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摘    要:在海量的信息数据中,如何才能找到最终的消费者?在庞杂的信息噪音中,如何才能让品牌和消费者对话?营销需要故事,需要品牌,需要广告,需要消费者忠诚度,需要很多很多。如今,营销更需要技术的支撑。广告要精准,要有效果。于是,推荐引擎、搜索引擎优化、点击效果付费、消费者跟踪、客户行为分析等等基于数据的分析工具成了

关 键 词:消费者忠诚度  营销人员  客户行为分析  搜索引擎  品牌  推荐引擎  广告费  信息数据  分析工具  信息技术

Abstract:Marketing requires story, brand, advertisement, customer loyalty, and lots of other things. And nowadays, it needs one more thing: support from technology."People know that half the advertising expenses are spent in vain, and they can never find where the money went." This seems to be the paradox of marketing. As information explodes and ways of communication get more and more complicated, it is becoming extremely difficult to deliver information to the targets rapidly and efficiently, and that is why people are trying to solve this problem through technical means. A n increasingly mature ecosystem has developed in the Internet advertisement field. Data-based analytical tools such as search engine optimization, pay-per-click, customer tracking and user behavior analysis are becoming necessary facilities for marketing, and based on Internet platforms such as Google, Baidu, Amazon and Taobao, many companies are tracking and analyzing customers based on information technologies as well as data mining and analysis, trying to provide better advertising effects for the advertisers. The recent emergence of socia l media platforms has brought new possibilities to marketing; meanwhile, brands are eager to establish closer connections and interactions with their fans and customers. Such communication environment is also driving a deeper evolution in company organization. Data and technolog y have become the mainstream for marketing now. Which links in the traditional marketing system have changed? And which are still influential? Besides, we want to know whether branding has given way to more and more complicated data analysis, and we wonder how the effective interaction with customers will change a company’s brand gene and business mode. It is hoped that this article can answer these questions to some extent.
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