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摘    要:近日,财政部副部长、中注协会长李勇在香港出席海峡两岸及港澳地区会计师行业交流研讨会期间,专门视察了中注协驻港联络处,深入国富浩华(香港)、信永中和(香港)会计师事务所调研,并在两家事务所分别主持召开座谈会,详细了解事务所“走出去”情况.在澳大利亚出席CAPA大会期间,李勇会长专程到澳大利亚信永中和会计师事务所布里斯班成员所调研.他要求事务所抓住机遇,加快国际化发展步伐,更好服务国家建设.中注协副会长兼秘书长陈毓圭、副秘书长杨志国、党委副书记梁立群分别陪同调研.

关 键 词:调研  中和  联络处  会计师事务所  抓住机遇  质量控制  澳大利亚  香港  会计师行业  海峡两岸  

President Li Yong visits CPA firms going internationalexpanding internationally during thea trip to Hong Kong and Australia
Abstract:Mr.Li Yong,President of CICPA,visitedvisited the Institute's Hong Kong Office whenwhile attending the 2011 Cross-straits,Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR Accounting Profession Conference convenedheld in Hong Kong.During his stay,President Li also visited Crowe Horwath(HK) CPA and Shinewing(HK) CPA,thoroughly analyzed to discuss issues regardingrelated to CPA firms going international including opportunitiesexpanding internationally.The topics included business development,countermeasures,international recognitio...
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