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The exchange between Brenner and Wood on the Low Countries in the early modern period raises a number of theoretical and historical issues relating to the conditions for the emergence of capitalist social-property relations and their unique historical laws of motion. This contribution focuses on three issues raised in the Brenner-Wood exchange: the conditions under which rural house-hold producers become subject to 'market coercion', the potential for ecological crisis to restructure agricultural production, and the relative role of foreign trade and the transformation of domestic, rural class relations to capitalist industrialization.  相似文献   
Based on a contingent perspective of accounting change, this paper reviews the historical development of differential reporting in Germany, by drawing on primary and secondary sources. The main objective of the paper is to shed light on the driving forces and main influential parameters that have shaped the existing differential reporting framework. This historical approach supplies interesting insights for the current discussion on differential reporting in Germany produced by the EU Regulation on the application of International Accounting Standards.  相似文献   
微积分是高职院校一门非常重要的基础课程,是学生学习专业课程的基础和工具。传统的微积分教学基本上是传授型,重理论轻应用,忽视概念产生的实际背景和方法的实际应用,学生学起来感到困难,学了不知道如何用于解决实际问题。该从微积分的内容、教材的编写、教师的教学、学生的学习态度与方法四个方面分析了当前微积分教学中存在的问题,提出以建构主义学习理论为指导对微积分的教学进行改革,对从微积分发展史出发建构教学内容、以问题为中心组织教学、利用计算机进行微积分概念的辅助教学、注重数学建模能力的培养等教学方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   
中国共产党自1921年建党以来,就一直高度重视审计在党的事业发展中的重要角色。审计事业在百年党史中获得蓬勃发展,并且在党和国家事业发展不同阶段中发挥了重要作用。审计在新时代背景下应对现存问题做出进一步改革,从而更好地发挥审计在国家治理中的监督作用。  相似文献   
相对于旅游学和旅游业的发展而言,目前中国旅游史研究已然滞后。主要表现在:理论框架尚未完整确立,研究内容尚在探索,关键概念尚无定论,旅游史研究尚未形成规模,区域旅游史研究还刚刚起步。论列了一些学者对旅游史研究的看法,阐明了作者的一些想法,对其正在从事的区域旅游史个案研究情况作了简要介绍和思考。  相似文献   
新制度经济学视角下会计发展:动因与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从新制度经济学的视角,从制度、产权和交易费用等角度对会计和会计理论发展史进行分析,认为制度是推动会计和会计理论不断发展的重要动力;经济发展水平决定会计发展水平;产权、交易费用与会计之间内在逻辑的一致性诞生了产权会计学派,公允价值计量是产权会计学派的历史选择。  相似文献   
艾青的诗充满了对于民族与时代的耶稣般的殉道和忧伤。这份苦难和忧伤于艾青来说是个人之伤民族之痛的融合,是一份民族之爱、人类之爱,是谓之大爱,它构成了艾青诗歌的基本色彩。童年的遭际、游子的苦涩、民族的苦难与象征主义的朦胧、隐晦、忧郁天然契合,并化为一种美学特质渗入他的诗行,从而酿就了独具风格的“艾青体”诗歌。并且,从艾青的漫长的创作过程及其作品,我们看到了一个时代的变迁,因而“史”的性质是明显的:历史发展的曲线与诗人创作的曲线达到了完美的契合。诗人就这样以自己的历经半个多世纪的诗歌创作及其独特的艺术风格真实记载了20世纪的中国,并由此完成了一部诗史的建构。  相似文献   
There has been copious research work on the development of house price models and the construction of house price indices. However, results in some studies revealed that the accuracy of such indices could be subject to selection bias when using only information from a sample of sold properties to estimate value movements for the entire housing stock. In particular, estimated house price appreciation is usually systematically higher among properties that change hands more frequently. It therefore suggests that the determination of important factors affecting the transaction frequency or intensity of a housing unit should be a more fundamental research question. This paper examines the possible factors that determine the popularity of residential unit by means of a repeated sales pattern. The Poisson regression model and event history analysis techniques are employed to assess the effect of attributes on transaction frequency and intensity. The event history analyses technique can take account of transaction-specific as well as time-dependent covariates, and therefore is recommended for analyzing repeated sales data in a real estate market. All transaction records during the period 1993–2000 from the Land Registry of one of the most popular residential estates in Hong Kong were used to illustrate the method. Unlike a response to favorable transaction price, good quality units do not necessarily inherently display a high transaction frequency. Rather, units of average quality are more likely to be transactionally active.  相似文献   
历史逻辑是以历史时间的历时性和共时性统一为基础的概念推论,研究关于叙述史中基本概念之间的意义关系和推论规则。过去、现在和未来是历史逻辑的基本范畴,“过去-现在-未来”三段式是历史逻辑的基本公式,它是概念逻辑推论三段式“正题-反题-合题”在历史逻辑中的具体形式。历史逻辑研究的目的,是根据特定历史时段的特殊性,建构以不同时段概念为逻辑变项的历史逻辑,预见未来的发展,规划现在的实践。  相似文献   
在现代信息技术背景下,历史学教育的模式和方法都必须做出相应的调整,以满足现代教育工作的实际要求.在我国的各个教育层次都开展了历史学的教育,旨在促进当代青少年掌握扎实的历史知识,为今后的专业发展奠定坚实的基础.在现代信息技术不断创新和应用的背景下,加强对于历史学教育创新发展趋势的研究是必不可少的,也是国内历史教育界应重点解决的问题之一,本文就此作以简要的探索和讨论.  相似文献   
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