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摘    要:在猝不及防的大灾面前,企业究竟应该承担怎样的社会责任?当万科在5月12日汶川大地震当天捐出220万元人民币时,没有人会想到,这个数字会让万科和掌门人王石深陷在指责的汪洋大海中。最初来自社会的质疑是万科捐少了。但是,当王石在博客上关于"200万元是个合适的数额"以及"普通员工

Reflection on the "Donation Scandal"
Abstract:No one had expected that the RMB2 million (US$288,000) China Vanke Co., Ltd., donated for the May 12th Wenchuan Earthquake would put the largest residential property developer in China and its president Wang Shi into a sea of scold. The next day after the tremor, Jack Ma with his Alibaba Group, China's top e-commerce company, was also questioned for his "mean" claim that "RMB1 donation is enough for the quake", despite the group's first donation of RMB495 (US$71 million). When the scold swept across the cou...
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