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基于循环经济的环境财务分析指标体系构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国的经济增长与自然环境之间的矛盾十分突出,需要大力发展循环经济,而建立环境财务分析指标体系,有助于推动企业循环经济的发展。本文介绍了循环经济的基本理论,简要回顾了国内外关于循环经济的理论研究成果。在此基础上,分析了循环经济对传统财务分析指标的影响,主要体现在主体多元化、目标多元化和指标多样化上。并根据3R原则设计了若干环境财务分析指标,指出了这些指标在沃尔评分法中的应用。  相似文献   
We argue that in seeking to insure against model uncertainty, monetary policy makers are often ready to trade ex post performance for greater certainty in the outcome. They thus look for rules that although not optimal ex post, have certain properties that qualify them as robust. We apply first, Gul's approach of ‘disappointment’ aversion to describe policy makers' aversion to uncertainty and then define the properties the notion of ‘robustness’ entails. With these two tools we then link the desirability of such robust rules to the degree of policy makers' aversion to uncertainty. We thus show that provided such robust rules exist, a larger degree of disappointment aversion leads to a greater emphasis on robustness in policy implementation.  相似文献   
We provide preliminary evidence, consistent with Skinner (1995), that Canada's relatively principles‐based GAAP yield higher accrual quality than the United States' relatively rules‐based GAAP. These results stem from a comparison of the Dechow‐Dichev (2002) measure of accrual quality for cross‐listed Canadian firms reporting under both Canadian and U.S. GAAP. However, we document lower accrual quality for Canadian firms reporting under U.S. GAAP than for U.S. firms, which are subject to stronger U.S. oversight, reporting under U.S. GAAP. The latter results suggest that stronger U.S. oversight compensates for inferior accrual quality associated with rules‐based GAAP. Consistent with the positive effect of Canada's principles‐based GAAP and the offsetting negative effect of Canada's weaker oversight, we find no overall difference in accrual quality between Canadian firms reporting under Canadian GAAP and U.S. firms reporting under U.S. GAAP. Our results imply that (1) policymakers who wish to compare the effectiveness of oversight across jurisdictions must control for the GAAP effect; and (2) accounting standard‐setters who wish to compare the effectiveness of principles‐ versus rules‐based GAAP must control for oversight strength.  相似文献   
多边贸易体制中的"原产国标记"与乌拉圭回合《原产地规则协议》对用于海关贸易统计的一般原产地规则做出了原则性规定,但对优惠原产地方面却没有制订出为世界各国所接受的多边规定,致使优惠原产地规则被滥用,对世界贸易产生不均衡性影响。我国原产地规则领域存在的问题突出表现为立法滞后、法规不周详不健全;出口货物原产地授予标准过宽,致使原产地规则不具备宏观调控和投资结构政策导向功能;进口商品原产地认定标准过宽,危害我国幼稚产业的健康发展等方面,导致我国加工贸易减少,对我国吸引外商投资的环境改善将产生不利影响。  相似文献   
In recent years, much has been written on the nature of management accounting change, and indeed stability. Many researchers have used concepts such as rules and routines to interpret this change and/or stability. Recent research has provided an increasingly clear picture of what rules and routines are, as well as contributing to our understanding of the processes of change and stability in management accounting.Management accounting research has mainly presented rules and routines as related phenomena, but some conceptual work has suggested they are separable and can (and possibly should) be considered independently when studying processes of change/stability within management accounting. However, empirical support for such work has been scarce to date. This paper uses data from the archival records of the Guinness company in an effort to establish whether rules and routines, at least in management accounting research, are best considered separable concepts or not. The archival records are artefacts of rules and routines and thus can be used to trace the interactions of rules and routines over time. Support for the notion that rules and routines should be considered separately is presented. The findings also portray the stable, but changing, nature of management accounting routines over time; a point worthy of further research.  相似文献   
Theory and policy relating to labor markets is dominated by the mainstream labor market model, although a less well-known, socioeconomic version can also be identified. The mainstream model is methodologically flawed and forced, thereby, to relegate any (serious) investigation of labor market institutions and/or social structures to the margins of its analysis. The socioeconomic account is not so much methodologically flawed, as methodologically ambivalent. While this ambivalence does not actually prevent the investigation of institutions and/or social structures, it does promote ambiguity whenever we inquire into the precise nature of the interaction between them and labor markets. Insights from Austrian economics, when used in collaboration with critical realist methodology, can play a part in augmenting the socioeconomic account, generating a totally new approach to the analysis of labor markets.
Steve FleetwoodEmail:
与以往的国际公约相比较,《鹿特丹规则》下承运人的责任与义务发生了较大变化。本文将探讨该规则下承运人责任与义务规范的变化及其影响,以期为贸易商提供因应策略参考。  相似文献   
伴随着东亚地区经济体迅速签署大量的FTA,导致东亚地区出现所谓的意大利面条碗效应。特别是东盟从自身利益出发,推动建立了东盟+1FTA网络,试图充当轮轴国,这一做法更加恶化了意大利面条碗效应。为了应对意大利面条碗效应,有必要在东亚地区推动建立大范围的FTA,目前看来更可行的办法是先加强东盟内部贸易便利化和能力建设,以期2015年东盟自贸区建成后能开始推动东亚地区实施统一原产地规则方面的贸易便利化措施。  相似文献   
为了鼓励出口企业自主创新,特殊经济区的地方政府可对国家没有实行全额出口退税但具有中国专利、已登记作品版权或自有出口商标的产品实行出口货物增值税未退进项税额地方财政部分返还政策,沿海经济发达地区的地方政府可对出口产品实行受托设计项目营业税地方财政减半返还政策和免费提供海外市场自主知识产权覆盖公共服务政策。  相似文献   
FTA原产地规则的实施,给FTA成员国以及非成员国带来的影响是多方面的和复杂的。本文以NAFTA的原产地规则为例,从贸易、投资、就业和成本这四个方面实际分析FTA原产地规则实施的影响。  相似文献   
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