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基于知识工程模板的月牙肋岔管参数化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CATIA软件的知识工程技术,提出了月牙肋钢岔管的三维参数化设计方法。选取合适的定位条件,并通过建立参数关联实现用户输入参数与草图、三维模型之间的驱动关系,建立了通用的月牙肋岔管的设计模板。采用该模板可以快速确定月牙肋岔管多种设计方案,并导入有限元软件进行结构分析,获得最终设计方案。在三维模型上进行焊缝分缝设计后,借助曲面展开功能获得管节展开图,并自动生成控制点坐标表和材料表。该设计方法以建立模板为核心,整合了岔管参数化建模、有限元结构分析、焊缝分缝设计和绘制岔管展开图四大功能,满足了月牙肋岔管施工详图阶段的设计需求,在工程应用中显示了设计效率高的优点。  相似文献   
典型河网形态特征与分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘怀湘  王兆印 《水利学报》2007,38(11):1354-1357
河流网络系统是地表流水地貌的重要组成部分,具有开放性、随机性、自相似性等特点。不同地区具有其独特的自然环境条件,从而形成了各种外观上迥然不同的河网形态。本文以卫星地图上的平面拓扑结构为依据,划分了3种典型河网形态:羽状河网、叶状河网和枝状河网,并在Horton定律的基础上对这3种典型河网形态的平均Horton比和流域外型参数进行了定量统计分析。此外,进行了中国大陆范围内各种典型河网形态的分布研究,从而探讨了影响河网形态产生的环境条件。  相似文献   
A flow past two side-by-side identical circular cylinders was numerically investigated with the unstructured spectral element method. From the computational results at various non-dimensional distances between cylinder centers T/D and the Reynolds number Re, a total of nine kinds of wake patterns were observed: four steady wake patterns, including single bluff-body steady pattern, separated double-body steady pattern and transition steady pattern for sub-critical Reynolds numbers and biased steady pattern for super-critical Reynolds numbers, and five unsteady wake patterns, including single bluff-body periodic pattern, biased quasi-steady pattern, quasi-periodic (flip-flopping) pattern, in-phase-synchronized pattern and anti-phase-synchronized pattern. Time evolution of lift and drag coefficients corresponding to each unsteady wake pattern was given.  相似文献   
郑惠萍  陆永杰  薛飞 《河北工业科技》2010,27(3):153-155,164
首先简述了一种用于转子轴承系统的稳定性量化分析方法,即首先利用数值积分对高维非线性转子系统进行解耦,将Rn轨线映射为一系列R1映像轨线,然后在R1观察空间中定义轨线的稳定裕度,根据轨线稳定裕度利用灵敏度技术预测动力系统的分岔点。最后,对一个单跨转子模型试验台建立了动力学方程,并利用上述方法通过2个算例预测了系统发生分岔的参数值和分岔特性。预测结果与直接数值积分法在庞加莱截面得到的分岔参数值基本一致,但由于该方法利用了灵敏度技术,所以其分岔点的搜索过程比直接数值积分法中的试探法要快得多。  相似文献   
利用自动化对象编程,针对水电站月牙肋钢岔管设计繁琐、工作量大、有限元计算前处理耗时长的缺点,开发出基于CATIA二次开发的辅助设计系统.该系统实现了月牙肋钢岔管在CATIA中的快速建模和网格自动剖分,最终在有限元软件ANSYS中完成有限元计算.以蟠龙抽水蓄能电站工程月牙肋钢岔管为例进行了计算,并与设计院的计算结果进行了对比与分析,结果表明该系统具有设计速度快、精度较高等优点,具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   
We are interested in three related questions:(1) How should accounting prices be estimated?(2) How should we evaluate policy change in animperfect economy? (3) How can we check whetherintergenerational well-being will be sustainedalong a projected economic programme? We do notpresume that the economy is convex, nor do weassume that the government optimizes on behalfof its citizens. We show that the same set ofaccounting prices should be used both forpolicy evaluation and for assessing whether ornot intergenerational welfare along a giveneconomic path will be sustained. We also showthat a comprehensive measure of wealth,computed in terms of the accounting prices, canbe used as an index for problems (2) and (3)above. The remainder of the paper is concernedwith rules for estimating the accounting pricesof several specific environmental naturalresources, transacted in a few well knowneconomic institutions.  相似文献   
船舶横摇运动的非线性振动与混沌   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文针对船舶非线性横摇运动模型,以波浪尺度为变参数,运用平均化方法和范德坡变换,一系统的振动解随参数变化的定性情况,然后通过数值积分和胞映射相结合的方法,确定系统的多种开熙熙攘攘夺动解。可以看到胞映地能灵活地处理各种不同形式的上子,如周期解,各阶亚谐解乃至混沌吸引子并能方便快速地求解。横摇运动的大量非线性现象,如吸引子工存,对称性碳缺,倍周期分岔等现象都被观察到,文中还给出了由一系列倍周期分岔导致  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyze the bifurcation and the confluence of the Pacific western boundary currents by an analytical approach. Applying the conservation law, the geostrophic balance relation and the Bernoulli integral to a reduced gravity model, we get a quantitative relation for the outflow and the inflow, and establish the related formulae for the width and the veering angle of offshore currents under the inflow condition. Furthermore, a comparison between the volume transport based on the observation data and the analytical value for the Pacific western boundary currents is presented, which validates the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
内加强月牙肋三岔管水力特性数值模拟   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
本文对西龙池抽水蓄能电站的三岔管双向水流水力特性进行研究。选用定常不可压缩流动的N S方程和RNGk ε湍流模型,计算了3种分岔角的流动,得到了分岔角、肋宽比和分流比对岔管水头损失的影响。分析了不同工况下水头损失的形成机理。研究结果认为分岔角增大将使水头损失加大,内加强月牙肋使水头损失减小,水头损失与两岔管的分流比密切相关。所得结果与物理模型试验结果相互验证。  相似文献   
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