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谭焕新 《价值工程》2011,30(15):237-238
通常情况下,在言语交际中,遵循会话合作原则是有助于交际顺利进行和信息有效传递的,但在一些情境中有意违反合作原则是作为一种会话策略来帮助实现发话者的交际目的。从对量的准则的违反、质的准则的违反、关系准则的违反以及方式准则的违反四个方面论述了故意违反会话合作原则所产生的特殊语用意义以及独特的语言效果。  相似文献   
小说《后宫甄嬛传》的经典对白是其特色,作者借助大量人物对话塑造了生动的人物形象,进而挖掘故事的主题。从语用学的角度,运用Grice的会话含意理论中的合作原则和语境理论分析《后宫甄嬛传》中会话含意是如何产生的。  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the nature of disagreement, which is a necessary component of a good discussion. We obtained 27 group discussion scenes by Japanese undergraduates that were evaluated by two ways: impression rating and ranking. As a result of factor analysis for the impression rating data, five factors were extracted: activeness, multidirection and unification of discussion, relationships of participants, development and sophistication of discussion, and sincerity of the participants, and each factor scores of each scene was simultaneously calculated. Each scene’s rank score was also calculated by relative comparisons. A significant positive correlation was found between the mean factor and the rank scores except for Factor 3 (relationships of participants). To consider the reason for the difference relating to Factor 3’s score, we scrutinized the discussion process of four scenes of the different patterns of the factor and rank scores. From the analysis of conversations, we suggested that this difference reflected ways of disagreement. By introducing a probative discourse tags for discussion (pDTD), we reasoned that the frequency of disagreement made Factor 3’s score negative and the absence of the second part of adjacency pairs made the rank score worse. The explicit speech and actions of blame such as emotional and aggressive expression, and neglect of treatment for the minor opinion made also the discussion unfair, but we think that these behaviors might erupt from the ground made by the accumulated implicit behaviors such as the absence of the second part. We finally concluded that the criticism type of disagreement increased the rank scores, and its censure type produced lower results, and the proper ways of disagreement in group discussions were discussed.  相似文献   
听力理解是语言教学的重要内容。会话含义是指语用含义或话语的言下之意,弦外之音。遵循会话含 义的基本概念、原则,有助于听力理解的提高。教师在教学中应传授有关会话含义的理论知识,以帮助学生正确理解 话语含意,提高听力理解水平。  相似文献   
会话附加语易被人们所忽视。但在现代语言学追求真实语话的前提下,有时显得较为重要。适时适地妙用附加语,无疑会使话语显得更流畅,和谐、幽默而且当人们在会话中出现种种会话障碍,陷入尴尬境地时,附加语的运用就能使人们及时修正障碍,摆脱会话“窘境”,消除误解,澄清事实,从而使交际顺利进行。  相似文献   
英语话语风格具有性别特征:在言语交际中男性常采用支配、粗犷和随意违反言语交际规则的话语风格:而女性则比较注意遵守各种言语交际规则和面子理论,更多地采用含蓄、得体和礼貌的交际风格使言语交际能进行得更为顺畅.  相似文献   
按照区别性特征[+/-对称称呼],小学《英语》教材会话中标识话轮参与者的称呼,可分成称呼对称模式与不对称模式两大类。对每一称呼模式所引发的常规关系及心理建模进行语用分析,明确找出单独使用姓氏的英汉语差异,可减少小学生在即时心理建模时产生偏误。  相似文献   
The various stages in the history of statistical computing are illustrated by personal experiences. The stages include batch processing, interactive working, and the consultative mode. Statistical aspects associated with one or more of these stages include the development of general algorithms, procedures for model checking, and data-driven non-parametric modelling.  相似文献   
语音学研究的不仅仅是语言的发音,还研究语言的语调及节奏。传统的语音教学只注重传授音标知识,而忽略了语音表意传情的功能。要改变以往单调、枯燥的语言教学,教师应该借助先进的多媒体教学手段,引入语音学中会话含义的概念,引导学生充分利用语音表达和理解话语的真实意图,提高学生的语言交际能力。  相似文献   
幽默是指一种含蓄而充满机智、讽刺与诙谐的辞令,揭露生活中乖讹和不通情理之处.在日常会话中,当说话人的语义层面和听话人的语义层面相交叉时,易形成幽默.语篇衔接、会话原则和言语行为的不合理运用,都会造成对话语的不同理解,产生歧义,构成了幽默的基础.  相似文献   
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