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Innovation and growth: supply and demand factors in the recent US expansion
Authors:Simonazzi   Annamaria
Affiliation:"*"Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica, ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome.
Abstract:It is widely held that the social-economic context of the US,characterised by labour market flexibility and deregulationof product and capital markets, lies at the basis of the innovativecapacity displayed by the country's productive system in the1990s, thus accounting for the growth differential with Europe.Starting from a different interpretative model of innovationand growth, the paper focuses on both supply (institutionaland technological) and demand factors. It is argued that, whentheir interaction is taken into account, there is no strongevidence that more deregulated labour and product markets areamong the factors allowing for US growth. In accordance withthe view that there is no single road to innovation and growth,this leaves room for the exploration and implementation of policiesthat might reconcile innovation and growth with safeguards suchas those provided by Europe's social institutions.
Keywords:Innovation    Growth    Deregulation    Macroeconomic policies
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