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摘    要:2008年“两会”期间,《国际融资》记者在全国政协委员下榻的京丰宾馆采访了国家开发投资公司总裁王会生,两个小时的采访结束后,记者对国家开发投资公司(以下简称“国投”)、对国投当家人的由衷感慨,可以浓缩为两个沉甸甸的字:“不易”!因为,在国家划转的计划经济时代形成的一大堆资产中创造一流业绩,难!但他们摸石头过河,创造了奇迹。在没有产业优势的背景下拿到一流项目,难!但他们以超常的拼搏,占领了市场。在令人眼红的金融市场中发现机遇不难,抓住机遇实属不易,但他们却赢得了机遇之神的青睐。“二次创业”5年来,国投总资产由2002年的755亿元增长到2007年的1460亿元,增长99%,实现利润从8.6亿元增长到50亿元,增加了480%。国投成功的秘诀在哪儿?实现一流的密钥又是什么?下一个5年,国投的投资目标将对准哪里?且看

关 键 词:国家开发投资公司  全国政协委员  “二次创业”  金融市场  公司总裁  国际融资  经济时代  产业优势

SDIC:the top gather
Abstract:In March ,2008, our reporter interviewed Mr. Wang Huisheng, the president of State Development & Investment Corp.(SDIC) and the member of CPPCC in Beijing. After two hours' conversation, our reporter was deeply impressed by SDIC, which could be described in one word-hard. It's difficult to acquire outstanding achieve- ments on the base of assets from National planned economy, but SDIC did it! It's difficult to obtain excellent projects, but SDIC did it! It's not difficult to find out opportunities in perplexing financial market, but it is really difficult to catch it. However, SDIC did it as well as! During the recent five years, the asset of SDIC rise from RMB 73.3 billion in 2002 to 146 billion in 2007, whose growing rate reached 99%; the interest of SDIC rise from RMB 860 million to 5 billion, whose growing rate reached 480%. What's the secret of SDIC's success? How could it acquire outstanding achievements? Which will be the investing object of SDIC in the next five years? The following will give the answers.
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