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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery) Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. vn: 1399-1422. R. B. Pugh (Ed.). The Victoria History of the Counties of England. General Introduction. Elizabeth CRITTALL (Ed.). The Victoria History of the Counties of England. A History of Wiltshire. Nigel Harvey . A History of Farm Buildings in England and Wales. Roger Burt (Ed.). Industry and Society in the South-West. Michael Williams . The Draining of the Somerset Levels. Crispin Gill (Ed.). Dartmoor: A New Study. W. Branch Johnson . The Industrial Archaeology of Hertfordshire. George Watkins . The Textile Mill Engine. H. D. Gribbon . The History of Water Power in Ulster. Malcolm I. Thomis . The Luddites-Machine Breaking in Regency England. Bernard Semmel . The Rise of Free Trade Imperialism: Classical Political Economy and the Empire of Free Trade and Imperialism, ij50-1850. Judith Ryder and Harold Silver . Modern English Society: History and Structure, 1850-1970. P. W. Kingsford . Victorian Railwaymen. The Emergence and Growth of Railway Labour, 1830-1870. G. R. Hawke . Railways and Economic Growth in England and Wales, 1840-1870. Anthony Mason . The General Strike in the North East. D. H. Aldcroft . The Inter-War Economy: Britain, 1919-1939. Scientific Research in British Universities and Colleges, 1969-70. Vol. III: Social Sciences. S. Thernstrom and R. Sennet (Eds.). Nineteenth-Century Cities: Essays in the Mew Urban History. W. D. Borrie . The Growth and Control of World Population. Carlo M. Cipolla (Ed.). The Economic Decline of Empires. Thomas F. Glick . Irrigation and Society in Medieval Valencia. Philippe Dollinger . The German Hansa. Translated and edited by D. S. Ault and S. H. Steinberg. L. Genicot , M.-S. Boughat -Dupont , B. Delvaux . La Crise Agricole du Bas Moyen Age dans le Mamurois. Madeleine Ly -Tio -Fane . Mauritius and the Spice Trade. Vol. n: The Triumph of Jean Nicolas Cere and his Isle Bourbon Collaborators. J. R. Pole (Ed.). The Revolution in America, 1734-1788. Documents on the Internal Development of America in the Revolutionary Era. Geoffrey Blainey . The Rush That Never Ended: A History of Australian Mining. Geoffrey Blainey . The Peaks of Lyell. T. A. Goghlan . Labour and Industry in Australia. K. D. Buckley . The Amalgamated Engineers in Australia, 1852-1920. Allan G. B. Fisher and Humphrey J. Fisher . Slavery and Muslim Society in Africa. M. A. Cook (Ed.). Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East from the Rise of Islam to the Present Day. Jerome Ch'en and Nicholas Tarling (Eds.). Studies in the Social History of China and South-east Asia: Essays in Memory of Victor Purcell. David Herlihy . Medieval and Renaissance Pistoia. The Social History of an Italian Town, 1200-1430. Carlo Ilarione Petitti di Roreto . Opere scelte. A cura di Gian Mario Bravo. Carlo Cattaneo . Scritti scientifici e tecnici. Vol. 1: 1823-1848. With Introduction by Carlo G. Lacaita. A.A.V.V. Saggi di Demografia Storica. William M. Bowsky . The Finance of the Commune of Siena, 1287-1355. Giovanni Rebora . Un manuale di tintoria del Quattrocento. Glaudio Rotelli . L'economia agraria di Chieri attraverso i catasti dei secoli XIV e XVI. Giak Luigi Basini . Zecca e monete a Modem nei secoli XVI e XVII. Gian Luigi Basini . L'uomo e il Pane, Risorse, consumi e carenze alimentari della popolazione modenese nel Cinque e Seicento. Gianfranco Faina . IngegneriaportualegenovesedelSeicento. Manlio Calegari . La societa patria delle arti e manifatture. Iniziativa imprenditoriale e rinnovamento tecnologico nel riformismo genovese del Settecento. Giorgio Porisini , Condizioni monetarie e investimenti nel Bolognese-La Banco, delle quattro Legazioni. Glaudio Rotelli . I catasti imolesi dei secoli XIX e XX. S. Zaninelli . Storia di Monza e della Brianza. Vita economica e sociale. Bernardino Farolfi . Strumcnti epratiche agrarie in Toscana dall'eta Napoleonica aWUnita. G. Mori . L'industria delferro in Toscana dalla Restaurazione alia fine del Granducato (1851-1850). A. Fedrigoni . L'industria veneta della carta dalla seconda dominazione austriaca all'unita d'ltalia. Andrea Caizzi . Terra, vigneto e uomini nelle colline novaresi durante Vultimo secolo. Giuliano Friz . Le strade dello Stato Pontificio nel XIXsecolo. Pietro Negri . Leferrovie nello Stato Pontificio (1844-1870). Gian Mario Bravo . Torino operaia. Mondo del lavoro e idee sociali nelVeta di Carlo Alberto. Giorgio Doria . Investimenti e sviluppo economico a Genova alia vigilia della prima Guerra mondiale. Vol. i: Lepremesse (1815-1822). V. Castronovo . Economia e societa in Piemonte daWunita al 1914- (Milan: Banca Com-merciale Italiana.
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