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In 2015, Swiss voters had the opportunity to impose a tax on the super rich in a popular vote and thereby fund a redistributive policy. However, a large majority voted against its seemingly obvious self-interest and rejected the tax. We propose an explanation for this puzzling outcome, bridging the usually separate behavioralist and institutionalist perspectives on the politics of inequality. We start from the observation that political economy tends to neglect processes of preference formation. Theorising preferences as socially constructed, we show that interest groups played a major role in shaping the outcome of the vote. Business frames were multiplied through allied parties and the media and had a major impact on individual voting behaviour. In addition, we demonstrate that interest groups representing business interests derive the content of their communication from business’s structurally privileged position in the capitalist economy. Specifically, creating uncertainty about possible perverse effects of government policies on jobs and growth is a powerful tool to undermine popular support. Frames based on this structural power ultimately explain why the Swiss refrained from ‘soaking the rich.’  相似文献   
试论新制度经济学与中国体制改革的契合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国正在经历一个制度变迁的时代。新制度经济学对中国体制改革实践有很强的解释力和指导性,它与马克思主义经济学在机理上的相通及其与中国的传统政治文化的契合促进了它在中国的进一步发展。中国正处于一个制度变迁的时代,新旧体制转轨使中国有了对新的经济制度变革理论的强烈需要。新制度经济学适应了这种需求,对中国体制改革实践有很强的解释力和指导性。新制度经济学与马克思主义政治经济学有相通之处,这有利于发展新制度经济学,也有利于中国经济理论的衔接和发展。中国的传统政治文化与新制度经济学理论的契合,既有利于新制度经济学的传播,也有利于中国体制改革的进一步发展。  相似文献   
The aim of the paper is to examine the effects on employment of the large-scale structural adjustment programme undertaken by Turkey from the early 1980s onwards. In this respect, we particularly analyse how appropriate the choices of factor intensity after structural adjustment programme have been in the domestic production in comparison with the availability of domestic factor endowment. Our findings show that foreign trade in intermediate goods creates extra use of domestic labour, which can be considered as the labour cost of importing intermediate goods. This is the case in the majority of industries in the pre- and post-liberalisation period in Turkey. However, the capacity of using extra labour as a result of importing intermediate goods appeared to have decreased in the post-liberalisation period.  相似文献   
Bentler and Raykov (2000, Journal of Applied Psychology 85: 125–131), and Jöreskog (1999a, http://www.ssicentral.com/lisrel/column3.htm, 1999b http://www.ssicentral. com/lisrel/column5.htm) proposed procedures for calculating R 2 for dependent variables involved in loops or possessing correlated errors. This article demonstrates that Bentler and Raykov’s procedure can not be routinely interpreted as a “proportion” of explained variance, while Jöreskog’s reduced-form calculation is unnecessarily restrictive. The new blocked-error-R 2 (beR 2) uses a minimal hypothetical causal intervention to resolve the variance-partitioning ambiguities created by loops and correlated errors. Hayduk (1996) discussed how stabilising feedback models – models capable of counteracting external perturbations – can result in an acceptable error variance which exceeds the variance of the dependent variable to which that error is attached. For variables included within loops, whether stabilising or not, beR 2 provides the same value as Hayduk’s (1996) loop-adjusted-R 2. For variables not involved in loops and not displaying correlated residuals, beR 2 reports the same value as the traditional regression R 2. Thus, beR 2 provides a conceptualisation of the proportion of explained variance that spans both recursive and nonrecursive structural equation models. A procedure for calculating beR 2 in any SEM program is provided.  相似文献   
基于结构异质性对能源高质量发展影响的理论分析,使用稀疏主成分分析方法测度中国能源高质量发展水平,构建中国和八大经济区域面板分位数回归模型,实证研究了结构异质性对中国能源高质量发展的影响。结果表明:2003—2020年中国能源高质量发展水平有所提升,但仍存在明显的区域发展不平衡问题,西部地区和北部沿海地区的能源高质量发展水平更高。产业结构与能源高质量发展水平呈负相关关系,能源消费结构、资本配置结构与能源高质量发展水平呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
本文介绍了2006年诺贝尔经济学奖得主埃德蒙·菲尔普斯的主要理论贡献。他在宏观经济政策跨期权衡分析、“黄金律”与经济增长、宏观经济政策的“短期—长期”分析、“自然率”、构建宏观经济学的微观基础,以及结构性萧条与繁荣等诸多领域进行了开创性的研究。菲尔普斯的理论和主张对西方经济理论和经济政策的研究都有十分重大的影响,对我国宏观经济问题和政策的研究有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
位于扬子地台北缘的武当推覆体是南秦岭造山带的重要组成部分,它经历了漫长的构造演化历程。该区的层固性结构和加里东—晋宁期的伸展滑脱作用造成了武当群构造堆垛岩系的形成,华北板块和扬子板块在印支运动期间的会聚、碰撞造山作用使武当巨型推覆体逐渐形成,至喜山运动时期完全定位。本文分析了这些构造运动所产生的变形效应及构造变形的复合关系,揭示了本区变形环境由低温高压或高应变速率环境向中温低压及低温低压过渡的特征,阐述了武当推覆体的形成、武当群岩系的变形效应与动力作用方式、变形岩石的边界条件、变形岩石的结构构造以及力学性质的关系,把武当群的形成、武当推覆体的演化分为三期五个阶段,其构造变形的主要动力来源为沿大陆边坡的重力滑动和陆-陆碰撞的挤压作用,其应力作用方式为由上述动力所产生的近南北向伸展和近南北向挤压两大地应力场的转化。  相似文献   
桂林旅游产品结构调整的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“十一五”期间桂林旅游产品面临如何调整产品结构,增强旅游服务功能与经济效益。结合桂林特色优势旅游资源开发项目规划研究.探讨以优势资源为主线、以文化旅游为重点提升观光型旅游产品竞争力;以市场需求为目标,开发不同类型的休闲度假产品,完善旅游服务功能;以整合优势资源,差异性发展特色旅游片区.增强桂林旅游整体实力,从而促进桂林旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   
戈德史密斯(1969)和爱德华·肖(1973)分别对发达国家和落后国家的金融发展状况进行了实证研究,得出了落后国家经济之所以落后,主要是因为其金融发展与发达国家之间存在着明显的差异的结论,由此提出了金融深化的观点,标志着金融发展理论的形成。在金融发展理论的指导下,许多落后国家纷纷改革其金融体制,推行金融自由化,以促进其金融发展。然而20世纪90年代以后,全球金融危机的频繁爆发,引起了人们对金融发展理论的反思。金融发展理论的再度兴起,使金融发展的涵义不断得到丰富与发展,金融发展涵义从结构观、制度观向功能观和环境观逐步演进。  相似文献   
运用变结构协整理论研究我国农业发展与经济增长的长期均衡关系,采用循序检验法确定变结构点,发现在1961年和1980年农业发展与经济增长均衡关系发生突变;对1952~2003年的数据进行变结构协整检验,得到两段变结构形式,表现为参数变结构的水平趋势项飘移型和状态开关型协整关系,最后建立了误差修正模型。  相似文献   
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