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作者姓名:秦姗  袁茵
摘    要:口水战往往都充满了黑色幽默,这一次也不例外。两个,或者一群高手运足内力准备华山论剑,突然转身下山回家洗洗睡了互联网从不缺少口水,刘强东和雷军是两个"火药桶"、刘强东善战。8月15日,他指挥了一场"价格战",把西红柿掷向中国最大的家电连锁店苏宁电器和苏宁的网店易购。揭老底、长短拳、诱敌入主场,他的好勇斗狠早已无需证明想当年,他在中关村被3C卖家群殴,后来武斗变成了文斗,没有强大的小宇宙,他早已经让口水淹死过若干次。

关 键 词:价格战  供应链  小米  京东  手机  投资人  苏宁  竞争对手  供应商  口水

What Are They Thinking?
Abstract:One year ago,although Lei Jun could be considered a successful entrepreneur future success was still uncertain.However,in just one year he has accomplished more than even he ever imagined.This year he has managed to break the 3 million sales mark with only a single series of mobile phones,earning revenue of nearly 7 billion RMB.Under his leadership Xiaomi Tech has earned the title of"Fastest company in the world to reach a valuation of 1 billion USD"reaching an estimated value of 4 billion USD and receiving up to 250 million USD in investments.Without a doubt Lei Jun and Xiaomi Tech have achieved a new level of success;however,this success also comes along with a fair amount of accusations against the company: producing low quality products,using hunger marketing to raise product prices,and poor after-sales service.It seems that even after the sales of the M2.Xiaomi’s next generation of phones,these accusations haven’t lessened in the least. Recently some people have also begun questioning the decisions made by 360buy.com founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong with his launch of a new series of price wars aimed at taking on China’s largest appliance retailer Suiting and its online web site Egou.com.Some consumers feel these lowered prices and the resulting price war are just a marketing gimmick. Is this the case? In order to get a better understanding of this price war China Entrepreneur Magazine sought out Liu Qiangdong for an interview where he laid out in detail 360buy’s capital allocation,logistical support and most important their internal management abilities.Here we get a glimpse into his thought process and the lessons and experience he has gained from fighting this recent price war. Faced with such doubts,China Entrepreneur Magazine attempts to take a look into the mindset of Lei Jun and Liu Qiangdong.
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