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Enthusiasm for using beaver dam analogues (BDAs) to restore incised channels and riparian corridors has been increasing. BDAs are expected to create a similar channel response to natural beaver dams by causing channel bed aggradation and overbank flow, which subsequently raise water tables and support vegetation growth. However, lack of funding for monitoring projects post‐restoration has limited research on whether BDAs actually cause expected channel change in the Front Range and elsewhere. Geomorphic and hydrologic response to BDAs was monitored in two watersheds 1 year post‐restoration. BDAs were studied at Fish Creek, a steep mountainous catchment, and Campbell Creek, a lower gradient piedmont catchment from May to October 2018. At each restoration site, the upstream‐ and downstream‐most BDAs were chosen for intensive study in comparison with unrestored reference reaches. Monitoring focused on quantifying sediment volumes in BDA ponds and recording changes to stream stage and riparian groundwater. Despite differences in physical basin characteristics, BDA pools at both sites stored similar volumes of sediment and stored more sediment than reference pools. Sediment storage is positively correlated to BDA height and pool surface area. However, BDAs did not have a significant influence on shallow groundwater. The lack of groundwater response proximal to BDAs could indicate that local watershed factors have a stronger influence on groundwater response than restoration design 1 year post‐restoration. Systematic, long‐term studies of channel and floodplain response to BDAs are needed to better understand how BDAs will influence geomorphology and hydrology.  相似文献   
In a restored, third‐order stream in northern Nova Scotia, Canada, we used redd counts over 12 years to examine the influence of beaver dams and the timing and intensity of autumn rains on spawning activity of Atlantic salmon. Most beaver dams in most years had no detectable effect on the distribution of spawning redds, but in 2004 the density of redds downstream from a three‐dam complex was significantly greater than that above, suggesting the dams were a barrier to many fish. A second complex of dams blocked salmon passage completely in 2003 and 2004 until they were notched to provide access upstream. The length of stream used by salmon for spawning was linearly correlated with total precipitation in the basin in October plus November (R2 = 0.60), to a ceiling of 325 mm, above which the fish had access to the entire brook, if beaver dams were notched. Number of redds in the whole brook was strongly correlated (R2 = 0.94) with the coefficient of variation (CV) of daily rainfall in October, but only for 7 of 11 years. This relationship disappeared when the impassable beaver dam complex failed in 2005, allowing salmon free access to 4 km of the upper brook. Variation in rainfall, and hence discharge, in this flashy brook evidently influences migration and spawning of Atlantic salmon in conjunction with channel blocking by beaver dams. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We examined how beaver dams affect key ecosystem processes, including pattern and process of sediment deposition, the composition and spatial pattern of vegetation, and nutrient loading and processing. We provide new evidence for the formation of heterogeneous beaver meadows on riverine system floodplains and terraces where dynamic flows are capable of breaching in‐channel beaver dams. Our data show a 1.7‐m high beaver dam triggered overbank flooding that drowned vegetation in areas deeply flooded, deposited nutrient‐rich sediment in a spatially heterogeneous pattern on the floodplain and terrace, and scoured soils in other areas. The site quickly de‐watered following the dam breach by high stream flows, protecting the deposited sediment from future re‐mobilization by overbank floods. Bare sediment either exposed by scouring or deposited by the beaver flood was quickly colonized by a spatially heterogeneous plant community, forming a beaver meadow. Many willow and some aspen seedlings established in the more heavily disturbed areas, suggesting the site may succeed to a willow carr plant community suitable for future beaver re‐occupation. We expand existing theory beyond the beaver pond to include terraces within valleys. This more fully explains how beavers can help drive the formation of alluvial valleys and their complex vegetation patterns as was first postulated by Ruedemann and Schoonmaker in 1938. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
曾贞 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):66-67,77
所谓市场营销其实就是指与市场有关的人的活动,是满足人类各种需要和欲望为目的,通过市场变迁和现实交换的活动。所以人是贯彻市场营销中的始终,市场活动实质上就是人的活动,研究市场活动其实就是研究人的活动,而人是情感的动物,人在营销活动中所表现的种种情感,集中概括与许多动物在它们的生存中所表现出来的精神极其相似。这里所要论述是动物的人性化表现与人的价值体现,通过这些"动物之间协作精神的人性化体现"让我们发现作为市场营销中人的那些可贵的价值所在。  相似文献   
After a long absence, beaver Castor fiber are rapidly returning to Europe. Their dam‐building and tree‐felling behaviour may have consequences for salmon Salmo salar and sea trout Salmo trutta management. In 2003 we investigated the parallel use of stream sections by beaver, sea trout and salmon and determined the potential hindrance that beaver dam‐building presented for reproducing salmon and sea trout along 65 km of the Numedalslågen River and tributaries, a major Norwegian catchment. We also surveyed landowner attitude to having beaver on salmon and sea trout streams. Most salmon spawned in the river and most sea trout in 51 tributaries. Nine of these tributaries also hosted spawning salmon. 15 (29%) of the 51 tributaries with spawning sea trout and six (67%) of the nine with spawning salmon had intermittently been occupied by beaver. Though beaver preferred to colonize the same sections of stream used for spawning, only 15% of the stream length navigable by salmon and sea trout on the 51 tributaries had actually been used by beaver, and only three colonies were occupied autumn 2003 (1 colony/25.0 km). Five dams were functioning during autumn 2003 on the 51 tributaries (1 dam/14.3 km). These potentially hindered sea trout and salmon from reaching 18% and 3%, respectively of their potential spawning habitat, though all dams were low (≤0.5 m). Though the autumn density of occupied beaver colonies along the river (1 colony/2.5 km) was 10.0 times the density on the 51 tributaries, no dams were built on the river. Thus most salmon reproduction in the catchment was unhindered by beaver. Nine of 14 landowners were unequivocally positive about having beaver together with salmon and sea trout. We conclude that the presence of beaver on similar catchments will likely have only an insignificant negative impact on the reproduction of sea trout and salmon. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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