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上海城市发展中的湿地保护与可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为湿地对上海的土地供给、水源补充、生物多样性保护和生态服务具有的重要价值,湿地是上海城市发展的重要战略资源;分析了上海市保护和利用湿地的现状和存在的问题;从泥沙利用、保护区调整、湿地科学利用等方面就上海实现湿地保护和利用协调发展进行了思考;最后从协调机制、功能分区、协调围垦和保护、规范利用、控制污染、法律保障和信息共享等方面提出了促进上海实现湿地保护和利用协调发展的政策建议.  相似文献   
东部沿海地区利用FDI能力比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于巨大的国内市场需求、有竞争力的“制造成本”以及入世后服务业领域的相继开放政策,中国已经成为全球外商直接投资的主要吸收国,但各地区在利用外资能力上表现很不平衡。如何评价各地区利用外资的能力,具有重要的政策含义。本文认为一个地区利用外资能力由其获取外资能力和运用外资能力两个层面决定。基于此,我们提出一套评估地区利用外资能力的指标体系,然后通过因子分析,对东部沿海地区8个省市利用FDI能力进行评估和比较。政策含义在于提升利用外资能力应当从获取外资能力和运用外资能力两个方面进行。  相似文献   
本文论述了江苏省湿地的基本特征,从可持续发展的角度,深入剖析目前湿地现状及存在问题,并提出了江苏省湿地生态系统保护利用的科学对策。  相似文献   
在对天津滨海新区的发展趋势以及国内外相关系统分析的基础上,针对天津滨海新区对公共物流信息平台的需求,对其物流信息平台的系统框架进行了设计。  相似文献   
目前河北省金融业发展水平较低,要建设沿海经济社会发展强省,河北省必须首先成为一个金融强省。河北省金融业定位于围绕京津两个金融中心的区域性产业金融,即立足河北省区域,服务于“三农”、京津冀梯度转移产业、港口产业和海洋产业。应制定金融产业发展规划,采取优化金融生态环境,调整金融产业结构,整合金融资源,开放金融市场等措施来推动金融产业的发展。  相似文献   
我国海洋经济发展的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋经济是人类开发和利用海洋资源、获取海洋产品的经济活动。海洋经济已经成为我国国民经济新的增长点。我国海洋经济发展迅猛,但同时也存在许多问题。文章认为,海洋经济实质上是海洋生态经济,是陆地生态经济向海洋的延伸;海岸带的合理开发和利用是实现海洋经济健康和持续发展的关键;应开展海洋资源与环境价值核算,调整和修正海洋经济综合评价指标,以反映海洋资源的耗竭和环境退化;应加强海洋经济省的建设;海洋经济的发展要注重观念、运行模式、新技术和机制等的创新,强调平衡发展战略与非平衡发展战略的有机结合。  相似文献   
地脉文化也被称为地脉和文脉,是一个地方旅游发展的基石。根据地脉文化与旅游产品关系对比可以将旅游开发分为两类四型:(1)旅游产品扎根于地脉文化发展模式 (根基稳固、主次分明);(2)旅游产品脱离地脉文化发展模式 (左顾右盼、横生枝节)。本文根据这一基本原理对辽宁沿海经济带旅游发展及旅游产品进行了系统分析,总结了辽宁沿海经济带地脉文化旅游开发利用的经验、问题与对策建议。结果显示:辽宁沿海经济带的地脉文化基础有 “海” “滩” “宜” “河” “港” “城” “工” “农” “山” “史”十大方面。 “海” “城” “山”的旅游产品是辽宁沿海经济带各地当前旅游发展主要方向; “滩” “农” “史”旅游产品是辽宁沿海经济带各地当前旅游发展主要方向; “滩”“农”“史”正在发展; “宜”(宜人气候、度假资源)表面发展丰富,实际潜力巨大; “河”(河流、湖泊、水库) “港” (港口) “工”(工业旅游)是被忽视或者发展滞后的地脉文化资源。  相似文献   
滇池湿地现状及保护对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
湿地可以看作是一个内部过程长期为水控制的水—陆过渡的复合生态系统。滇池湿地具有重要而又独特的环境功能,蕴含着多样性的生物资源。近年来,滇池湿地生态严重退化,质量功能下降。本文通过分析滇池湿地退化现象和原因,提出了滇池湿地资源保护对策。  相似文献   
North America has few cultural agricultural landscapes, and often commensurately poor governance arrangements for managing change in such settings. This research uses the Acadian dykelands of Nova Scotia, Canada, as an opportunity to explore the social and governance limits to coastal climate adaptation in ‘new world’ cultural agricultural landscapes, as well as inform local decision-making. Approximately half of Nova Scotia’s coastal wetlands were converted to dykeland in the 1600s, lowering local resilience to the increased frequency and storm severity anticipated with climate change. Today, dykelands protect a diversity of public and private interests, meanings and values, yet are controlled by the agricultural sector, which can no longer afford to maintain them all to 2050 climate projections. We report here on a representative online Q-methodology survey of 183 adult Nova Scotians in the spring of 2015. Respondents sorted 34 statements along a normal distribution about whether they prefer dykeland maintenance or wetland restoration, and under what governance arrangements. Four factors were derived: the dominant discourse was local, female and strongly pro-dykeland, indicating the likelihood for local resistance to dykeland removal on for cultural, recreational and farming reasons. The second factor was supportive of wetland restoration for reasons of efficiency, not wetland affinity, but characterized by those in positions of management power. The two minority viewpoints were less informed about dykelands, characteristic of outsiders, and concerned more with governance. More education is needed about the challenges facing dykelands, the benefits of coastal wetlands, and the management options, but this research shows proposals to change landscape should emphasize flood mitigation over cost-saving. Cultural values and status quo bias are clearly barriers to adaptation planning, even when discussing the removal of man-made structures. The factors were surprisingly polarized, suggesting the forced-normal distribution affects the space available to convey nuanced perspectives. Large p-set Q-method of this kind is likely most useful for characterizing the emergent discourses demographically, and understanding their prevalence; the same discourses had emerged within a much smaller pilot study.  相似文献   
The Portuguese coast is experiencing severe erosion and loss of beachfront, processes which are expected to become worse with climate change impacts. These additional alterations are beginning to show at a time when financing for conventional coastal protection is no longer guaranteed at scales of investment which are likely to be required if future coastlines are to be maintained. This paper looks at how residents and key stakeholders of three coastal communities in Portugal perceive such possible changes, how far they judge and trust current coastal management, and how they perceive their current participation and foresee future forms of involvement on adaptive coastal change. The evidence from these surveys and interviews suggests that there is a strong commitment in each location to maintaining current levels of coastal protection, and to preserving the integrity of local societies and economies, even though there is also recognition that adaptation in some form will eventually be required. However, our research reveals that there is not yet sufficient trust between coastal stakeholders, especially towards public institutions and policies, for any degree of progressive coastal adaptation to take place. Building trust in creative learning processes of progressive adaptation could lead to improved science and participation along with a meaningful dialogue over cooperative coastal planning and financing. The research undertaken for this paper lays the groundwork for such a process of trust-building to begin.  相似文献   
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