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Total phosphorus (TP) inputs to Lake Simcoe have led to hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion and loss of cold water fish habitat. Since 1990, efforts have been made to reduce the total TP input to the lake below a defined target of 75 t/year, which was predicted to lead to reductions in spring TP concentration and improvements in end-of-summer hypolimnetic DO concentrations. The total TP load to the lake during the most recent period of record (1998/99-2003/04) ranged from 53 to 76 t/yr and averaged 67 t/yr, compared to an average of 114 t/yr estimated between 1990/91 and 1997/98 (range 85-157 t/yr). Reductions in TP loads from the catchment via tributary discharge (∼26 t) accounted for the majority of the decrease in total load between the two time periods. Total P concentrations decreased significantly in four out of six long-term monitored tributaries; however, concentrations in all six tributaries remain above the level recommended to avoid nuisance plant growth (30 μg/L). Although TP loads to the lake are currently below the target 75 t/yr, excessive growths of filamentous algae and macrophytes continue to be a problem in the nearshore zone. End-of-summer minimum hypolimnetic DO concentrations (average 4.3 mg/L, 1998/99-2003/04) remain substantially below the level (7 mg/L) that is considered protective of lake trout. Efforts to reduce TP loads to the lake therefore need to continue.  相似文献   
Spectral slope (S), describing the exponential decrease of the absorption spectrum over a given wavelength range, is an important parameter in the study of of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) dynamics, and also an essential input parameter in remote sensing models. Furthermore, S is often used as a proxy for CDOM composition, including the ratio of fulvic to humic acids and molecular weight. The relative broad range in S values reported in the literature can be explained by the different spectral ranges and fitting methods used. A single exponential model is used to fit the S values for 17 investigations involving 458 samples in Lake Taihu from January to October in 2004. The average S value was 15.18 ± 1.39 μm−1 for the range of 280–500 nm, which fell within the range reported in the literature. The frequency distribution of S value basically obeyed a normal distribution. Significant differences in S values between summer and other seasons showed that phytoplankton degradation was one of the important sources of CDOM in summer, whereas CDOM mainly came from the river input in other seasons. Furthermore, the estimated S value decreased with increasing wavelength range used in regression. The maximum and minimum values derived from the regression were 17.89 ± 1.25 μm−1 and 13.62 ± 2.11 μm−1 for the wavelength ranges of 280–380 nm and 400–500 nm, respectively, a decrease of 23.9%. S values significantly decreased with the increase of CDOM absorption coefficients. CDOM absorption coefficients could be more appropriately estimated from exponential model introducing the variation of S with absorption coefficients, making them useful for a remote sensing bio-optical model of Lake Taihu. DOC-specific absorption coefficient a*(λ) and the parameter M describing molecular size of the humic molecules could also be used as a proxy for the sources and types of CDOM. A general relationship was found between S and a*(λ), and M values. S increased with the decrease of DOC-specific absorption coefficient and the increase of M corresponding to the decrease of molecular weight.  相似文献   
Absorption coefficients of phytoplankton, colored detrital matter (CDM), non-algal particles (NAP), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and their relative contributions to total non-water absorption (at ? w) are essential variables for bio-optical and radiative transfer models. Light absorption properties showed large range and variability sampled at 194 stations throughout Lake Chaohu between May 2013 and April 2015. The at ? w was dominated by phytoplankton absorption (aph) and NAP absorption (ad). The contribution of CDOM absorption to at ? w was lower than 30%. Phytoplankton and NAP were the primary sources of spatial and vertical variability in absorption properties. Light absorption by CDOM, though significant in magnitude, was relatively constant. CDM absorption (adg) was dominated by NAP. The spatial variation of the absorption coefficients from each of the optically active constituents were driven by several main inflow rivers in the western and middle part of Lake Chaohu. Algal blooms and bottom resuspension contributed to vertical variability as observed by phytoplankton and NAP profiles. Specific absorption of phytoplankton had significant spatial and seasonal variations without vertical variation. The spectral slope of absorption showed no significant spatial variability (p > 0.05). Variations of absorption affected different ranges of remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) spectrum, thereby increasing the difficulty of applying the remote sensing algorithm in optically complex waters. Parameters and relationships presented in this study provide useful information for bio-optical models and remote sensing of lakes similar to Lake Chaohu in terms of optical properties.  相似文献   
海绵城市生物滞留设施关键技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海绵城市生物滞留设施是适用于分散式雨水处理与利用的代表性生态技术,但目前仍旧存在一些问题制约其运行效率及寿命。综述了海绵城市建设中生物滞留设施关键技术及国内外研究进展,指出高效净化能力填料的研制、污染物迁移转化模型的建立及设计参数的优化、有机微污染物累积风险评价及修复技术的构建等将成为海绵城市生物滞留设施未来的研究热点。  相似文献   
污泥资源化利用标准发展趋势探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比各种污泥处理处置方式,污泥资源化利用是有巨大发展前途的一种,是提高污泥资源化水平、促进循环经济和可持续发展、建立节约型社会的有效手段。通过对现行污泥利用标准的分析和与国外相关法规及标准的对比,结合我国污泥的产生、理化性质等特征,讨论了现行标准存在的不足,探讨了未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
大型企业增长过快对我国消费和就业的不利影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资本有机构成的提高,造成了劳动所得所占份额的相对减少,从而使得消费性需求相对不足,阻碍了经济稳定增长。我国大型企业的资本有机构成,无论从绝对数量还是从增长率上看都要高于中小企业,这种现象在工业企业中表现的尤为突出,而在建筑业和第三产业中则不是特别明显。所以我国有必要大力促进中小企业的发展,促进第三产业的发展,以防止我国出现最终产品的使用结构失调和就业不足的现象,从而保证经济稳定高速的增长。  相似文献   
比较污水处理好氧工艺生物转盘法和滴滤池法的优缺点,并结合两种废水处理方法的优点,设计新的工艺——势能增氧生态净化工艺,对南京市腊梅食品厂高浓度有机废水进行处理。结果表明,势能增氧生态净化工艺设计简单,不需鼓风曝气,污水进入废水处理系统后出水即达到所要求的水质标准,且全部自控管理,具有废水处理效果佳、运行费用低的特点。  相似文献   
通过不同风速下的过饱和总溶解气体(TDG)室内释放试验,研究风速对过饱和TDG释放过程的影响,并根据已有释放模型对释放系数进行估算,建立了过饱和TDG释放系数与风速的定量关系式。结果表明在8.5~9.5℃条件下,风速较小时,水体中过饱和TDG释放相当缓慢,随着风速的增大,过饱和TDG的释放速率显著增大;在无风工况下,TDG释放系数为0.005 42 h-1;当风速为1.08~11.33 m/s时,TDG释放系数为0.007 09~0.066 68 h-1;相对释放系数为1~12.303,拟合的相对释放系数与风速的定量关系式计算偏差在-11.76%~10.21%之间。  相似文献   
淮河流域水质污染时空变异特征分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
选取淮河流域的82个水质监测站,对各站点的1986—2005年水质监测数据进行统计分析,探讨了全流域内水体污染物浓度变化的时空变异特征,为淮河流域水污染治理、水环境保护以及生态修复提供依据。采用时间序列法分析水体污染物浓度的时间变化规律,应用Mann-Kendall检验法对流域范围内水体污染物浓度变化趋势进行了分析。研究结果表明,淮河流域水质变化主要受到入河排污量、上游来水量、闸坝调控方式以及气候条件等方面因素的影响。蚌埠站的水体污染物浓度多年变化规律表明,1995年是水体污染物浓度变化的转折点,1995年前水体污染物浓度不断恶化,1995年后水体污染物浓度逐渐好转。DO浓度的年内变化主要受到水温的影响,表现为冬季浓度高于夏季浓度;CODMn浓度同时受到闸坝调控方式以及区域来水量的影响,汛期浓度低于非汛期。从全流域的水体污染物浓度变化规律看,有机污染物浓度呈显著上升趋势的河段主要分布在淮北支流上,说明在20世纪90年代后期,虽然流域进入相对丰水期以及进行了大规模的水污染联防工作,淮河流域水质污染得到了一定程度的改善。但在2000年后,随着流域内入河污水量和污染物排放量的增加,淮河流域的水质污染依然严重。  相似文献   
不同改良剂对滨海盐渍粉土改良效果的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用桶栽试验的方法,研究了基质、稻壳和菌糠三种不同有机质改良剂对滨海盐渍粉土理化性质和西红柿产量的影响。研究结果表明:与不加改良剂(CK)相比,三种有机质改良剂可降低表层土壤干容重22.5%~33.1%,孔隙率增加25.5%~37.7%;土壤的含盐量降低5.05%~24.54%。使用改良剂处理的土壤,碱化度(ESP)、pH、土壤交换性Na+、土壤Na+、K+占阳离子总量和土壤Cl-下降,而土壤Ca2+和SO42-增加。三种改良剂均能显著增加西红柿的产量,增幅在24.05%~34.46%;单果总量整体有所提高。结果表明,基质、稻壳和菌糠对滩涂高钠盐粉土均具有较好的改良效果。综合考虑改良剂的价格、材料获得难易程度,稻壳和菌康是较为适宜的滨海盐渍粉土改良材料。  相似文献   
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