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引用本文:白永秀,王颂吉. 欧债危机的深层次原因分析及其启示[J]. 河北经贸大学学报, 2012, 33(3): 13-14
作者姓名:白永秀  王颂吉
摘    要:万解秋教授认为,欧债危机是金融危机的延续,其背后的根本原因是经济体制和结构的失衡,低效率的经济运行和增长动力的衰退,难以用国家债务来填补,当然也不可能用发行货币来解决,金融危机以及随后的债务危机是这种经济衰退危机的必然表现,而仅仅想通过债务发行和货币投放就能解决问题的想法,是不现实的,它有可能招致更严重的经济衰退和危机,这也是我们现在所应该引以为戒的。白永秀教授认为,欧债危机从深层原因来看,是现代市场经济体制下效率与公平、实体经济与虚拟经济、责任与权利之间矛盾激化的必然产物。钱津研究员认为欧洲债务危机不是市场化的信用危机,而是政府信用的危机。传统的陈旧的货币理论直接导致了经济相对脆弱的一些欧洲国家在遭遇到国际金融危机之后的自家政府财务的危机。从本质上看,欧洲债务危机是一个货币理论亟需转换和推进的问题。余斌研究员则认为,欧债危机不同于不以人的意志为转移的经济危机,它更多地是一场人为的危机。他进一步指出,如果中国大量持有欧债,那么欧盟和德法金融寡头必然会以国际社会的舆论压力如设置人权话题等手段在合适的时机迫使中国同样贬值所持有的欧债,借机掠夺中国人民。

关 键 词:债务危机  金融危机  欧洲联盟  实体经济  虚拟经济

On the Debt Crisis and Financial Crisis
Abstract:The professor Wan jieqiu thought that the Europern debt crisis is the continuation of the financial crisisi,its root cause is the imbalance of the economic system and the structure,the low efficiency economic operation and the decline of the growth power can difficult to be filled by the national debt,of course it also can’t be solved by currency,financial crisis,and the debt crisis is the inevitable expression of this recession crisis.The professor Bai yongxiu considered the debt crisis is the inevitable product of intensifying conflict between efficiency and fairness,entity economy and virtual economy,responsibility and right in a modern market economy system.The researcher Qian jin thinks the European debt crisis is not marketizational credit crisis,but the government credit crisis.The traditional old monetary theory led some European countries with relatively economic weak directly to the government financial crisis after international financial crisis.The researcher Yu bin argues that the debt crisis is different from the economic crisis,it is a artificial crisis.
Keywords:debt crisis  financial crisis  the European Union  entity economy  virtual economy
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