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以往的知识共享研究都集中于共同文化背景下的知识共享;而当前企业越来越多地面临着跨文化环境下的知识共享问题。本文分析了跨文化环境的含义、来源与特征以及对知识共享的影响,并提出了跨文化环境下的知识共享策略。  相似文献   
论文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化已经成功地把世界上各个国家紧密连接成为一个动态的整体。中美两国间的经贸往来飞速发展,双方商务谈判越来越频繁,因此,两国谈判者了解中美文化的差异就显得十分重要。中国与美国之间的文化差异对商务谈判的影响很大,必须正确处理商务谈判过程中出现的文化差异问题。  相似文献   
在英语教学中,我们要教授的不仅仅是语言知识本身,还应包括蕴涵在语言当中的文化知识。这在经济全球化的今天是极为必要的。培养学生的跨文化交际能力,是英语教学的主要目标之一。文中探讨了在大学英语教学中如何培养学生的此种能力。  相似文献   
Knowledge sharing plays a crucial role in how hospitality organizations gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Using meta-analytic examinations based on 275 relationships from 54 primary studies, the current study proposes an integrative framework at both an employee and organizational level. Accordingly, this study comprehensively investigates the relations of knowledge sharing with its antecedents and consequences at both levels by synthesizing effect size estimates. Also, this study supplementarily conducts full-information meta-analytic structural equation modeling to examine the causality of proposed relationships. This study further examines the moderating roles of certain sub-dimensions of knowledge sharing and regions in each relationship of knowledge sharing with its predictors and outcomes. Based on findings derived from robust meta-analytic procedures, the authors identify several important patterns of findings. This study provides an advanced understanding of the nomological network of knowledge sharing in the hospitality organizational context.  相似文献   
Tourists with dissimilar cultural backgrounds think and behave differently. Precisely capturing and correctly understanding the cultural difference will help tourism managers generate greater customer satisfaction and increased business revenue. To this end, this paper uncovers and compares the motivation and satisfaction of restaurant tourist customers coming from China and U.S. by investigating their online ratings and reviews. From two major online review communities, customer ratings and reviews have been retrieved, quantified, text-mined, compared, and interpreted using statistics, latent Dirichlet allocation, and frequency analysis. Results suggest that Chinese tourists are less inclined to assign lower ratings to restaurants, and are more strongly fascinated by the food offered, whereas U.S. tourists are more apt to be fun-seeking, and are less uncomfortable with crowdedness.  相似文献   
Global human resource managers need to understand which personality characteristics contribute to leadership effectiveness in different cultures for both selection and training purposes. This meta-analysis demonstrates that leaders’ emotional intelligence (EI) demonstrates incremental validity and relative weight in predicting subordinates’ task performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) after controlling for the Big Five and cognitive ability. The relationship between leaders’ EI and subordinates’ task performance is stronger in collectivistic, feminine, and high uncertainty avoidance cultures. The relationship between leaders’ EI and subordinates’ OCB is stronger in high power distance, collectivistic, feminine, high uncertainty avoidance, long-term oriented, and restraint cultures.  相似文献   
Although extensive studies have focused on the impact of different types of sales promotions on consumers’ responses, few studies examined the effects of online sales promotional framing on consumers’ responses from cross-cultural perspective. Therefore, this study explored how cross-cultural differences moderated the effects of buy one get one free and buy two get fifty percent off promotion on consumer responses across China (lower uncertainty avoidance) and Pakistan (higher uncertainty avoidance). Based on the promotional framing effect theory, an empirical investigation across these two countries revealed that people with higher uncertainty avoidance (vs. lower uncertainty avoidance) prefer buy one get one free to buy two get fifty percent off promotion. Buy one get one free will lead to higher consumer perceived quality and purchase intention than buy two get fifty percent off promotion in both Pakistan and China, while the impact of buy one get one free and buy two get fifty percent off on perceived risk, perceived quality, perceived value and purchase intention are significantly larger in Pakistan than in China. In addition, the study verified the negative perceived risk-perceived value link, positive perceived quality-perceived value link and positive perceived value-purchase intention link from cross-cultural investigated data. The study provides new insights into the effects of online sales promotions on consumers’ responses considering cultural differences. Our findings have implications for multinational corporate managers to design appropriate online sales promotions strategies.  相似文献   
随着中国对外合作关系的深入发展,中国公司面临的跨国谈判也在日益增加。由于跨国谈判的谈判方都是由来自不同国家和化背景的人组成的,在谈判过程中谈判各利益方就会不可避免地遇到许多单化谈判中不会遇到的挑战。这篇论从7个方面探讨了在跨国谈判中谈判利益方应该注意的一些问题.以推动谈判过程中双赢协议的达成。这7个方面包括谈判前的准备工作、谈判中的化问题以及谈判时的一些细节问题。  相似文献   
文章首先论述了服务营销中的一个重要概念——服务接触的含义和研究的重要性,然后运用霍夫施泰德的文化维度理论重点分析了不同文化背景下服务接触的差异。最后简要阐述了对服务企业国际化的管理启示。  相似文献   
Green consumption is evolving and has received much attention from retailers and academic. Previous studies reveal a gap among green purchase intention and green purchase actual behaviour under different cultural contexts. This intention-behaviour gap is unresearched in the green consumption context. Therefore, our examination seeks to plug this gap by exploring the mediating role of implementation intention and the moderating role of action self-efficacy, environmental knowledge, coping self-efficacy, and green value on the link among intention and behaviour in two different cultural contexts. Data were gathered from two different countries (i.e., Saudi Arabia and UK) consumers who are familiar with green consumption. We analysed our data using structural equation modelling to test the suggested model. The findings revealed that implementation intentions fully mediate the relationships between purchase intentions and purchase behaviour. They also indicated that action self-efficacy, environmental knowledge, coping self-efficacy, and green value moderate the association between intention and actual behaviour. Moreover, results indicated that the influence of green purchase intentions and implementations intentions on green purchase behaviour was stronger in the UK sample than in Saudi Arabia sample. This paper provides managers and retailers with meaningful implications that show how to convert green purchase intentions into green purchase behaviour within different cultural contexts.  相似文献   
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