府责任做如下定位:立法责任、制度责任、财政责任、组织责任、监督责任,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
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