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基于循环经济的环境财务分析指标体系构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国的经济增长与自然环境之间的矛盾十分突出,需要大力发展循环经济,而建立环境财务分析指标体系,有助于推动企业循环经济的发展。本文介绍了循环经济的基本理论,简要回顾了国内外关于循环经济的理论研究成果。在此基础上,分析了循环经济对传统财务分析指标的影响,主要体现在主体多元化、目标多元化和指标多样化上。并根据3R原则设计了若干环境财务分析指标,指出了这些指标在沃尔评分法中的应用。  相似文献   
公司治理作为公司利益相关者的制度安排是由一系列的控制制度管理的。良好的内部会计控制是正确处理公司利益相关者关系,完善公司治理的重要保证,同时还有利于内部会计控制系统的健全。本文认为,企业必须根据公司治理的需要,建立健全企业内部会计控制系统,以促进企业持续稳定发展。  相似文献   
Improvements in risk disclosure have been an important part of the corporate governance reforms. This paper is intended to identify the factors that explain the extent to which a sample of 35 listed Spanish firms disclose risk-related information. This study focuses on the risk disclosures made in the corporate governance reports during the year 2009. Using the content analysis technique an index was developed in order to assess the amount and quality of the risk information disclosed by Spanish companies. Several characteristics were selected and their influence on the level of risk disclosure was tested empirically. Results indicate that sector and risk level are positively related to the extent of corporate risk disclosures. This study adds to the international research on risk disclosure by extending the scope of the current understanding of risk reporting practices and their determinants. The findings could be especially useful for regulators and policy-makers in order to enhance risk disclosure and to improve transparency.  相似文献   
作为乡村旅游的一种形式——森林人家,其利益相关者之间的利益平衡与其持续发展密不可分。根据利益相关者理论,森林人家利益相关者包括当地居民、旅游企业、政府及旅游者,分析了三个涉及经营的利益主体的特征。以漳州市龙佳森林人家为案例研究,实地调查其发展概况。案例点的经营模式是企业主导型模式,其经营主体是旅游企业;其经营过程中出现利益分配不平衡、利益激励不健全、环境影响的利益补偿缺失问题。结合各主要利益相关者的利益诉求,提出从利益表达、利益分配、利益补偿、利益激励、利益保障五个方面进行完善,从而实现其经营中的利益均衡。  相似文献   
This article examines how the international business (IB) literature has addressed social responsibility issues in the past 50 years, highlighting key developments and implications from a historical perspective. Specific attention is paid to the Journal of World Business (JWB), which has covered the whole period and published relevant articles related to these issues, in comparison to the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), the other long-standing IB journal. The article outlines that they illustrate different conceptualizations of IB and social responsibility. The 50-year review shows three subthemes: the (green) environment; ethics, rights and responsibilities; poverty and (sustainable) development. These are discussed consecutively, including main contributions and promising areas to further the field.  相似文献   
以褐色土地再利用过程中污染企业、地方政府、开发商和社区居民四类主要利益相关者的"理性"策略选择为依据,运用博弈论经典模型对褐色土地再利用冲突进行解析,剖析各利益相关者之间冲突形成的现实原因,提出解决冲突的对策措施。即建立褐色土地鉴定识别统一标准、制定污染治理责任认定法律法规、形成褐色土地污染信息管理机制、支持褐色土地污染治理技术创新以及创建褐色土地污染治理激励机制。  相似文献   
利益相关者视角下的高技术上市公司绩效评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
因子分析法是多指标综合评价的一种理想方法。选取高技术上市公司为样本,采用因子分析法对高技术上市公司的业绩进行综合评价,以期为广大的投资者、企业以及利益相关者的投资决策提供参考信息。  相似文献   
公私合营PPP模式作为基础设施项目融资建设的新方式,在城市轨道交通项目中的应用已成为新的研究热点。PPP项目结构复杂、参与方众多,决策和设计阶段的干系人管理对项目顺利实施有较大影响。根据利益相关者理论,在识别徐州城市轨道交通项目干系人,并对其进一步细分的基础上,详细分析了徐州城市轨道交通项目各干系人的期望与要求,提出了基于全寿命周期的项目干系人动态管控,可从主体识别、参与动力、参与过程以及绩效评价机制4个方面提高管理效率,为PPP模式下项目干系人管理策略决策提供一种新思路,对于同类项目管理实践具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
企业控制权演变与财权配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业的财权配置是企业所有权的核心内容。从最初的业主制企业到现代的股份公司,财权配置主要是企业内部各利益主体(如股东、经营等)之间的权力分配和合约安排。随着企业控制权的演变及“利益相关理论”的兴起,企业的财权配置应不仅仅是股东和经营的企业内部财权配置,而应扩展到包括外部利益相关在内的外部财权配置,以及为保证利益相关财权配置实现的相机治理机制。  相似文献   
This paper examines why and how firms participate in issue networks that aim at solving contemporary complex problems. We build mainly on network and stakeholder literatures to understand mobilization from a relational perspective. Drawing on a single embedded case study of four initiatives to save the Baltic Sea, we build a multilevel model for firm participation in issue networks. Besides discovering diverse motivational factors, the model sheds light on the interaction between individual, organization, and network levels factors explaining mobilization. We argue that there is high theoretical, managerial, and societal relevance for studying the dynamics of issue networks—a topic which could be better incorporated in the research agenda of business network scholars.  相似文献   
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