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引用本文:周 晋. 基于时空数据模型的土地地籍管理研究[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2016, 37(1): 111-114. DOI: 10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20160118
作者姓名:周 晋
摘    要:土地是最基础与最重要的资源与资产,是国家经济政策拟定的依据,是实施规划纲要与落实方针政策的基础。土地是人类生存的基础,而且是不可再生的,只有加大土地管理的力度,高效合理地利用土地,才能实现我国可持续发展的目标。地籍管理是土地管理工作的重点领域,是土地产权得到保障的前提。目前的土地管理集中在对土地产权的管理,土地产权变化会涉及到地理实体时间、空间及属性的变化,时态GIS正好反映了此变化。目前时态GIS的研究集中在对时空数据模型的建构。时空数据模型决定了时态GIS系统的运行效率。无论是国内还是国外均对时空数据模型进行了研究,通过模型的构建的相应地提出了超过20种模型,而在实际的应用中,不同的模型有不同的特点。文章对典型的6种时空数据模型进行了分析,从模型的建模思路出发,分别探讨了模型的适合环境与优缺点,可以为人们在应用时空数据模型进行土地管理时提供帮助,有利于研究者对模型的进一步研究。

关 键 词:土地管理  时空数据模型  地籍管理  时态GIS

Zhou Jin. SPATIOTEMPORAL DATA MODELS IN THE CADASTRAL MANAGEMENT[J]. Journal of China Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2016, 37(1): 111-114. DOI: 10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20160118
Authors:Zhou Jin
Abstract:Land is the most fundamental and important resource and asset, and can help decide the national eco-nomic plan and strategies. It needs to put more emphasis on the land management and effectively utilization because the land is non-renewable resource. Cadastral management is the basis for land management and the precondition of property rights. The current land management is mainly property rights management which is related to the change of time, space and property, and can be reflected by the temporal GIS( TGIS) . The research focus in the TGIS field was spatiotemporal data model which not only determined the flexibility and effectiveness of TGIS system operation, but also influenced and restricted TGIS research and development in other areas. Domestic and foreign scholars had done a lot of researches about spatiotemporal data model and proposed two dozen models, but different models had different characteristics in practical applications. In this paper, six typical spatiotemporal data models were analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each model were discussed. This research can provide sci-entific guidance in the application of Spatiotemporal data model, and a theoretical basis and reference for the ex-pansion of new models.
Keywords:spatiotemporal data model   cadastral management   temporal GIS   cadastre   land management
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