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金融机构市场退出法律制度是金融生态的有机组成部分,其健全与否会严重影响金融生态的和谐发展。然而,我国当前却缺乏规范、有效的市场退出法律制度,特别是金融机构接管、撤销、破产三大法律规范存在严重缺憾,亟待加以完善。  相似文献   
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the influencing factors on farmers’ willingness of withdrawal from rural homesteads (WRH). Methods that included field surveys, factor analyses and case studies were used for this paper. The results show that farmers have a strong willingness to own the property on which their homesteads sit. There are deviations between homestead systems and execution. It is common that the area of a homestead exceeds the lawful standard, and one peasant family owns two or more homesteads. Peasant families have many concerns about WRH, which include: reduction of employment, lack of supporting social security, high expenditure of new houses, low compensation criteria for homesteads, decline in standard of living and inconvenience in agricultural production. Among all means of compensation, peasants prefer allocated residences, and they pay more attention to public service facilities and fundamental facilities. The authors argue that implementing employment and social security policies and setting up linkage mechanisms of WRH could help to smoothly push forward WRH.  相似文献   
PurposeThe COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly brought about a number of disruptions to when and where work is undertaken for hospitality employees. The rapid spread of COVID-19 forced many hospitality managers to use digital technologies to perform work from home, termed digital work connectivity. Yet little is known about how hospitality employees cope with it. The purpose of this study is to investigate an important yet underspecified issue as to how digital work connectivity can be detrimental for employees’ work behavior.Design/methodology/approachWe test our hypotheses using multi-wave and multi-source data collected from 467 middle managerial-level hospitality employees in China.FindingsThe findings show that digital work connectivity can lead to self-control depletion, which in turn is associated with disengagement from work. Further, the findings show that relational energy is an important resource that can buffer the detrimental effects of digital work connectivity on hospitality employees.Practical implicationsThe association of digital work connectivity with employee withdrawal behavior highlights the urgent need for hospitality enterprises to have clear guidelines that regulate technology use at home for work purposes.Social implicationsOur research shows that the absence of clear guidelines in relation to the use of digital technology for work at home risks producing unintended consequences for both hospitality employees and their enterprises.Originality/valueOur research draws from recent advances in resource allocation theories of self-control and adopts a more nuanced approach to uncover a counterintuitive reality that while people use digital technology to remain connected with work, doing so can actually contribute to their withdrawal behavior.  相似文献   
国有企业员工退出行为的博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了国有企业员工退出行为的过程模型,提出了员工退出行为的两个过程即员工心理体验过程和员工与企业的互动过程,并对互动过程进行了博弈分析,指出了现实中员工与经理人博弈的低效率均衡,提出了解决这种不合理均衡的对策建议。  相似文献   
Notwithstanding the importance of retailing to urban economies, the role of retailing in the marketing of urban places has been an area neglected by both academics and practitioners alike. It is acknowledged that the principles of marketing can be applied (albeit with modification) to the context of urban places. The theoretical implications of this are considered using Corsico's () metaphors of the city as enterprise, market and commodity. Such issues are considered via a survey of place marketing actors within the specific context of the marketing of towns and cities as shopping destinations in urban places classified as sub-regional and above. Particular attention is paid to responsibility for the marketing of the retail provision, the emphasis given to retail in the marketing/promotional activities of various urban stakeholders, the perceived role of retailing, and the factors influencing the nature of the urban retail provision. Promotion of retailing was found to be important for all urban stakeholders to a greater or lesser degree. However, prime responsibility lay with town centre managers and shopping centre managers. The implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
余玮 《特区经济》2010,(10):101-102
从2000年红光实业的处罚,到2002年的通海高科"曲线"上市,再到2009年立立电子否决案,不仅反映了我国相关证券监管法律与制度的完善,对中小投资者保护力度的提高,还体现了管理层改革完善股票发行制度的决心。由于目前我国的《公司法》与《证券法》并未对上市之后发现上市申报材料造假的情况予以相应的规定,如果造假发现在公司上市之后,中小投资者的利益将很难得到保护。  相似文献   
反危机经济刺激政策作为一种过渡性政策,在完成其使命后,必须在合适的时机选择退出。在退出的时机上,应当以经济重获稳定增长的基础作为标准,并需要综合考虑资产价格上涨水平、欧美等发达国家的政策选择等因素。在退出手段上,建议货币政策应先行退出,真正回归"适度"宽松,而在财政政策的选择上,可考虑对财政支出的投向进行适度调整。  相似文献   
为应对自1929年大萧条以来最为严重的金融危机,美联储积极配合美国政府的救援计划,采取一系列应对金融危机的非常规措施。随着近期全球经济出现企稳回升迹象,国际社会对非常规政策何时退出问题的讨论日益增多。本文在回顾美联储主席伯南克在危机前有关应对通货紧缩和金融危机的重要学术观点的基础上,对美联储非常规货币政策退出的可能方式、时机、顺序等进行分析,并探讨退出政策的潜在影响及其启示。  相似文献   
深度挖掘工矿用地的潜在价值将满足资源枯竭型城市转型发展过程中的用地需求,减小政府的土地开发成本,保障有限的土地资源得到最有效使用。本文以工矿企业持续退出,城市转型发展对建设用地需求增大为背景,以地方政府、工矿企业、投资商为主要利益相关者,构建完全信息动态博弈模型,分析工矿用地退出中存在的利益冲突。研究表明:地方政府、工矿企业、投资商在工矿用地退出过程中将会以各自所能获利多少进行博弈。只有各利益主体积极表达利益诉求,厘清产权归属,使各利益主体均衡享有工矿用地退出收益才能更好实现退出进程。  相似文献   
银行主导的人民币现钞跨境投放与回笼模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民币现钞在境外流通量的增加,加强对人民币现钞跨境投放与回笼的管理显得日渐迫切。在对我国目前人民币现钞跨境投放和回笼现状进行分析比较的基础上,提出了要按照符合人民币现钞管理目的和现钞物流效率的原则,建立规范的人民币现钞跨境投放和回笼模式,并给出了优化后模式的框架和基本内容。最后,提出了诸如建立人民币现钞跨境管理中心等政策建议。  相似文献   
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