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Asymmetric price transmission in the Spanish lamb sector
Authors:Ben-Kaabia  M; Gil  Jose M
Institution:1 University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza Spain
2 CREDA-UPC-IRTA, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract:This article investigates the non-linear adjustment betweenfarm and retail prices in the lamb sector in Spain, using athree-regime Threshold Autoregressive Model. The results indicatethat, in the long run, price transmission is perfect and anysupply or demand shocks are fully transmitted along the marketingchain. In the short run, price adjustments between the farmand the retail levels are asymmetric and reveal a demand-pulltransmission mechanism. On the other hand, retailers benefitfrom any shock, whether positive or negative, that affects supplyor demand conditions.
Keywords:asymmetries  non-linear adjustments  lamb prices  Spain
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