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本文采用Williamson的思路,建立了资产专用性与交易成本、生产成本因素在内的综合交易成本分析模型。分析发现,相对于债务融资而言,股权融资有利于避免按市场规则强行清算带来的专用性资产价值损失,运用包络定理证明专用性程度高的资产具有削减生产成本的作用,专用性程度高的资产以股权融资为佳。  相似文献   
目标激励在现代管理中应用得非常广泛,目标的明确度和难度与绩效的关系是目标设置研究领域的重要课题.实验表明,有明确的目标和没有明确的目标对绩效水平的影响不显著;目标难度和绩效水平正相关,两者的关系曲线表现为逐渐上升的波浪型曲线.  相似文献   
Asset Specificity and Vertical Integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Asset specificity is usually considered to be an argument for vertical integration. The main idea is that specificity induces opportunistic behavior, and that vertical integration reduces the cost of preventing opportunism. In this paper I show that asset specificity can be an argument for non‐integration. In a repeated‐game model of self‐enforcing relational contracts, it is shown that when parties are non‐integrated, increasing degrees of asset specificity make it possible to design relational contracts with higher‐powered incentives.  相似文献   
研究农民专业合作社盈余分配制度的形成机制具有重要的理论和现实意义。文章回顾了我国合作社盈余分配的现状及其相关研究,并从专用性和稀缺性的视角对盈余分配形成机制进行解释。研究认为,在要素的稀缺性变化情况下,交易额返还侧重于保护农产品生产环节的农户专用性投资,股金分红侧重于保护资金和技术所有者产后环节的专用性投资,"按交易额返还,资本报酬有限"则是在产中和产后的专用性投资保护中寻找一个平衡点。  相似文献   
资产专用性视角下的资本结构动态分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文按照公司价值最大化思路建立考虑资产专用性和资本成本因素的资本结构动态模型,以资产专用性为视角考察资本结构动态过程的路径和原因。研究表明,资产专用性程度对公司资本结构动态演变的过程和结果都有深刻的影响,权益资本成本和负债资本成本的不同动态特性诱致公司资本结构动态演变。利用中国上市公司财务数据所进行的实证检验结果显著地支持本文的理论模型和结论。  相似文献   
Neuman, Yoram, Abraham Pizam and Arie Reichel, Values as Determinants of Motivation: Tourism and Other Career Choices. Annals of Tourism Research 1980, VII (3): 428–442. This study examined the predictive validity of work values in explaining motivational patterns of three groups of career preparation differing in their occupational specificity: Tourism/Hospitality, Management, and Liberal Arts. It was found that the higher the occupational specificity of a career preparation the higher is the predictive validity of work values in explaining work motivations. As predicted, the best relationships between values and motivation was found in the maximally specified occupation, namely: tourism/hospitality students, followed by management students with the liberal arts students — the most flexible occupational group — having the lowest relationship between values and motivation. The implications of the findings for employee selection and motivation prediction in the tourism/hospitality industry are discussed.  相似文献   
Wetland mitigation banking (WMB) is an organizational form that attempts to balance the ecological goals of wetland conservation and the economic goals of development with the aim of improving the implementation of wetland offsetting. Given the resulting tension, it is important to understand how the way stakeholders employ the WMB regulatory framework affects the goal of No Net Loss of wetlands. In this study, we interviewed WMB stakeholders in Florida in the United States to identify their strategies during negotiations around different aspects of defining wetland mitigation credits (e.g. service areas, types of credit and credit release schedules). Using the approach of New Institutional Economics, we found that within a framework of well-defined rules that nonetheless allow flexibility, WMB enables a field of action for negotiating within a zone of ecological-economic viability – in part due to the stakeholders’ interest in maintaining a good reputation in this field. Outside of this zone of viability a wetland mitigation bank proposal collapses for economic or ecological reasons.  相似文献   
我国通过各种途径扶植绿色能源产业,包括美国在内的许多国家都会有扶植政策。但中国目前的扶植政策可能会面临来自美国贸易代表处的WTO诉讼。日前,WTO专家小组公布了美国提起的诉欧洲各国政府通过"启动.助"(Launch aid)对空中客车航空公司提供补贴一案的终裁结果。在终裁意见中,专家小组对如何认定可诉性补贴、禁止性补贴;如何计算补贴利益提出了重要的观点。通过该案件的分析,我们可以预测美国是否会对中国的绿色能源产业提起反补贴诉讼。同时,依据"启动.助"案中美国与欧盟两方的起诉与抗辩,本文欲为绿色能源产业可能面临的诉讼建立起有利的抗辩。首先中国政府可试图证明对可再生能源的出口的做法不符合"补贴"的定义,其次应从法律文本中删除任何涉及与出口收入或出口实绩相关的话语或条款,从而避免被认定为法律上的禁止性补贴,再次应从"严重歧视"这一突破口证明对可再生能源产业的做法并不符合可诉性补贴。最后,本文认为如果依据专家小组在"启动.助"案的利益计算方法,我国的做法极易被认定为补贴。  相似文献   
本文在LuigiPascali分析框架的基础上构建了一个两部门垄断竞争模型,考察不完全契约与垂直化结构的关系,并利用中国分地区分行业数据进行了检验。分析结果表明:契约执行效率的提高有利于垂直专业化分工;在契约要素密集度和物质资产专用性高的行业,契约执行效率与垂直一体化存在着明显的负向关系,在控制其他变量以及内生性问题后,这一结果仍然稳健;契约执行效率对人力资产专用性行业的治理结构影响不大。  相似文献   
高管管理才能是企业经营不可或缺的专用性资产。公司治理目标不仅在于解决管理者道德风险,还在于挑选出优秀的管理者。文章考察管理才能专用性和经理人市场发育对企业外聘高管规模的影响,以及经理人市场发育是否会弱化管理才能专用性对外聘高管规模的影响程度。以2007-2013年间民营上市公司为样本的研究发现:管理才能专用性越强,企业更愿意聘用内部人为公司高管;经理人市场发育越好,企业聘用外部高管的比例越高;在经理人市场发育良好的地区,管理才能专用性对外聘高管规模的影响较弱;研究还发现,经理人市场发育对企业外聘高管规模的影响比对外部董事规模的影响更显著。文章丰富了资产专用性和高管聘用方面的研究成果。  相似文献   
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