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引用本文:袁茵. “V酷”财技[J]. 中国企业家, 2012, 0(15): 74-77,11
摘    要:一个整天微笑的"老男孩",却在资本市场拥有一双翻云覆雨手古永锵,优酷网(NYSE:YOKU)创始人,人们习惯叫他的英文名字Victor Koo,时间长了就演绎成"V酷"。2012年4月,中国第一、二大视频网站优酷、土豆宣布合并,他被视作新一代互联网大佬。外人眼中,古永锵不同于百度的李彦宏、腾讯的马化腾

关 键 词:资本市场  中国互联网  视频网  融资  创始人  增发  上市  创业者  土豆  金融危机

Victor Koo:Imparting Financial Wisdom
Abstract:Most people call Gu Yongjiang,the founder of Youku,by his English name Victor Koo;over time this name ended up combining with "Youku" to become the nickname "V ku".After Youku and Tudou,the first and second largest online-video sites in China,announced in April of 2012 that they would be merging together many saw Mr. Koo as the new "Godfather" of the internet.Coming from an investment background and as former CFO for Sohu before starting his own company,Mr. Koo has a deep understanding of the investment market.The story of his company,Youku, can also be seen as the growth of a company furthered by capital investment;six rounds of financing investment,each allowing the company to grow a little bit more.What’s even more amazing is that after all this investment,Mr.Koo managed to retain a 48.48%controlling interest in the company after its IPO,thereby maintaining firm control of Youku. It’s rare for a founder in the Chinese internet sector to also be a master at capital investments.Many people with a passion for technology and looking to establish their own businesses want to know just what financial wisdom does "V ku" have to share with them?
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