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简要回顾了联合国粮农组织的分权管理经验。在粮农组织的技术支持下,布基纳法索和马里正在施行分权管理法律,因此这两个国家提供了范例。分析了政府的森林资源管理权下放所必备的专业知识、介入时机和介入策略。依据各种必备的条件和因素提出了相关对结论和建议。正是需要这些条件和因素才能确保森林资源分权管理更具可持续性,民众参与程度更高,政府责任心更强,且森林资源利益分配过程更为公平。文中还提供了如下信息:国际技术援助程序、如何帮助受援国将相关法律和法规转变为具体而新颖的制度安排,以及该领域中未来的工作要点等。  相似文献   
我国及东南亚国家的鱼翅贸易在鲨鱼资源养护问题上备受攻击,甚至被认为是鲨鱼资源缩减的罪魁祸首。但事实上我国的近海鲨鱼捕捞并未形成产业,以兼捕为主,鱼翅也只是种类繁多的鲨鱼产品贸易中的平常一部分,妖魔化此产业对我国极其不利,也抹杀了我国在鲨鱼资源养护上所做出的巨大努力。我国一方面应联合东南亚国家积极争夺鲨鱼资源养护国际法制的话语权,为鱼翅产业及文化正名,另一方面也应进一步有效管理鲨鱼产业。  相似文献   
Critical scholars have addressed land use models and related technologies by pointing to their epistemological underpinnings and the social consequences of visibilities and invisibilities induced by these instruments to different forms of governance. More recently, in addition to reaffirming the old dictum that the map is not the territory, some scholars have analyzed how land use models can shape perceptions, narratives and policy, and in this way “make” the territory and the state. In this study, we adopt the notion of sociotechnical imaginaries to highlight the role of land use models and basin-wide development schemes in the emergence of military developmentalism in the Brazilian Amazon. We show that earlier surveys of the Amazon were created in order to substantiate territorial claims and to guide the exploitation of natural rubber and other extractive resources. Mapping of the rivers as arteries with limited upland assessment implied a view of the Amazon as an immutable and invincible nature where resources were given as elements of natural landscapes. The approach of economic sectorial mapping that had dominated earlier surveys began to shift during and especially after World War II in an effort to imagine Amazonia as a separate and identifiable policy space which transformation would be possible with the application of development frameworks, such as the one derived from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Likewise, experts from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization played a key role in providing land use models and assessment that “proved” the economic viability of large-scale colonization projects. This article points out that the extensive occupation and ongoing destruction of the Amazon rainforest was also informed by US large-scale planning regimes infused with technoscientific approaches derived mostly from Global North scientific institutions. Those concepts underpinned imaginaries of an integrated region whose “planning surface” would be oriented by the idea of the “Legal Amazon”, subject to a technocratic, centralized and authoritarian style of developmentalism. In this way this paper shows how land use models are not mere representations of the territory but also carriers of sociotechnical imaginaries that coproduce radical changes in social and natural landscapes.  相似文献   
[目的]解读粮农组织实施权力下放(Decentralization)战略,全面梳理权利下放办事处网络(Decentralized Offices Network),分析其发展趋势,研究该网络为我国农业通过多边合作带来的机遇及对今后联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)驻华代表处的影响。[方法]结合本职工作,通过文献综述和调研,阐述FAO权力下放办事处网络的基本情况和发展趋势,总结与其合作的现状、机遇和挑战,展望新时代我国与FAO合作发展的新方向和模式。[结果]深化合作领域,探索新型国家代表处合作模式势在必行;中国外交战略布局新特色,为多边农业外交与合作发展带来新机遇;积极参与全球粮农治理,谋篇布局,争取农业生产主动权,掌握农业贸易话语权。[结论]科技引领、需求引导、政府推动是FAO驻华代表处未来发展新趋势,应从科技与合作创新机制,多元化、创新化和前瞻化领域发展等方面入手,开展全球农业战略布局,并与其他国家协同并进,构建人类命运共同体,实现联合国可持续发展目标。  相似文献   
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provides estimates of the prevalence of undernutrition which it claims are comparable over countries and time. These estimates form the empirical foundation for the resolution adopted by 186 governments at the World Food Summit in 1996, with the intent of reducing the number of undernourished people by half before the year 2015. This paper demonstrates that the FAO estimation method (a) provides unreliable indicators of the scope of the undernutrition problem, (b) erroneously finds chronic undernutrition to be most prevalent in Africa, (c) points policy in the wrong direction, and (d) is not suitable for monitoring progress toward the 2015 objective. Anthropometric measurements are more reliable and relevant for all purposes for which indicators of undernutrition are needed.  相似文献   
Satellite data-driven discoveries are fuelling the literature on forest transitions, particularly in quantifying slow, large-scale trends. Mather’s forest transition concept depicts the inflection point marking a change from decreasing to increasing forest area. This theory is being elucidated using satellite images of global forest cover from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and now from the FAO’s recently introduced geospatial monitoring platform SEPAL 2.1. Recently, a series of high profile papers have illuminated the concept of the forest transition using analysis of remote sensing-based forest cover images. Defined as an increase in global forest cover, analysis of satellite images over the past thirty years suggests that a global forest transition has occurred. However, satellite data provide less information about biodiversity and carbon sequestration outcomes in new forests. Incorporating other data sources on the quality of forest transitions offers the potential to develop better reforestation programs, address climate change goals and enhance other ecological and human benefits. This article presents a view on remote sensing, biodiversity, and carbon science that has changed the study of forest transitions, and an outline of anticipated and suggested science and policy directions.  相似文献   
财务外包:动因及其对中国企业的实践启迪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
财务外包最近几年在发达国家发展迅猛,纵观财务外包的国际发展进程,可以将其分为三个阶段。而财务外包可以降低中国企业的经营成本,可以使中国企业迅速获得有力的专业技能支持,加快中国企业实现组织结构的转型,提高中国企业会计信息披露的质量和可信度。结合中国企业的实际情况,中国企业可以选择四种不同的财务外包模式,各种模式的外包范围分层次逐步扩大。  相似文献   
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