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This paper considers welfare analysis with therandom utility model (RUM) when perceptions ofenvironmental quality differ from objectivemeasures of environmental quality. Environmental quality is assumed to be anexperience good, so that while perceptions ofquality determine choices, ex postutility is determined by objective quality. Given this assumption, I derive a measure ofthe welfare impact of changes in environmentalquality, and I show how this new welfaremeasure differs from the traditional welfaremeasure developed by Hanemann (1982). This newwelfare measure provides an approach tomeasuring the value of information aboutenvironmental quality within the framework ofthe random utility model.  相似文献   
本文认为,诚信建设对企业发展至关重要,无论是要维持正常的经营活动,还是要通过创立品牌做强做大,乃至于要走出国门,参加全球竞争,都离不开诚信。企业缺乏诚信,必然会失去社会的信任,进而导致自身利益的丧失;坚守诚信,必然能赢得社会的信任,并从中获得利益。文章强调,企业不能将诚信建设仅仅作为一种谋取自身利益的手段,单纯从赢得用户的信赖出发,从企业自身的利益出发,而应该培植真正的诚信品质,最根本的是要着眼于提高人的精神追求与道德素质。诚信建设一靠教育,二靠制度。  相似文献   
The importance of evaluating a discipline system from an ethical perspective is considered. Disciplinary practices in contemporary organizations are frequently characterized by managers having to choose from among alternative courses of corrective action. Since the selected alternative may have serious consequences for the individuals involved, its rightness or wrongness is of concern. The pattern of these choices reflects the overall disciplinary practice of the organization, and is an issue that warrants attention from an ethical perspective. Basic schools of thought that influence contemporary discipline practices are discussed and suggestions are made for conducting an evaluation of the ethical nature of a discipline system.  相似文献   
经济转型意味着旧的"社会契约"被打破,而新的契约尚未订立,作为企业行为调控机制的伦理作用得以彰显.我们在分析市场经济体制下,西方企业在不同管理时代的"伦理"与"绩效"关系的基础上,阐明企业伦理本身的特有属性及经营绩效的内涵;同时结合中国国有企业目前面临的伦理困惑,认为国有企业要破解这些伦理困惑,就必须根据变化了的现实对其管理伦理进行合理定位,以"社会期望"为前提谋求企业与社会的和谐,以市场经济游戏规则为准谋求企业之间的和谐,以人本管理为依托达到企业与员工关系的和谐统一、以生态优先为基准谋求企业与自然的伙伴关系,以与全球经济接轨为基础实现国有企业组织个性化,以"权威声誉、伦理声誉"营造社会激励伦理行为的氛围.  相似文献   
Recent papers which have examined unit trusts have controlled either for a 'fund size effect' or for the 'small firms effect' in the investment portfolio. The contribution of this paper is an analysis of the 'small firms effect' whilst simultaneously controlling for the 'fund size effect'. We show that the ethical unit trusts have significantly greater exposure than general unit trusts to the 'small firms effect', and that net of this there is no significant evidence of over or under performance by ethical trusts using an adjusted Jensen measure. Using two cross-sectional approaches, we demonstrate that whilst a 'small firms effect' has a role to play in explaining unit trust performance, fund size is not correlated with the financial performance of unit trusts. This cross-sectional analysis also provides some evidence that ethical unit trusts may perform less well than general unit trusts.  相似文献   
近年来,对乡村旅游的研究日益升温,但鲜有学者从居民感知的角度对都市近郊乡村旅游影响进行研究。文章以成都近郊的乡村旅游地花香果居景区为例进行实证研究,通过发放问卷、入户调查等方式将居民对旅游的经济、环境、社会文化及总体影响等4个方面的感知进行均值分析,发现在上述4个方面的正面感知均强于负面感知;通过相关性分析,了解不同社会人口特征与旅游影响感知的相关性。研究发现,花香果居景区居民对旅游积极影响感知强于负面影响,社区归属感越强的居民对旅游发展呈越积极的态度,而学历越高的居民对旅游负面影响感知更为敏感。在研究结论的基础上并提出花香果居乡村旅游发展的若干建议。  相似文献   
目的 综合已有研究发现,学者忽略了农户的气象认知对其天气指数保险购买意愿的影响。方法 文章基于山西省岢岚和江苏省南通市430食用豆种植户的实地问卷调查数据,运用Probit模型分析食用豆种植户对气象(如平均气温、平均降雨、干旱、霜冻等的发生次数及严重程度)的感知对其购买天气指数保险意愿的影响。结果 (1)食用豆种植户的气象感知显著地影响其购买天气指数保险的意愿。此外,食用豆种植户的村干部经历和兼业户身份对其购买天气指数保险产生正向且显著的影响;(2)而家庭人口数以及是否有专门的食用豆贮藏场所等对食用豆种植户购买天气指数保险产生负向且显著的影响。结论 因此,在食用豆种植户中推广天气指数保险应关注到其气候的感知,可以通过多种方式(例如公益宣传片、教育培训等,线上线下、网络电视手机、书籍宣传册等)宣传气候变化对食用豆种植的危害,强化食用豆种植户的风险管理意识,进而提高其购买天气指数保险的意愿。  相似文献   
本文以泰安市传统的东岳庙会和泰山国际登山节为研究对象,探讨旅游地居民对不同类型日常重大节事的感知及其差异。结果显示,居民对两个节事各方面的积极影响都有明确认识。对于传统类型的东岳庙会,居民更看重其带来的社会文化利益;而对于现代类型的泰山国际登山节,提升地方形象的认知更强烈一些。从居民感知结果看,不同类型节事的功能特色已有一定分化,但远没有达到比较完善的程度,在旅游和社会发展方面的作用也还没有充分体现出来。要提高节事的举办质量和居民的积极性,应该在举办方式、政府及居民的参与方式和程度方面进行必要的改革。  相似文献   
In this paper, we use the quantile regression technique along with coexceedance, a contagion measure, to assess the extent to which news events contribute to contagion in the stock markets during the crisis period between 2007 and 2009. Studies have shown that, not only the subprime crisis leads to a global recession, but the effects on the global stock markets have also been significant. We track the news events, both in the UK and the US, using the global recession timeline. We observe that the news events related to ad hoc bailouts of individual banks from the UK have a contagion effect throughout the period for most of the countries under investigation. This, however, is not found to be the case for the news events originating from the US. Our findings regarding the evidence of contagion effects in the UK reinforce the argument that spreads and contagion—an outcome of the risk perception of financial markets—are solely a result of the behaviour of investors or other financial market participants.  相似文献   
This paper examines the critical role that organizational leaders play in establishing a values based climate. We discuss seven mechanisms by which leaders convey the importance of ethical values to members, and establish the expectations regarding ethical conduct that become engrained in the organizations climate. We also suggest that leaders at different organizational levels rely on different mechanisms to transmit values and expectations. These mechanisms then influence members practices and expectations, further increase the salience of ethical values and result in the shared perceptions that form the organizations climate. The paper is organized in three parts. Part onebegins with a brief discussion of climates regarding ethics and the critical role of values. Part two provides discussion on the mechanisms by which leaders and members transmit values and create climates related to ethics. Part three provides a discussion of these concepts with implications for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   
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