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海南岛休闲农业布局现状的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]全面分析海南岛休闲农业布局现状,为海南岛休闲农业科学合理规划和均衡协调发展提供决策参考。[方法]文章利用海南岛259家休闲农业企业的地理数据,采用比较、缓冲、密度分析工具,从数量、类型、密度、距离衰减方面实证分析海南岛休闲农业的布局特征,并提出相应的优化对策。[结果](1)海南岛东部、中部和西部休闲农业数量分布比重分别为51%、29%和20%,其中国家级示范点数量分布比重分别为83%、17%和0%;(2)休闲农业主要类型有休闲农庄、观光农园、市民农园和农家乐,除休闲农庄在东部、中部、西部分布较均匀外,其他类型分布较不均衡;(3)距离市县中心越远,休闲农业分布密度越小,95%的休闲农业分布在距离市县中心30km以内,距离市县中心10~15km是休闲农业的高峰集聚区;(4)海南岛休闲农业已在海口、保亭、三亚、澄迈、琼中、琼海、定安、儋州形成8个高度集聚带。[结论]海南岛休闲农业无论在数量、类型和密度上都是东部地区最多,中部次之,西部最少。应积极推进具有农业发展优势的地区,因地制宜拓展产业休闲功能;休闲农业产品类型单一的地区,深度挖掘特色资源和文化内涵;加强休闲农业点与旅游景区、生活服务中心之间的跨区域联系,形成和谐发展的有机旅游整体,使休闲农业真正成为农业转型、农民增收的引擎。  相似文献   
我国的反腐败已经进入了一个特殊的高原期,能否实现政治体制上端的重大改革,是决定中国反腐败能否实现突破的关键。政治体制上端改革要坚持三个不动摇、发展党内民主、完善人民代表大会制度和改革政党制度,可以建立"廉洁岛"式的政治特区。  相似文献   
随着全球经济的快速发展和陆地自然资源的日趋紧缺,海洋开发利用已成为许多国家重要的经济战略。我国是海洋大国,丰富的岛屿资源是我国海洋开发的重要依托。开发海岛资源,主要从发展海洋渔业入手,但不同的发展模式显示出不同的发展前景。在对山东省长岛县和辽宁省长海县的经济发展模式做简要对比分析后,探寻海岛经济可持续发展规律,并对相关问题进行思考。  相似文献   
自然生态空间用途管制分区划定研究——以平潭岛为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:在明确自然生态空间内涵和分类的基础上,探讨自然生态空间用途管制分区划定的逻辑框架和技术方法,提出自然生态空间分类、分级管制规则。研究方法:文献综述与GIS空间分析。研究结果:根据不同自然生态系统类型及其空间分布特征将自然生态空间类型划分为森林生态空间、草地生态空间、湿地生态空间和荒地生态空间;基于景观功能识别并按不同管控等级将自然生态空间管制类型区划分为红线区、橙线区和黄线区;同时,依据不同地块主要功能进一步确定自然生态空间用途管制分级,划定用途管制分区结果。研究结论:基于"区域主体功能—景观主导功能—地块主要功能"的自然生态空间管制分区划定逻辑框架,可为构建以功能分类、用途分区、管控分级为导向的自然生态空间用途管制体系提供理论依据和实践借鉴。  相似文献   
Islands possess their own patterns of spatial and temporal evolution as tourist destinations. Taking Dachangshan Island as an example, two key stages were identified: a 'landscape-oriented' period from 2002 to 2009, and a 'background' stage from 2009 to 2012. Co-existing with both periods was changing spatial and land-use patterns of expansion and intensification. Using spatial mapping techniques, it was found that tourist resources were found to be the original driving force, tourist transportation and social and economic factors were endogenous determinants of change, and tourist enterprises and source markets subject to government policies the exogenous factors.  相似文献   
Small Island Tourism Economies (SITEs) are developing sovereign countries that rely on tourism as a source of exports, and need a consistent inflow of foreign investment in order to facilitate economic growth. Access to international capital markets helps SITEs smooth out their consumption over time, while absorbing adverse domestic production shocks. This paper provides a comparison of tourism growth, country risk returns and their associated volatilities (or uncertainty) for 2 SITEs, namely Cyprus and Malta. Monthly data are available for both international tourist arrivals and composite country risk ratings compiled by the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) for the period May 1986 to May 2002. The time-varying conditional variances of tourism growth and country risk returns for the 2 SITEs are analysed using multivariate models of conditional volatility. Empirical results show that Cyprus and Malta are complementary destinations for international tourists. Changes to tourism patterns in Cyprus lead to changes to tourism patterns in Malta. Hence, tour operators and national tourism promotion authorities in Cyprus and Malta should collaborate closely in marketing and promoting joint tourism products. Moreover, foreign entities interested in investing in the tourism sectors of Cyprus and Malta should consider investment projects that span a long period of time. The performance of the tourism sector and the associated composite risk are independent of each other for the two countries. However, there is a direct relationship between the tourism sectors of Cyprus and Malta and their respective country risk settings.  相似文献   
The pursuit of sustainable destination tourism should begin with an understanding of resident subjectivities. Residents are concerned with good governance and cultural integrity, and they are aware of their role as stakeholders in tourism in their communities. In this study, residents of Orchid Island, Taiwan, were interviewed using Q method in order to evaluate their subjectivities toward tourism. Forty-two statements regarding a theoretically and historically defined discourse of tourism were sorted by 34 respondents. This forced-choice method revealed four types of subjectivities, which are distinguished as Culture Broker, Cultural Conservative, Cultural Purist and Pragmatic Governance. The results show how the respondents perceived tourism in their destination. They agreed upon certain core issues regarding destination tourism, while contesting other issues. Respondents held strong views concerning how government policy affects their community and how tourism and culture shape each other. It is concluded that many issues in tourism research are highly relevant to residents of small tourism destination communities. This implies that tourism research should focus on understanding and coordinating resident subjectivities so as to inform government planning and decision-making, especially in indigenous communities or small islands.  相似文献   
A clear understanding of residents’ attitudes towards tourism development and its determinants is a crucial pillar for designing tourism development strategies to promote sustainable development. The literature on the influence of host–tourist interactions and place attachment on residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in developing countries is still scarce. To extend knowledge in this field, this study aims at developing and testing a structural model to examine direct and indirect causal effects of place attachment, host–tourist interaction, and perceived positive and negative tourism impacts on the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in an island tourism destination – Boa Vista Island in Cape Verde. Results suggest that the residents’ attitudes are positively affected by place attachment, host–tourist interaction, and perceived positive impacts; and negatively affected by perceived negative impacts. Host–tourist interaction emerges as the strongest (direct and indirect) determinant of the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development. Moreover, although both positive and negative perceptions of tourism impacts have significant impacts on the residents’ attitudes, the influence of the former is stronger than that of the latter. The paper ends with relevant theoretical and practical implications to promote positive residents’ attitudes towards tourism development in Boa Vista.  相似文献   
Innovative entrepreneurship is an essential but often missing outcome of poverty alleviation efforts. This qualitative study set in rural Ghana explores the occupational identity of entrepreneurs, the institutions that shape it in isolated “island networks”, and how it influences entrepreneurs' practices and decisions. We find that the institutional forces of “collectivism” and “fatalism” feature prominently. Being an entrepreneur in such settings means being a mentor, market link, and community safety net, and the types of opportunities entrepreneurs pursue are largely seen as pre-destined and inherited rather than individually chosen. As a result, the pursuit of innovative opportunities may be significantly limited.  相似文献   
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been proposed in many countries as a means of conserving parts of the marine environment. In some cases, MPAs may also confer recreational benefits. In this paper, a travel cost model is used to estimate the non-market recreational benefits arising from the Lundy Island Marine Nature Reserve (MNR). The estimated mean consumer surplus for visiting Lundy was found to range from £359 to £574 per trip. The designation of No Take Zone (NTZ) has also contributed to higher consumer surplus values. This result provides a strong economic justification for the designation of MPAs for recreational as well as conservation purposes.  相似文献   
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