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不同的民族和国家存在着各具特色的饮食文化,具有浓郁的民族性和多样性的特点。饮食文化的差异也是跨文化交际中影响交际结果的因素之一。了解中西方饮食文化的差异,理解其深刻的文化内涵,探究其文化底蕴,能促成文化的进一步交流、互补与兼容。  相似文献   
Providing nutritious and environmentally sustainable food to all people at all times is one of the greatest challenges currently facing society. This problem is particularly acute in Africa where an estimated one in four people still lack adequate food to sustain an active and healthy life. In this study, we consider the potential impact of future population growth and climate change on food security in Africa, looking ahead to 2050. A modelling framework termed FEEDME (Food Estimation and Export for Diet and Malnutrition Evaluation) was used which was characterized to model the impacts of future climate changes (utilizing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios projections) and projected population growth on food availability and subsequent undernourishment prevalence in 44 African countries. Our results indicate that projected rapid population growth will be the leading cause of food insecurity and widespread undernourishment across Africa. Very little to no difference in undernourishment projections were found when we examined future scenarios with and without the effects of climate change, suggesting population growth is the dominant driver of change. Various adaptation options are discussed, such as closing the yield gap via sustainable intensification and increasing imports through trade and aid agreements. These strategies are likely to be critical in preventing catastrophic future food insecurity.  相似文献   
中国烹饪技术源远流长,技艺精湛,众多食品烹饪技法均为非物质文化遗产。对传统的非物质文化遗产烹饪技艺进行创新融合,既能达到保健、养生的目的,又能很好的传承中国的非物质文化遗产,值得深入研究和实践。根据笔者多年的研究和实践,众多非遗烹饪技艺需要创新以便适应现代人们的饮食需求。比如在非遗烹饪技法中,腌制带来的高钠摄入可以通过改良风干技艺得到缓解;高脂高糖饮食—比如佛跳墙、甜品等,可以通过替换食材,增加维生素、矿物质丰富的食品得到改善;传统的低纤维素饮食模式,则可以通过增减、合理搭配食材得到缓解,通过对非遗烹饪技艺的创新融合来调整、改进传统饮食的不健康之处,让人们更加健康的生活。  相似文献   
[目的]随着时代的进步和社会经济的发展,对粮食安全内涵的理解也在逐步深化,粮食安全内涵不仅包括数量方面,还包括营养健康安全,保障居民营养健康成为粮食安全的新时代内涵。基于营养目标的粮食需求研究,建立营养—消费—生产的粮食生产模式,对引导居民合理健康消费和保障粮食安全具有十分重要的意义。[方法]文章首先分析了我国城乡居民营养消费状况,然后基于平衡膳食模式视角,引入标准人消费系数这一概念对我国未来粮食需求进行了更准确的预测。[结果]城镇居民粮食消费已达到高营养目标,但目前农村居民仅达到低营养目标水平,相当于21世纪初的城镇消费水平;考虑人口结构因素,2020年和2030年粮食需求总量分别为4.8亿t和5.6亿t,比没有考虑人口结构变化时分别减少8700万t和2 600万t。[结论]根据分析结果,提出以下几点政策建议:(1)宣传普及营养健康消费知识,引导居民合理膳食;(2)关注人口结构变动,及时调整粮食安全调控机制;(3)优化食品工业的产业机构升级,提高饲料粮转化率。  相似文献   
立足"中国梦",按照社会主义新农村建设和2013年中央一号文件的内涵与要求,把握我国新农村建设的原则、目标和重点内容,以山东省的济南、青岛和菏泽三个农村地区为中心进行考察,基于主成分分析法研究三个地区的幸福指数,研究发现:提高农村居民幸福感的四条路径为增加农民收入、加快经济合理调整、注重人文环境、自然环境建设和提高政府信用水平。  相似文献   
本文以南京市为例,运用调查法与统计分析法,探讨了国内游客饮食满意度与饮食消费动机满足感及其在人口学特征和出游方式方面的差异性,并进一步分析了国内游客饮食满意度与消费动机满足感之间的相关关系及结构关系。结果显示,南京市国内游客饮食消费动机满足感及其满意度的评价水平普遍不高,在人口学特征及出游方式方面的差异性不尽相同,国内游客饮食总体满意度与饮食消费动机满足感之间存在着显著的正相关关系,其中,国内游客饮食消费动机满足感对饮食总体满意度的影响程度最大的为求新求异满足感,其次是充饥满足感,再次是文化体验满足感,最小的为营养健康满足感。  相似文献   
In this paper, we question the role of added fats on health disparities in the French case and its policy implications. Since low-status populations are proven to have more nutritional pathologies, can we evidence fat consumption specificity in poor populations? We first verify the strong sensitivity of fat consumption to income and education, criteria which both characterize deprived populations. We estimate a demand system taking into account the selection issue. For this we propose a modification of the Shonkwiler and Yen's procedure which, unlike Heckman's, allows participation on every market of products to be controlled for. We use the latter procedure on a set of seven fat categories which have different, including opposite, health attributes. Our results show that segmentation following income and/or education essentially affects price elasticities. This offers different perspectives for health policies. Controlling fat consumption through prices appears easier among low-income households than among low-education households.  相似文献   
Several studies have shown that consumers with a high organic consumption often have dietary habits that include more fruit and vegetables but less red meat. This paper takes a novel approach by investigating whether changes in consumption of organics and improvements in dietary habits also are related. The results show that many consumers seem to improve their diet while increasing the organic consumption. Further, the study suggests that some households already have a relatively healthy diet in terms of fruit, vegetables, and meat consumption, when they start buying organic food. When organic consumption reaches a certain level, further increases in organic consumption are more likely to take place at the same time as dietary habits are improved. References to health and climate considerations seem to be the most important motivations for reducing meat consumption, while higher availability of organics is the most important reason for increasing organic consumption.  相似文献   
目的:调查大学生在校饮食不良习惯及饮食安全现状,并针对问题提出科学改善方案.方法:通过问卷星平台调查在校大学生的不良饮食习惯及校园食品安全,调查资料收集后,通过SPSS 26.0进行数据分析.结果:在校大学生饮食习惯及对饮食健康的关注度总体状况良好,但部分学生仍存在饮食不规律、缺乏健康意识、食用外卖夜宵过多等问题.结论...  相似文献   
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