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马克思是如何实现对黑格尔辩证法的唯物主义改造的呢?马克思反复强调,黑格尔哲学是一种“头足倒置”的哲学,通过推敲黑格尔和马克思的辩证法思想,本文认为马克思实现对黑格尔辩证法的改造,至少经过了三个倒置:倒置了黑格尔辩证法辩证发展的主体;倒置了黑格尔辩证法辩证发展的中介;倒置了黑格尔辩证法辩证发展的理论结构。  相似文献   
本文就毛泽东在《论持久战》中所运用的唯物辩证法思想作一浅显的分析,特别是文中对中日双方矛盾特点的分析、敌我优劣形势相互转换等问题所运用的对立统一规律作一简要的分析。  相似文献   
近年来,中关贸易摩擦不断,表现出新的特点,且有愈演愈烈之势.成为当前影响中美经贸关系健康发展的热点问题.眼下至关重要的是要保持清醒的头脑,辩证、理性地认识中关贸易摩擦.既要看到新形势下中美贸易摩擦的必然性,对其在中美经贸关系发展中可能产生的负面影响给予足够的重视,又必须明确,贸易摩擦并不是中美贸易往来的主流,更应该看到中美贸易摩擦在一定意义上的正面效应.  相似文献   
恩格斯对待《资本论》的态度是将其看做科学作品和历史作品的统一,坚持由“科学品性”提升“历史品格”——这就是对唯物主义路径的着重阐发;恩格斯进而希望通过自己的扎实辛勤工作,全方位展示他和马克思共同的理论思维——辩证法,用以“伟大逻辑”的建构。要之,恩格斯的工作和《资本论》方法关联的线索有三:一是以《自然辩证法》研究和《资本论》商品章“工作呼应”,希图在马克思主义理论中彻底肃清“蒲鲁东主义”;二是坚持《资本论》的由“自然过程”向“历史过程”进军,对其总体方法论和理论逻辑主张——自然历史过程——进行学理性阐发,又主要归结于发生学的工作逻辑;三是恩格斯晚年的历史唯物主义思考,以耄耋之年推动“《资本论》增补”工作,进行巨大的认识推进。换言之,从广义的工作角度看,恩格斯是尝试把《资本论》当作马克思自身要完成而未能完成的“《辩证法》”(即唯物辩证法)的一个全面预演。经由恩格斯的唯物史观化的“辩证法”努力,《资本论》逐渐成为指导科学思考和进行意识形态战斗的武器,这为《资本论》“俄国化”和“中国化”打下了牢靠的基础。  相似文献   
Sonnet 19 is a reflection of Shakespeare's dialectic time philosophy.For one thing,time is extremely destructive by killing off beautiful attributes of everything and everybody.However,the speaker can make full use of poetry to perpetuate the beauty of his sweetheart.Thus time has amazingly intertwined its destructiveness with beauty retention.  相似文献   
In the current business landscape, in which technology-enabled entrepreneurship is part of the New Normal, regulatory institutional structures are in constant flux. Previous studies have framed the challenges facing entrepreneurs in mature organizational fields as avoiding the power of overbearing regulators long enough to establish the legitimacy of their ventures. In fields typified by New Normal conditions, however, regulatory frameworks for evaluating new technology-enabled ventures are often still lacking. Regulators may choose to actively reach out to entrepreneurs to arrive at a better understanding of the radical technological changes and high-frequency entrepreneurial behavioural adaptations that occur in these settings. To grasp how novel regulatory institutional structures come about in the New Normal business landscape, we conducted a processual study of the emergence of a new technology that is the Dutch remotely piloted aircraft systems (drone) industry between 2000 and 2018. Our findings show that regulatory proto-institutions result from dialectic institutional work in the form of structured interactions between entrepreneurs and regulators. Specifically, we present a process model that reveals how new regulatory structures evolve in contexts where high levels of technological and behavioural change induce systemic uncertainty, and enlarge the interdependence between entrepreneurs and regulators. We suggest that our process theory of proto-institutional emergence generalizes towards other organizational fields in which technology-enabled entrepreneurship has become the main driver of growth. Theoretically, our findings speak to the literatures on institutional work, proto-institutional emergence, and the New Normal business landscape.  相似文献   
用唯物辩证法的观点分析全球化给当代中国带来的严峻的就业问题是相当必要的,有助于帮助大学生正确的看待就业问题。因此,研究全球化对大学生就业的影响对人口众多的中国来说是一个既有理论意义又有现实价值的重大问题。  相似文献   
辩证法是揭示事物向相反方向而去,是从事物的反面看事物的。它因事物向背反的方向而去,所以表现宇宙之大。辩证法是站在弱者一方的。柔弱胜刚强,弱的一方在一定条件下能够胜强大的事物,所以辩证法是作为弱者思想武器的辩证法。最后,天有好生之德,无垠的宇宙也总能给宇宙中的万千事物以存在、生长、成熟、表演、“秀”的机会与过程,让万有展示其风华亮丽。在此辩证法又是有情的辩证法。  相似文献   
科学发展观,是党的十六大以来以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央提出的重大战略思想。作为中国特色社会主义理论体系和马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,科学发展观蕴涵着丰富浑厚的哲学底蕴,体现了胡锦涛总书记高超的实践辩证法艺术。  相似文献   
孔德周 《改革与战略》2009,25(12):53-57
文章运用辩证系统思维,通过对中国经济建设中主要矛盾的分析,揭示了经济法的价值——通过公平,实现整体的、长期的、协调的高效益,认为经济法的价值是一个多元的、多层次的系统。  相似文献   
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