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We extend the concept of piecewise linear histogram introduced recently by Beirlant, Berlinet and Györfi. The disadvantage of that histogram is that in many models it takes on negative values with probability close to 1. We show that for a wide set of models, the extended class of estimates contains a bona fide density with probability tending to 1 as the sample size n increases to infinity. The mean integrated absolute error in the extended class of estimators decreases with the same rate n–2/5 as in the original narrower class.  相似文献   
弱势群体就业扶持政策研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
分析了当前我国弱势群体失业情况的严重性、特殊性及其原因 ,提出了构建我国弱势群体扶持政策的基本原则及标本兼治、着眼未来的就业扶持政策  相似文献   
基于LINGO的最小一乘线性回归的参数估计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用最小二乘法进行回归分析,容易受到奇异点的影响;最小一乘法虽能很好地克服这一缺陷,但又存在计算困难.利用LINGO软件能够快速、准确地估计出最小一乘线性回归的参数,从而使其成为一种有效的参数估计方法.  相似文献   
In this paper, we provide two basic properties of utility functions u which exhibit decreasing absolute prudence i.e. (− u/u″)′ ≤ 0. These properties are used to examine the allocation of risks in an economy when some agents bear non-transferable risks. We show that it is fair Pareto-efficient to let those with a non-transferable risk bear relatively less of the transferable risk in the economy if and only if absolute prudence is decreasing. In another model, there is a complete set of contingent markets, but some agents have no direct access to them. We examine the fair efficient allocation of risk in a pool gathering a trader and a non-trader. Decreasing absolute prudence provides an upper bound to the share of the pool's risk that should be borne by the trader.  相似文献   
当前,我国产业及劳动力呈现逆向流动的特征,其重要原因在于两种劳动力成本的巨大反差。西部地区劳动力绝对成本较低,相对成本较高,导致劳动力大量流出、承接产业转移难。劳动力相对成本的高低,直接取决于劳动力绝对成本与劳动生产率,更深层次则是区位、劳动者数量与质量、管理水平、资本资源、自然资源、技术资源、产业配套、现代物流体系、政务环境等因素合力作用的结果。西部要较好实现劳动力绝对成本优势向相对成本优势的转换,必须有效整合各种资源,扩大优势资源的引力,挖掘非优势资源的转换潜力,才能创造承接产业转移、吸引劳动力回流的良好基础。  相似文献   
产业结构调整是加快经济发展的核心问题,是经济高速增长的基本推动力量。因此深入研究地区产业结构趋同问题,对于地区产业结构调整以及产业结构高级化发展具有重要意义。本文利用东北三省合并后23个工业产业2001~2014年的工业总产值数据,通过产业结构相似系数、区位熵以及β趋同系数多角度分析东北三省工业产业结构趋同问题。从发展方向看,我国东北三省合并后23个工业产业相似系数最高的是辽宁和黑龙江省,最低的是吉林和黑龙江省,从专业化水平及总量和发展速度关系看,东北三省工业产业在农副食品加工业、交通运输和通用设备制造业形成了区域优势,但在低附加值、产业链低端的开采业以及劳动密集型产业上还存在不同程度趋同,并提出东北三省工业产业在转型升级中应当重点发展高加工度、高附加值等产业,避免产业间的低端雷同的政策建议。  相似文献   
中俄贸易的国际贸易理论实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国和俄罗斯同属于"金砖四国"(BRICS),并且是重要的地缘政治大国和战略协作伙伴国。文章考察了较长时间跨度(1992~2007年)中俄之间贸易发展的整体状况及不同细分产业的特征,应用国际贸易理论知识对中俄贸易商品结构进行深入分析,并展望两国发展的方向:大力发展比较优势商品的贸易;发展产业内贸易,减弱俄罗斯技术优势;全面部署能源战略,降低对俄罗斯的依赖性。  相似文献   
This study considers how changes in wealth affect insurance demand when individuals suffer disutility from regret. Anticipated regret stems from a comparison between the ex-post maximum and actual wealth. We consider a situation wherein individuals maximize their expected utility incorporating anticipated regret. The wealth effect on insurance demand can be classified into the risk and the regret effects. These effects are determined by the properties of the utility function and the regret function. We show that insurance can be normal when individuals place weight on anticipated regret, even though the utility function exhibit decreasing absolute risk aversion. This result indicates that regret theory is a possible explanation to the wealth effect puzzle, in which insurance is normal from empirical observation, but it should be inferior by theoretical prediction under expected utility theory.  相似文献   
Poverty, despite being a multifaceted concept, is commonly measured in either absolute or relative monetary terms. However, it can also be measured subjectively, as people form perceptions on their relative income, welfare and life satisfaction. This is the first study that uses the National Income Dynamics Study data to analyse poverty across various objective and subjective methods. The paper finds that while respondents' poverty status varies across methods, blacks remain the racial group most likely to be defined as poor by at least one method. The multivariate analysis reveals that the impact of some explanatory variables, such as experience of negative events, frequency of crime victimisation, health status and importance of religious activities, is mixed across methods.  相似文献   
英国经济学家彼得·汤森认为贫困是因为缺乏资源而被剥夺了享有常规社会生活水平和参与正常社会生活的权利,提出相对贫困测量方法.但是阿马蒂亚·森对此提出了质疑,认为贫困在能力的范围内是绝对的,相对贫困只是绝对贫困的补充而不能替代绝对贫困,是一种绝对的相对贫困观.本文对两人的贫困理论进行了比较和归纳.  相似文献   
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