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The disposition effect and investor experience
Authors:Newton Da Costa Jr.  Marco Goulart  Cesar Cupertino  Jurandir Macedo Jr.  Sergio Da Silva
Affiliation:1. Graduate Program in Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-970 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil;2. Graduate Program in Business, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil;3. Department of Knowledge Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
We examine whether investing experience can dampen the disposition effect, that is, the fact that investors seem to hold on to their losing stocks to a greater extent than they hold on to their winning stocks. To do so, we devise a computer program that simulates the stock market. We use the program in an experiment with two groups of subjects, namely experienced investors and undergraduate students (the inexperienced investors). As a control procedure, we consider random trade decisions made by robot subjects. We find that though both human subjects show the disposition effect, the more experienced investors are less affected.
Keywords:G11   G14
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