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摘    要:一座城市的“文化信心” 5月中旬,第十届中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会如约而至。从2004年到2014年,经过10年的发展和壮大,文博会的交易规模、展商数量、参观、参展、采购的国家和地区、分会场数量等都在逐步增加。历经10年的发展,文博会的成交额同样节节攀升,总成交量不断实现了新的突破,而本次展会共吸引了1.7万名海外采购商欢聚于此,文博会也由此成为一座城市的“金字招牌”。

关 键 词:文博会  交易会  舞台  文化产业  交易规模  金字招牌  采购商  成交额

The Cultural Industries Fair:A Stage for Exposition,A Bond for Trade
Abstract:This is a grand meeting gathering cultural products from all over the country. You can see variousworks of art and their manufacturing process. You can also hear the traditional instrumental music here and appreciate the visuat impact of art. What is the Cultural Industries Fair? This is the question that the common people ask. As the name implies, the fair takes the exhibition and trade of cultural products as the core, and is an important platform for the trade of Chinese cultural products and projects. The fair promotes the development of the Chinese cultural industry and lets the Chinese cultural industry reach out to the world,
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