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政府公共性考量探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
共性构成现代民主政府的基本属性和核心价值,它要求政府必须以公共利益作为政府的行为取向和衡量标准,评估政府公共性的考量主要在于:政府组织系统的开放度、公民权利质量、政府责任性、政府绩效水平,公职人员的职业主义精神。  相似文献   
不良贷款约束下的中国银行业全要素生产率增长研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文运用共同边界Malmquist-Luenberger生产率指数测度了2004—2009年中国27家商业银行在不良贷款约束下的全要素生产率增长及其成分,并对影响全要素生产率增长的宏观经济因素进行了实证分析。本文的主要结论有:在表示偏离共同边界的技术落差比率方面,国有商业银行呈"V"型,股份制商业银行较平稳,城市商业银行逐步上升;总体上,中国银行业的全要素生产率是进步的,纯技术进步是推动全要素生产率进步的主要动力,纯技术效率变化和规模效率变化进步都不明显,技术规模变化显示中国银行业趋向CRS边界;股份制商业银行的纯技术赶超最优,而潜在技术相对变动方面表现较弱;外资银行进入和固定资产投资增加对银行全要素生产率提高有推动作用。  相似文献   
A political economy of degradation and of sustainability should account not only for the full range of production costs but the sources of those costs. It should consider how the pursuit of wealth can, deliberately or not, lead to uncounted costs and unaccountable actors. This article explores the conditions of cost generation and externalization, especially those that are largely unintended and inadvertent. It shows how the pursuit of wealth, the expansion of markets, the mobility of capital, and the entanglements of production processes can lead to the unwitting generation and displacement of costs. It analyzes competitive business strategy and patterns of production and consumption for their contribution to such costs. Business strategy and state policy tend to create a never-ending search for frontiers, however simulated and however unecological they may be. The costs generated in those frontiers are a function of shading, that is, obscuring of costs, and distancing, the separation of production and consumption decisions, both of which impede ecological and social feedback and create cognitive, institutional, and ethical lags between initial benefits and eventual full costs. As distance increases along dimensions of geography, culture, bargaining power, or agency, negative feedback loops are severed, stakeholders expand while decision making contracts, environmental problems are displaced, and shading and cost externalization increase. The likelihood of sustainable resource use increases as distance is lowered, as institutions locate decision authority in those who receive negative ecological feedback and who have the capacity and incentives to act on that feedback, and as the burden of proof for economic interventions shifts to the interveners.  相似文献   
本文运用SBM方向性距离函数和Luenberger生产率指标测度了2003~2009年中国11家上市商业银行不良贷款约束下的效率和全要素生产率增长,并对影响效率和全要素生产率的宏观因素进行了实证分析。研究结果发现:股份制商业银行的效率优于大型商业银行,非利息收入和不良贷款是银行无效率的主要来源;中国银行业的全要素生产率是增长的,股份制商业银行的全要素生产率高于大型商业银行,主要体现在规模效率变化和技术规模变化;外资银行的进入和M_2的供给增长对中国银行业的发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   
本文阐述了利用系列角锥喇叭建立1GHz以上微波暗室标准电场强度的原理和方法。导出了角锥喇叭近场增益的简化公式。简述了2080天线测试系统及三天线法测量技术,且对测量误差进行了分析。理论和实验结果表明,建立标准电场强度的误差≤0.5dB。  相似文献   
基于时间距离的河南城市经济联系及其空间结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用GIS网络分析获得城市间公路交通的OD时间距离对引力模型的距离进行修正,对河南各地市间1997年和2007年的经济联系进行测算和比较,继而采用分形模型对各城市对外经济联系总量及联系强度的分形维数进行测算,探讨了地市对外经济联系的空间结构特征.研究表明,河南各城市经济联系总量等级特征明显,地市间经济联系初步形成了“十...  相似文献   
基于KMV模型的中国上市公司信用风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用GARCH模型估计股权价值波动率,用迭代程序估算资产价值及其波动率,以总资产的平均增长率代替资产价值预期增长率,建立了修正的KMV模型。文中对2006年沪深两市80家上市公司的信用风险进行评估检验,结果表明修正后的KMV模型不仅能够较好地分辨出ST公司和非ST公司信用风险的差异,而且能准确地把握上市公司信用质量的变化趋势,至少可提前一年识别上市公司信用质量的恶化。  相似文献   
基于DEA的绿色经济增长核算:以中国地区工业为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文构建基于DEA的绿色经济增长核算模型,将考虑非期望产出的劳动生产率变化分解为技术效率变化、技术进步和资本深化。中国地区工业的经验分析表明,与发展水平无关且省际差异大的技术无效率普遍存在;各省工业增长的首要源泉是资本深化,其次是技术进步主导的全要素生产率进步;各省工业劳动生产率增长差异主要源于资本深化差异,其次是技术效率变化差异主导的全要素生产率进步差异;如不考虑非期望产出,会低估资本深化对经济增长的贡献,高估技术进步的贡献,而技术效率变化的贡献可能被高估、低估或无影响。  相似文献   
吉林省经济增长与环境污染水平计量模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据吉林省1992~2004年经济与环境数据,以废水、固体废物、烟尘、粉尘、SO2和COD的排放量作为环境污染程度指标,以人均GDP作为经济发展指标,建立了吉林省环境库兹涅茨曲线的计量模型。研究结果表明,吉林省人均GDP在4000~5000元时,环境污染程度达到最大。经分析可知,决定吉林省环境库兹涅茨曲线特征的主要因素是粗放型的经济增长模式。  相似文献   

The Bryant College Collaborative Learning at a Distance (CLD) Program in Belarus was designed to promote collaboration across diverse cultural, political, and philosophical boundaries. CLD programs can assist the Newly Independent States (NIS) in meeting the political, social, and economic challenges associated with the transition from a centralized, administrative command economytoa more democratic and diversified society. Cost-effective, collaborative distance learning projects can help to address the problem of limited educational resources and prepare faculty, undergraduates, entrepreneurs, and NGO leaders for better understanding the role of civic responsibility as a foundation for western business practices.

The ongoing Internet-based, Bryant College CLD Program, including educational institutions, research facilities and business firms, focuses on a non-hierarchical model, emphasizing reciprocal, interactive learning and problem-solving. Components include Web-based courses, International Virtual Roundtable Discussions via E-mail, seminars on business skills and Web design, Internet protocol video conferencing between the U.S. and Belarus, a faculty exchange and training project, and a business internship program aimed at providing hands-on experience with business and NGO leaders in the U.S. This project demonstrates that Internet-based, collaborative learning can transcend cultural and language barriers and advance the development of a business environment supportive to the entrepreneurial spirit.  相似文献   
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