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A transactions data analysis of nonsynchronous trading
Authors:Kadlec, GB   Patterson, DM
Affiliation:Pamplin College of Business, Blacksburg, VA 24060-0221, USA
1 Corresponding author
Abstract:Weekly returns of stock portfolios exhibit substantial autocorrelation.Analytical studies suggest that nonsynchronous trading is capableof explaining from 5% to 65% of the autocorrelation. The varyingimportance of nonsynchronous trading in these studies arisesprimarily from differing assumptions regarding nontrading periodsof stocks. We simulate the effects of nonsynchronous tradingby sampling stock returns from a return generating process usingtransactions data to obtain the precise time of each stock'slast trade. We find that simulated weekly portfolio returnsexhibit autocorrelations that are roughly 25% that of theirobserved (CRSP) weekly returns.
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