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关于差阻式仪器的几个技术问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对差阻式仪器的几个重要问题,如差阻式仪器的国家标准、监测数据的质量控制、长期埋设仪器的现场鉴定、仪器测值异常的分析处理等进行了讨论,并提出了自己的意见,供有关科研人员进一步研究和参考.  相似文献   
Taking the case study of a community based protest against the closure of a swimming pool in Glasgow, this paper seeks to raise important critical questions about some of the key ideas informing New Labour's urban policy agenda: social capital and active community. It argues that normative notions of active citizenship seriously conflict with bottom-up community protests, highlighting in the process issues of power and inequality. Against claims that New Labour is promoting government through community, here we claim that in the context of this community protest, there was government against community.  相似文献   
目前在加筋边坡的极限平衡稳定分析中,认为加筋中产生的预应力能约束土体的运动或者能使抵抗土体运动的阻力增加,而对于加筋的切向阻力作用却没有考虑。主要讨论了在加筋土坡稳定分析时,加筋的切向阻力在加筋工程中起到的作用。认为在加筋边坡的极限平衡稳定分析中,也应考虑加筋的切向阻力作用;提出了计算公式,编制了相应的程序,给出了算例。  相似文献   
由于十三陵蓄能电站上水库地处蟒山之巅,所在山体地质条件复杂。施工期埋设了大量的监测仪器,原有人工监测系统效率低、资料分析的同步性差。2002年5月,对其进行了自动化改造,现已有一套符合其特点的自动化监测系统。十三陵上水库水工建筑自动监测系统已正常运行了三年,同时也存在着问题,有待于进一步的探讨和改进。  相似文献   
对T形线路的故障测距,现有方法都是先判断故障支路,再将3端线路等效成2端线路进行测距。但在 T节点附近短路,尤其是经高阻短路时,现有的测距方法由于无法正确判别故障支路而存在一定范围的测距死区。针对上述缺陷,分别假设故障发生在某一支路,由假定正常的2段支路端的电压、电流推算求得 T节点电压和注入假定故障支路的电流,从而分别求得3个故障距离。经证明,求得的3个故障距离有且仅有1个在0和对应支路总长度之间,该距离就是真实的故障距离,故障发生在对应支路上。该方法无需事先判别故障支路即可测距,在 T节点附近经高阻故障时无测距死区。其测距精度理论上不受过渡电阻和故障类型影响,无需故障前数据,且对滤波无高要求。EMTP仿真结果表明该方法正确、有效,测距精度高。  相似文献   
从ZnO电阻的非线性特性出发,对采用ZnO作为灭磁电阻时阀片的均流/均能进行理论论述,指出阀片均能性能的好坏主要依赖于阀片自身的特性;分析比较了ZnO阀片的不同选择方法对均流/均能的影响,指出阀片的均流/均能很大程度上取决于可供选择的阀片的库存量.该研究为发电机励磁系统的安全稳定运行提供了有力的保证.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli distribution and persistence in nearshore Lake Michigan were assessed following heavy rains and sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) and combined sewer overflow (CSO) events over a 5-year period, including an 18-day period following 25.4 cm of rainfall in which intensive studies were conducted following multiple CSO and SSO events. E. coli levels in the Milwaukee estuary and harbor following SSO and CSO events ranged from 104 to nearly 105 CFU/100 mL, which were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) than levels following rainfall alone. Sites outside of the breakwall but within the contamination plume (e.g., within 2 km of the harbor) were an order of magnitude lower. Locations 2–5 km from the harbor ranged from below detection limits, of < 1 to 5 CFU/100 mL. E. coli levels corrected for dilution based on specific conductivity measurements were lower than what would be expected for loss due to dilution alone, suggesting a combination of die-off and dilution, were responsible for the rapid disappearance of these organisms outside of the harbor. E. coli and fecal coliforms measured concurrently demonstrated that fecal coliforms could be recovered longer than E. coli in the open waters of the lake. E. coli isolated directly from sewage treatment plant influent were found to have a marked increase in antibiotic resistance traits for ten antibiotics commonly used in the human population compared with isolates from two animal sources of fecal pollution. However, E. coli obtained from sewage impacted water (n = 2,513) and from stormwater impacted water (n = 1,465) collected the previous year when there were no sewage overflows, were found to have no significant difference (p < 0.05) in the frequency of resistance when comparing the two conditions. E. coli survival characteristics and population dynamics are most likely influenced by multiple factors in complex systems such as the watershed/estuarine/lake environments of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   
为探索路基工程中黄河淤积粉土的稳定技术和性能保障方案,针对德州齐河县境内的黄河淤积粉土,在乳化沥青复合稳定粉土(AE稳定土)的研究基础上,采用无机/有机复合材料制备出一种复合固化剂(FG固化剂),研究了AE稳定土和FG稳定土2种稳定方案下粉土的抗压强度性质、水稳定性和抗冻融能力;结合XRD、SEM表征技术,探讨了FG固化剂的稳定机理。研究认为,FG固化剂稳定土较AE稳定土有着更高的无侧限抗压强度、回弹模量和承载能力,水稳定性良好,在抗冻融能力上有着比AE稳定土更好的效果。XRD与SEM分析表明,FG固化剂提供了活性矿物质,其复合胶凝效应和填充增强保障了粉土的抗压强度,高分子物质起到粘结颗粒界面、填塞孔隙的作用,降低了内部孔隙率;两者造成土体的最大干密度变大;与AE稳定土的稳定机理不同。FG固化剂的使用为黄河粉土的稳定和工程应用提供了参考方法。  相似文献   
新版盾构法隧道施工及验收规范已于2017年7月实施,新规范中增加了对管片吊装孔预埋件“设计无要求时,抗拉拔力不应低于管片自重的7倍”的要求,对比之前常规5tf地铁管片设计采用的25tf,相当于提高了40%。文章依据管片预埋吊装孔抗拔力涉及的几种国家标准、行业规范,对几种抗拔试验进行了对比,参照ABAQUS有限元软件数值模拟法,论述了管片吊装孔预埋件抗拔力试验应注意的一些事项,为类似管片抗拔试验提供一些参考资料。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村既是我国在新时期作出的一项伟大的战略部署,又是我国在加快推进社会主义经济建设和社会和谐发展中所面临的一项艰巨的历史任务.加快社会主义新农村建设,必须选准切入点,抓住关节点,稳步推进,力求实效.  相似文献   
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