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Hedging long-term exposures with multiple short-term futures contracts
Authors:Neuberger   A
Affiliation:London Business School, Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4SA, UK
e-mail: aneuberger@lbs.ac.uk
Abstract:This article analyzes the problem facing an agent who has along-term commodity supply commitment and who wishes to hedgethat commitment using short-maturity commodity futures contracts.As time evolves, the agent has to roll the hedge as old futurescontracts mature and new futures contracts are listed. Thisgives rise to hedge errors. The optimal hedging strategy ischaracterized in a world where contracts of several differentmaturities coexist. The strategy is independent both of theagent's risk aversion and, under certain conditions, of beliefsabout expected returns from holding futures contracts. The methodologyis compared with approaches based on dynamic models of the termstructure. It is tested on data from the oil futures market.
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