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While the customer-to-manufacturer (C2M) business model has received increasing attention as a new business model for e-commerce and retail industry, little is still known about it and the effect of its approach. This study aims to understand how brand-related stimuli in C2M environments affect customer responses as the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The outcomes reveal that the Sensory, affective, and intellectual aspects of brand experience positively influence brand authenticity. Brand authenticity has a positive effect on behavioral intention, such as reuse intention and word-of-mouth. Additionally, this research finds that social presence moderates the association between the sensory aspect of brand experience. Thus, this study can suggest a C2M business model as a means of sustainable operation of the retail industry to both researchers and practitioners in relation to the retail industry.  相似文献   
This study develops the AIEDA tourism advertising effects model and examines this model by tourism destination types and advertising formats in a field experiment. The AIEDA model extends the traditional AIDA model in the advertising field and additionally considers the unique features of tourism products. It includes five hierarchical stages: Attention→ Interest→Evaluation (Perceived Usefulness→ Perceived Credibility) → Desire →Action. Findings of experimental research indicate that destination type and advertising format have main effects and interaction effects on tourism advertising effects. In addition, this study discovered that, for natural and cultural destinations, video ads yielded similar or more positive advertising effects than virtual reality ads, whereas print was the least effective advertising format.  相似文献   
The omni-channel shopping phenomenon creates major challenges for brick-and-mortar stores to remain relevant and appeal to customers. A way to counteract these challenges is to offer customers a journey where in-store experiences enable them to encounter numerous physical and virtual touchpoints evoked by affective, cognitive, physical, relational, sensorial and symbolic responses. This study ascertained the customer journey activated by the experiences causing value and resulting in intentions to revisit a retailer specializing in outdoor apparel. Our web-based survey collected 300 valid responses for analyses. The statistical analyses confirmed a positive relationship between the customer in-shop experience factors and the shopping trip value experienced, which in turn mediated the relationship with intention to repatronage. Some conclusions are made and various suggestions for future research are recommended.  相似文献   
吴忠军  唐晓云 《经济地理》2004,24(1):139-143
文章以龙胜国内游客行为研究为例对民族旅游地国内游客行为进行研究,通过大量的文案调研和问卷调研,重点分析了龙胜国内游客的人口统计学特征、需求与消费行为、游客的时空分布。在对游客行为的影响因素进行研究的同时,探讨了游客行为研究在市场导向型旅游规划产品设计中的应用。  相似文献   
互惠和信任是社会交换的普适准则。本文基于社会交换理论,以中国境内各类企业972位管理人员为样本,试图研究领导风格与员工工作态度之间的关系,尤其是组织与员工间的互惠和员工的组织信任在其中的中介作用。在初步研究的基础上,本文对变革型领导、事务型领导、广义互惠、平衡互惠、员工的组织信任、组织承诺和离职意愿各概念进行了系统的探索性分析和验证性分析,接着检验了这七个核心概念的区分效度。研究结论表明:(1)变革型领导不仅直接对员工的组织信任和组织承诺产生作用,而且通过组织对员工的广义和平衡互惠使员工产生对组织的信任,从而提高员工的组织承诺和降低员工的离职意愿;(2)事务型领导仅仅通过互惠对员工的组织信任和组织承诺产生作用;(3)广义互惠直接影响员工的组织承诺,平衡互惠通过组织信任影响员工的组织承诺。研究结论告诉我国企业领导者,首先,尽可能锻炼自己,努力成为变革型领导者。其次,要努力塑造互惠和信任的企业文化,并且特别着重于建设广义互惠的企业文化和制度环境。  相似文献   
广西旅游形象的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游形象调查技术在旅游形象策划中起着重要的作用,它是旅游形象策划的定性分析的基础。在对广西旅游形象进行了实地问卷调查的基础上,对调查结果进行了科学地分析和总结,是进一步进行广西旅游形象策划依据的实证基础。  相似文献   
In the organizational career management literature, scholars have focused on career management policies, with little attention given to practices that can vary within organizations. And despite its recognized importance, research on the role of leaders in the career management process is also scant. In this study, we investigate the effects of career management practices (OCPs) and leadership career support (LCS) on employee attitudes. Grounded on coping theory, we propose that career support received from line managers can be particularly consequential when OCPs are lacking. We analyze the moderating effects of LCS on the relationship between OCPs and both job satisfaction and turnover intention in a sample of employees from a large Brazilian organization, applying multiple regression analyses. Results showed that OCPs and LCS are positively related to job satisfaction and that OCPs are negatively related to turnover intention. In addition, we confirmed that LCS moderates the relationship between OCPs and both job satisfaction and turnover intention. Finally, we observed that the relationship between OCPs and turnover intention is mediated by job satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
[目的]农业资源环境是农业产品质量保障的基础,农业科技创新有力支撑农业产业发展,探究农业绿色生产技术的影响因素与经济效益,对保障农业产业绿色发展,提高农户绿色生产积极性具有重要意义。[方法]文章基于2020年河北省定兴县实地调研所得的219份农户数据,通过二元Logistic模型分析农户采纳绿色生产技术的影响因素,在此基础上运用倾向得分匹配方法研究技术采纳对农户家庭经济效益的作用水平。[结果](1)虽然定兴县绿色生产技术推广取得一定成效,共有67.58%的农户采纳一种或多种绿色生产技术,但采纳程度有待提高。(2)农户的年龄、受教育程度、大棚类型、是否加入合作社、是否接受技术培训以及政府是否给予指导显著影响农户技术采纳决策。(3)采纳绿色生产技术的农户与未采纳组相比每公顷年均收入增加28.44%;测土配方技术、病虫害绿色防控技术分别带来26.52%和14.90%的增收效应,并分别在1%和5%的水平上显著,节水灌溉技术和废弃物循环利用技术增收效果不显著。[结论]绿色生产技术能显著提高农户收入,因此政府要加强对绿色生产技术的推广,通过技术培训、经济激励、构建技术推广体系等措施提高农户绿色生产...  相似文献   
企业社会责任相对水平与消费者购买意向关系的实证研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
行业内的相对企业社会责任(CSR)水平与消费者购买意向关系的实证研究表明:行业内的相对CSR水平高(或低),消费者购买意向也相应地高(或低);消费者能够接受的CSR处于行业领先水平企业的产品提价的幅度显著小于要求CSR处于行业落后水平企业的产品降价的幅度;在参照对象分别为CSR处于行业落后水平企业的产品和参照对象为CSR处于行业中等水平企业的产品时,消费者对CSR处于行业领先水平企业的产品的购买意向存在显著差异,但愿意接受的提价幅度没有显著差异。  相似文献   
[目的]生物菌肥对于土壤改良、环境改善、食品安全具有重要意义,但目前生物菌肥在整个肥料产业中所占份额较小,迫切需要探讨如何从农户角度提高生物菌肥的施用比例。[方法]基于设施蔬菜农户的数据,构建Bivariate Probit模型,对农户生物菌肥的购买意愿和行为的影响因素进行比较研究。[结果]农户的生物菌肥购买意愿和行为总体上呈现一致性,愿意购买的农户中有97. 77%的农户具有实际的购买行为;但两者的影响因素有所差异,从差异因素来看,质量安全检测对购买意愿具有显著的正向影响,但对购买行为的影响并不显著;农户文化程度、种植年限、对无公害、绿色、有机蔬菜的了解程度,经销商推荐,施肥指导对购买行为具有显著的正向影响。从共同因素来看,生态环境认知变量对购买意愿和购买行为影响不显著。[结论]要推广生物菌肥,需要进一步加强质量安全检测体系对农业行为的约束性,提升经销商的规范经营意识,采用集中招标等灵活的价格政策,提升农户的生态技能,并在保护生态环境方面出台更完善的农业绿色发展政策。  相似文献   
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