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Undiscounted optimal growth with consumable capital and labor-intensive consumption goods
Authors:Sherif Khalifa
  • California State University, Fullerton, USA
  • Abstract:This paper presents a complete characterization of the optimal policy in a two sector undiscounted growth model. The model is an extension of the Leontief two sector model, which analyzes the optimal allocation of capital and labor to a consumption good sector and an investment good sector. The paper extends this framework to include consumable capital. Thus, the planner has preferences over the consumption good and the consumable capital. Future welfare levels are treated equally as current ones. Geometric techniques are applied to characterize the optimal policy if the consumption good is labor-intensive. The results suggest that if the initial capital stock is above a threshold level, that depends upon the consumption of capital, every optimal program is monotonic, converges to the golden rule stock in a finite number of periods, and undergoes either unemployment or excess capacity of capital.
    Keywords:D90   C62   O21
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