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A monthly price forecasting Model for cattle and calves
Authors:Surendra N Kulshrestatha  K A Rosaasen
Institution:*University of Saskatchewan, This research was supported through an Operating Grant from Agriculture Canada
Abstract:Fluctuations in cattle and calf prices are examined in this study, using monthly data for Canada, for thaperiod 1958 to 1976. Prices for live animals along with wholesale and retail level prices were analyzed. Live cattle prices were. furthermore, studied by type of animals – finished steers, COWS, heifers, feeder steers and calves. The model is formulated on the hypothesis that wholesale prices of beef and veal are first discovered at the wholesale level and live animal and retail prices are then derived from the wholesale prices. Among the live animal prices, price of finished steers was hypothesized to be the price leader, whereas the other live animal prices were determined by it. The wholesale beef price was found to be highly supply flexible (the coefficient being - 1.836), but this was not the case with veal. The flexibility coefficient for live steer (finished) prices with respect to wholesale prices was 0.925. Similarly, the flexibility coefficients for heifer and cow prices with respect to finished steer prices were 0.923 and 0.846. respectively. This suggests that the opportunity cost of females in the breeding herd helps determine the spread between their prices and those of finished steers. Despite the inclusion of economic variables, the study concluded that cyclical fluctuations remained. L'auteur examine dans cette etude les fluctuations des prix bovins et des veaux en utilisant des donnks mensuelles pour la ptriode 1958–1976. Les prix des animaux vivants ainsi que les prix de gros et de detail ont tte analyses dans cette h d e. En outre, l'auteur a entrepris une analyse des prix pour chaque categorie d'animaw – bouvillons A I'engrais. vaches, gtnisses, bouvillons A engraisser et veaux. Le modble explicatif sous-jacent a ttk construit selon I'hypothhe que les prix de gros des veaux et des boeufs s'ktablissaient d'abord sur le march6 de gros. puis les prix des autres animaux vivants et de detail Ctaient ensuite dtduits de ce dernier prix. On a constatt que le prix de gros du boeuf Ctait sensible A toute variation de I'offre (le coefficient ttant & gal A 1,836). Le cas du veau est tout A fait different. Le coefficient de flexibititk pour les prix des bouvillons vivants (A engraisser) par rapport au prix de gros etait tgal A0.925. De la msme facon, les coefficients de flexibilitk du prix des vaches et du prix des gknisses par rapport au prix des bouvillons A l'engrah ttaient respectivement tgaux A 0,923 et 0.846. Ce fait suggbre que le c6ut d'opportunitk des vaches dans le troupeau reproducteur aide A determiner la difference de prix entre les prix des vaches et genisses d'une'part et celui des bouvitlons B l'engrais d'autre part. MalgrC l'inclusion de variables konomiques pertinentes, I'ttude a rtvkle une persistance des fluctuations cycliques.
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