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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
The Road to Nissan - Flexibiliry Quality Teamwork by Peter Wickens.
Changes In Working Time: An International Review by Paul Blyton.
The Reform of Workplace Industrial Relations: Theory, Myth and Evidence by Eric Batstone.
Trade Union Democracy, Members' Rights and The Law by Patrick Elias and Keith Ewing.
The Law of Industrial Conflict by Edward Benson
Learning about Risk: Consumer and Workers Responses to Hazard Information , by Kip Viscusi and Wesley Magat
Understanding Industrial Relations in Modern Japan by Kazuo Koike.
Personality in Industry by Hiroshi Tanaka.
Inside the Firm: the Inefficiencies of Hierarchy by Harvey Leibenstein
Doing Research In Organizations edited by Alan Bryman.
Women in the Administrative Revolution by Graham Lowe.
Handbook of Labour Economics, Volumes I and 11 Orley Ashenfelter and Richard Layard.
Microelectronics, Automation and Employment in the Automobile Industry edited by S. Watanabe. John Wiley and Sons
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