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引用本文:杨 照,栾义君. 边疆地区现代农牧业发展战略研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2014, 35(2): 35-39
作者姓名:杨 照  栾义君
作者单位:农业部规划设计研究院 农业发展与投资研究所,北京 100125;农业部规划设计研究院 农业发展与投资研究所,北京 100125
摘    要:我国是世界陆地边界线最长、邻国最多、边界情况最复杂的国家之一。边疆地区的发展关系到国家领土安全、民族团结和睦邻友好、国家生态安全、国家经济安全、对外开发开放等一系列核心利益。农业现代化对改善边民生产生活条件、缩小同内地发展差距、带动边疆工业、贸易、交通运输及社会事业发展,确保边疆长治久安和维护民族团结,具有首要战略意义,是边疆地区发展战略的核心。近年来,边疆地区城镇化进程有所推进,边民生计仍以传统农业为主;农业综合生产能力不断提高,产业发展尚显缓慢;边疆农牧民收入地区差异明显,受国内外资源约束影响显著;边境贸易活动活跃,双边农业合作还较弱势。鉴于边疆地区农牧业的战略地位以及特殊性,边疆现代农牧业发展不能照搬内陆沿海地区的路子。为此,边疆地区现代农牧业发展应与守土戍边、扶贫开发、生态保护、对外开放结合起来,利用国内外两种资源、两个市场,走绿色、生态、安全、适度规模的发展道路。

关 键 词:边疆地区 现代农业 发展战略

Yang Zhao and Luan Yijun. MODERN AGRICULTUR EDEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN BORDER AREAS[J]. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2014, 35(2): 35-39
Authors:Yang Zhao and Luan Yijun
Abstract:China has the longest boundary line,most neighboring countries,and most complex boundary conditions in the world.The development of border areas is related to a series of core interests,such as national territory security,national unity and good neighborly friendship,national ecological security,national economic security,and opening up.Agricultural modernization has important strategic significance in improving people's production and living conditions,narrowing the gap between the inland and border areas,enhancing the development of other industry,trade,transportation and social affairs,ensuring the national stability and national unity.In recent years,the process of urbanization in border areas has been improved,but people's livelihood stillrelies on traditional agriculture;agricultural comprehensive production capacity is continuously increasing,but industrial development is very slow;the income of farmers has different levels in border areas which is significantly affected by local resources constraints;border trade is active,but bilateral agricultural cooperation is still relatively weak.In view of the strategic position and particularity of agriculture,the development of modern agriculture in border areas can not copy the inland or coastal road.The development of modern agriculture in border areas should combine with defending national territories and frontiers,poverty alleviation,ecological protection,opening up,and use the domestic and foreign resources and markets,to take green,ecological,safety,appropriate scale agriculture development path.
Keywords:modern agriculture  border areas  development strategy
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