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作者姓名:栾清华  付潇然  刘家宏  邵薇薇  白亮亮  徐小钰
作者单位:1. 河北工程大学,河北 邯郸 056021; 中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038;2. 中国水利水电科学研究院,北京,100038;3. 西安理工大学,西安,710048
基金项目:中国工程院重大咨询项目( 20122ZD213) ; 国家自然基金面上项目( 51279207)
摘    要:近年来我国旱涝事件呈现出广发和频发趋势,严重破坏了水资源供需平衡,极大地制约着国民经济的快速发展。依据汾渭平原水文、气象和历史旱灾资料,划分了干旱事件等级,绘制了干旱事件图谱,分析发现汾渭平原近年来发生干旱事件的频次越来越密集。利用汾河平原和渭河平原长序列年降水资料(1951年-2012年),基于SPI法计算结果,分析了两平原降水的丰枯异步性和旱涝事件的重现期,印证了汾渭平原可以进行旱涝"空间集合应对"的条件,为进一步优化晋陕两省水资源配置提供了有力的技术支撑。

关 键 词:干旱事件  干旱灾害等级图谱  丰枯异步性  SPI  共轭年  汾渭平原  南水北调西线工程

The study of drought events and drought2waterlogging asynchronismin Fen2wei plain
Authors:LUAN Qinghu  FU Xiaor an  LIU Jiahong  SH AO Weiw ei  BAI Liangliang  XU Xiaoy u
Institution:( 1. H ebei Univ er sity of Eng ineer ing , H andan 056021, China; 2. China I ns titute of Water Resour ces and H y dr op ow er Res ear ch, Beij ing 100038, China; 3. X ican Univ er sity of Technolo gy , X ican 710048, China, )
Abstract:The droug ht and water lo gg ing in China have been show ing a wide and fr equent trend, dest roy ing the supply and de2 mand balance o f w ater resources ser iously , and r estr icting the develo pment of the nat ional economy gr eatly in recent years. Firstly, based o n the hydro log ical, meteor olog ical and dr ought disast er data in Fen2wei plain, dr ought events g rades ar e desig ned and the relat ed mapping s are drew ; the results show that t he dro ug ht events happened f requent ly in recent year s. Secondly, the dr ought2w aterlog ging asynchr onism and the hydro log ic r etur n per io d in Fen2wei plain using t he pr ecipitatio n data( 195122012) based on SPI, which reflects the conditio n space set compr ehensive responses at the same time in Fen2wei pla in. The results could supply t he r eference to water resources optimization in Shanx i and Shaanx i pro vince.
Keywords:dr ought events  dro ug ht disaster gr ades mapping  dro ug ht2water lo gg ing asy nchro nism  SPI  conjugat e years  Fen2wei plain  the w est route of So uth to No rth Water Div ersio n Pro ject
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