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邓小平能够敢想敢做,在于他鲜明的创新精神。邓小平的创新精神来源于他对党和人民事业的无限忠 诚;实事求是的思想方法和求真务实的工作态度;非凡的勇气和胆略;密切联系群众的优良作风;以及高瞻远瞩的战 略眼光和敏锐的时代洞察力。  相似文献   
并购企业的文化整合方式有多种模式选择。在论述“消亡模式”文化整合及其适应条件下,对并购企业采取“消亡模式”文化整合的过程和方法进行了探讨;提出了从全新的心智模式上升为企业的规章制度,并形成新的企业文化过程中,管理职能所起的特定作用;结合联想并购IBM全球PC业务案例,进行了应用分析。  相似文献   
The market as a mind is the implicit premise in any discussion on whether the market is rational or not. Still, its implications, in terms of ontology and epistemology, are hardly understood. In particular, this paper defines the market's version of the mind-body problem and labels it as finance's “hard” problem. Its denial by modern finance causes this dominant paradigm to fail in dealing with reality in general and to produce incomplete investment knowledge in particular. Finally, as part of facing up to this problem, this paper offers a glimpse at a practical approach which may enrich investment research.  相似文献   
"立象以尽意"是一个哲学命题,它反映的是存在和表达方式之间的关系。经由哲学领域发展到文学领域后,这一命题对中国古典诗歌创作产生了重大影响,成为古典诗歌创作的范式。诗人们的创作遵循"言不尽意———立象以尽意"这一思维模式,从语言之"象"、无形之"象"、有形之"象"三个方面,试图在诗歌中树立起一个大于语言本身的"象",从而来实现"尽意"的目的。正是这种创作范式,形成了中国古典诗歌含蓄隽永、意境深远的艺术特征。  相似文献   
建立市场经济体制以后,国家征地补偿依然延续计划经济时期的做法,使农民不能参与工业化、城市化进程,不能分享土地增值收益,导致社会矛盾激化。我国目前发展方式存在的主要问题是资源粗放利用,低效、浪费;吃子孙饭,透支未来;发展成果不能共享,利益分配不公,社会矛盾日渐突出。这都与现行征地制度有着直接或间接的关系。因此,转变发展方式,必须进一步解放思想,从根本上改变现行征地制度。  相似文献   
关于构建和谐校园的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党的十六届四中全会提出了建设和谐社会的新理念,学校作为社会的有机组成部分,应把构建和谐校园作为一项重要工作来抓。构建和谐校园必须充分关注教师的心理健康和心理和谐;而处理好学校内部各个群体之间的利益关系,则是构建和谐校园的重要内容和基本保证。  相似文献   
The organisation of corporate wikis tends to deteriorate as time goes by. Rearranging categories, structuring articles and even moving sections among articles are cumbersome tasks in current wiki engines. This discourages the layman. But, it is the layman who writes the articles, knows the wiki content and detects refactoring opportunities. Our goal is to improve the refactoring affordances of current wiki engines by providing an alternative front-end tuned to refactoring. This is achieved by (1) surfacing the structure of the wiki corpus as a mind map, and (2) conducting refactoring as mind map reshaping. To this end, we introduce WikiWhirl, a domain-specific language for wiki refactoring. WikiWhirl is supported as an extension of FreeMind, a popular mind mapping tool. In this way, refactoring operations are intuitively conducted as actions upon mind map nodes. In a refactoring session a user imports the wiki structure as a FreeMind map; next, conducts the refactoring operations on the map, and finally, the effects are saved in the wiki database. The operational semantics of the WikiWhirl operations follow refactoring good practices (e.g., authorship preservation). Results from a controlled experiment suggest that WikiWhirl outperforms MediaWiki in three main affordance enablers: understandability, productivity and fulfillment of refactoring good practices.  相似文献   
针对智能控制课程特点和教学现状,将思维导图引入智能控制课程教学中,对帮助学生梳理思维,衔接整体知识体系、激发学习兴趣、促进教学效果的提高等方面具有重要的作用。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义理论体系具有十分丰富的科学内涵。高职院校要从加强主渠道建设和探索新途径方面推进中国特色社会主义理论体系进教材、进课堂、进学生头脑的工作并增强其针对性和实效性。  相似文献   
导游工作倦怠及其影响因素的调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文通过对导游工作倦怠的调查 ,以探讨影响导游工作倦怠的因素 ,以及工作倦怠对导游身心健康和工作满意度的影响。在分析调查结果的基础上 ,提出了降低导游工作倦怠的建议。  相似文献   
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