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卢梭揭示了启蒙运动开启的现代性危机,指出启蒙思想家们的科学主义社会观导致政治的腐化、道德的衰败和人性的异化。他用"自然"来对抗启蒙运动的"文明",用共和主义的道德概念来对抗启蒙运动的现代进步概念,其深刻洞见一直影响和启迪着各种反科学主义的思潮,呈现出强大的生命力。  相似文献   

Several works emphasise the similarities between Rousseau and Smith's analysis of self-interest. We will show, along the lines of Le Jalle, that these similarities end on a divergent appreciation of the importance of envy in commercial societies for, contrary to Rousseau, Smith did not consider envy to be a major threat in commercial societies. Part 1 presents their quite similar definitions of envy based on three characteristics: envy comes from a disadvantageous comparison with others; it is painful and malevolent. Part 2, then, studies their moral psychology, or the way they understand the relationship between sympathy and pity on the one hand, and comparison and envy on the other. Here, we identify significant differences between our two philosophers which might explain why they have opposing views on the predominance of envy in commercial societies and on the issue of inequalities of wealth as we show in Part 3. Rousseau thinks that envy increases with wealth and inequality and thus pervades commercial societies, while Smith sees envy as the exception rather than the rule, and, moreover, does not provide a historical genesis for envy. For Smith, it is emulation rather than envy which is the driving force of the progress of society.  相似文献   
卢梭的道德教育思想及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢梭是自然教育思想的主要代表人物.他的道德教育思想是以自然教育为基础的,主张应根据人的不同阶段明确道德教育任务,在道德教育的目的、方法上要重视符合儿童特点.卢梭的道德教育思想对当今教育仍有启示作用.  相似文献   

This paper examines the arguments advanced by Rousseau to explain his rejection of monetary exchange. First we show that the rejection of money as mean of exchange expresses a dismissal of any form of exchange, motivated by a need for independence. In Julie, the community of Clarens exemplifies an autarchic, paternalistic economy that is at once unequal and deceptive. To understand why Rousseau chose such a downbeat solution to the problems arising from the organisation of the division of labour, we make a parallel between the economic and amatory themes, showing in each case the dependence upon others produced by the development of amour-propre.  相似文献   

Rousseau's relation to the Physiocrats has long been described as a “missed encounter” of which the Rousseau's letter to Mirabeau would serve as evidence. In opposition to this statement, I show in this article that this letter may offer a reliable prism which sheds light on Rousseau's meaningful opposition to physiocratic views. This opposition can be analyzed along three distinct conceptual lines, each interesting in its own right, and with regard to the birth of our political modernity. These are the theory of government, the definition of interest, and the interaction between public opinion and the formation of citizenship.  相似文献   
以刘师培在清末民族资产阶级宪政思潮中最具代表性的著作《中国民约精义》中对《社会契约论》的解读为视角,讨论他对社会契约(民约)的认识,讨论中国古代的政治体制三段说,以及对君主、政府、人民三者关系的认识.结论是:刘师培从资产阶级革命的目的出发,为推翻满清王朝的封建统治而鼓吹卢梭的《社会契约论》中的观念,对民众进行“天赋人权”、“主权在民”等资产阶级民主革命思想的启蒙教育,在当时无疑具有十分重要的积极意义.他试图用中华上古的旧有典籍来为卢梭的《社会契约论》中的观念戴上一顶本土论的帽子,其论证方法本身就是存在问题的,也是难以自圆其说的.刘师培等“国粹派”追求的幻灭当属历史的必然.  相似文献   

The concept of envy is present both in Rousseau's economic philosophy and in modern economic theory. This paper compares these different uses of the concept and studies the relevance of the definition of envy adopted on each side, taking into account what is at stake when a notion of envy is introduced. It will be shown that Rousseau's envy cannot be expressed by modern conceptions of envy. Nevertheless, it enlightens the debate between the two competing notions of envy present in modern economic theory, revealing that the existence of envy questions the notion of self-interest.  相似文献   
卢梭的政府理论是我们思考现代民主政治的重要参考,这首先需要我们去理解卢梭论证政府的理路。贴近阅读卢梭《社会契约论》卷三,以其为线索可以区分出政府的形式合法性和实质合法性论证两方面。就形式合法性而言,政府是人民和法律的执行代理人;就实质合法性言之,自由政府才是合法统治的部分。同时,这种区分也是理解卢梭政府比例等式——主权者∶政府=政府:臣民的一个进路。卢梭政府理论的合法性论证,对我国建设法治型政府具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
在卢梭看来,财产权是经社会公认与法律规定双重维度加以凝固和确立起来的。人类自我完善化能力的发展,在促进人类社会进步和人类智慧增长的同时,导致了人们财产的不平等状态。不正义的政治社会的出现,将人们财产的不平等通过法律永久化、合法化地确立了下来。卢梭试图通过缔结社会契约的方式,创建一个正义与合法的民主共和国,以立法手段将人们的财产维持在一个大体平等的状态。卢梭的财产观富有民主激情与平等精神,对我国当前构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的现实启示。  相似文献   
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